Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 130 - Planned Phase 1 Part 1

"You cannot be serious Mark. That plan is horrible and people would get hurt" Alan was right but it was no longer a 'cannot happen' scenario. It must happen and they had to be careful.

But first, Mark needed to get Alan to a safer space. 

"Not here. Kuro, is anyone listening in?" The inaudible growl Mark felt in his chest meant yes. People were listening in on them and they would go back to report their findings. 

"Fine. But we need to address it all. I'm not opposed to this plan though, just a little worried if it'll come back to bite us later" Thank god Alan caught up quickly. 

Mark was not sure how much he could count on the other to be aware but this was good. This way Mark could fool the others. 

"Let's meet Liam first and then think it over. Knowing him, he must be keeping track of us. It's no use keeping him waiting" That was also a subtle warning for those who had been following them. Mark told them that he knew and he did not appreciate it at all. 

"Alright then, to Liam it is then" there was a certain hesitation behind them which meant that their tail was debating whether to follow them or not. Now it was time for the final nail in the coffin and Alan needed to be the one to do that.

Mainly because Zeno had told Mark clearly that his people would be following him so Mark could not raise a fuss without looking suspicious. The same could not be said for Alan though since he never got a warning.

Also, Alan was a lot younger than Mark and could be excused on account of not knowing better or being aware. While it was out of character for the teen, no one actually would know about it till much later and then it could pass off as an accident.

"Let's go then. However, I have a feeling as if someone is looking at us. Do you think I should ask Liam about it?" the child asked, his eyes softening in his act. 

"I don't think you would need to. Liam is a very perspective person and can sense these things. If someone really had been following you then he would be able to tell" actually, it was information for both sides.

Mark knew that the resistance would take it as a warning he was presenting and not as a threat it actually was. That was the good thing about having the other side's confidence - you could get away with much more than normal.

And truly, the presence disappeared as soon as those words were uttered. This would be reported back to Zeno and the others soon.

"Finally, they left us alone" yeah they finally did which was a relief. Otherwise, Mark would have to go and beat the heck out of those people.

"For now. But we will need to plant those bombs eventually. The best we can do is to tell Liam and have him plan an escape. He would understand why it is needed" of course the other would. This event could not be stopped in any way.

During the whole way, people greeted Alan and Mark. Kuro just rested in Mark's arm, her body staying contented. However, people seemed not that scared of her now. Maybe they were adapting to this new reality.

"-can't be happening. The main base? I understand. How long?.....You didn't think to tell me at all? Fine, I will try to finish it as soon as the rebellion. Yes, it will be done" Liam was on the phone, his face pinched into an annoyed expression.

That changed as soon as he saw Mark and Liam though and then he schooled his face into the same calm and impassive mask.

"Mark, Alan and Kuro, you are late" the scolding tone clearly indicated that he had expected them to come long before they did. Mark had forgotten to pass on the message but surely Luna had.

"So, you had a talk with them? What did they say?" that voice was also very familiar to Mark and he wondered what he was doing here.

"Wonderful to see you too En. I will tell you the field report in just a minute. Let me talk it out with Mark first" Mark's first friend turned toward him with a shallow smile that did not reach his eyes. En looked a little tired and drawn out.

"Wow, you look like shit. Tough night?" Alan asked the soldier who looked to be on the verge of falling asleep. The other nodded in agreement.

"I'm just so tired all the time. Do you remember my little charge? She took a turn for the worse and now her guardian is kicking up a fuss to gather material for her cure. I don't have a moment of time to relax and now this resistance. I knew this was coming but this is exhausting" the other sounded almost defeated.

"Try keeping this base running. If it is not this problem then there is that. At least you only have one charge to take care of" in retrospect, Mark thought he had it pretty good. He was not this stressed and while the physical strain was there, it was never this bad.

Then again, Mark had an actual support system present unlike these two. Most people did not even know the real them and those who did had other priorities. 

"Sorry. Mark, your report?" Liam asked, finally coming back to his senses. En's eyes also cleared at his name and they became attentive. 

"Right, it is not good news but it is not bad too. The resistance is finally ready to make its move and blow up the first spot. Alan had been given this task. You heard from Luna about our plan's modifications right?" The commander nodded.

He had heard and he agreed. This was like killing two birds with one stone. He would get both instabilities out of the way at once and not have to worry about it for a long time.

"You have the details? The positions and such of those bombs were not disclosed yet so there is no info to go on. But you have an idea where those bombs could be panted so make two to three plans based on it" Liam did know where those bombs could go.

And also how to get around them. He had calculated the odds in his free time but he did not have the time to actually test that theory out.

"Is this another problematic thing I need to not worry about? I will take my leave then" clearly, En was uncomfortable standing where he was. Their every interaction ended this way so Mark had almost given up anyway.

"Given them a call if you want to know more. The higher-ups refused to tell me everything but they might change their mind if they hear from you" Mark was not sure what that statement was about but it caused En to go tense and his face darkened.

"Yeah sure. This would not have happened if they cared enough anyway" Now it was Liam's time to frown in a little anger.

"This happened exactly because they cared about you and your stupid feelings. Remember that it was not me or the others who caused it all, it was you and your desire that made us divert this time. You -" Liam stooped, realising that he had said enough.

Both men turned their faces away from each other. Finally, En left the room without having a look back and Liam sagged into his chair in defeat.

"That guy. Who does he think he is? Why did he have to come with us?" his complaints did not make any sense to Mark or to Alan. Liam was whispering to himself all this time but then he finally faced Mark and Alan.

"So, any news you want to share with me? Anything else that might help?" yes, Mark in fact did have excellent news.

"The vials, you remember them? I think they will be completed after the bombing of this place. It is something that was in the recorded archives that recently opened in the system and I had a thorough readthrough. We also have new samples to go through" the other looked happy but not that surprised at the news.

"So Rika made progress? Finally, it is about to happen and on time as well" this was a big concern of them all - things not happening on time. Since everything was happening faster, the vials were a crucial step they were concerned about.

But now they could put one worry out of the way. Then the phone in Liam's hand vibrated and he had to excuse himself to take that call. 

Mark and Alan made their escape in the meantime, not wanting to spend any more time there at all. Thye had informed Liam of this problem so he would be able to solve it on his own now. Their role was over now.

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