Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 134 - Decisions Made

"Just let it go. Either we will reconcile tomorrow or we never will. Anyway, it should not affect you or your relationships with anyone" The kid was his own person with his own charms. He deserved better than Mark and his fuck-ups.

But as long as the kid was willing to settle down and stay with him and Kuro, Mark would take him.

"Still, the second you both get into emotional territory, I am out of there" but the kid was also a pain in the ass and Mark really wanted to teach him a lesson as well.

"I'm happy that you could make it here. But does the kid really have to glare at me like this?" En was feeling uncomfortable with the glare aimed his way. He had expected Mark to bring someone with him and he had expected it to be Alan but he had not expected this hostility from the other.

"Sorry, even I did not expect him to behave like this at all. I will make sure he understands that this is not how he can behave in the future" Mark felt the oncoming headache at the child's behaviour. 

He was not saying anything but he did not need to say anything in order to get his point across. Mark was sure that En already got the point.

"En, this better be important. I am not waste my time with you over trivial things so please be quick" the other nodded and led Mark behind him.

For a few seconds, all Mark felt was confusion as they were lead inside deeper into the base. He had expected the other to bring them outside but he the other had decided on something different for them to do.

He lead them to the giant machine right in the middle of the room with all the fancy stuff attached to it. Mark took it in and observed it for a change.

"This is the base computer. I thought Liam was having it packed to be transported to the new base" of course, since Liam knew about the rebellion that was the one thing he had to take with him.

This was the biggest stabiliser they had and one of the only ways to connect with the outside world.

"He is going to but I asked him not to today. I just wanted to show you first, the reason I decide to fight so hard in this war. The reason I felt justified in deceiving you. I did not feel good about it but I had my own reasons" 

If Mark was honest with himself, he did not want to know the reason the other felt justified to lead him on. He would rather keep his anger inside him and let it boil down and make him angry. He wanted to hold onto the anger.

But he also knew this was what the others needed to make peace with himself and the events that were happening. Mark could somehow feel the other's hesitation at the topic and he wanted him to be alright.

Not only for his won self but for the base as well. He wanted the other to be aware of himself as well as his impact on everyone.

"Alright then. Show me what you need to" the engine in the centre of the room blazed with warm energy. It blazed with a warmth that called out to Mark just as it had on the first day.

The difference was, this time Mark kept his hands to himself. He still felt the overwhelming feeling of his first encounter and he did not want a repeat right now. He would rather keep himself concentrated right now.

The cylindrical part of the tube presented static and then settled down into a cityscape.

However, his one seemed to be out of a sci-fi movie or a futuristic game. The buildings were tall and metallic, the whole landscape dominated by the greys and silvers of the metal. There was no way this was healthy at all and there seemed to be an air of depression.

Mark also thought he saw a reflective glass when the camera panned to the sky but that must be his own mind playing tricks on him. There was no way someone could live in a glass-dome like space.

The scape was also dominated by technology he had never seen before and it seemed not even possible to achieve. Rather than his own world, the other one looked more like a video game to him.

"That is our home, sweet sweet home. The condition of earth is not that great unfortunately and we are rather dependent on computers for our survival but it is what it is" it panned out to the outside barren land and in the distance, another dome could be seen.

However, instead of being a grey concrete-filled one, the other one was dominated by shades of blue and green and also looked much larger than the first one.

"Does everyone live in such confided spaces? How do you even survive? What about your family? Anyone special you got there?" Mark asked to make small talk. He was not sure what else he could ask.

Actually, he had a lot of thighs he could ask but nothing felt safe to ask his friend. What if he stepped on a landmine and the other got angry with him? They were trying to reconcile, not break apart even more.

"You can be frank and ask about that world. Let's just say humans went too far in their race for evolution and now they are suffering the consequences. And not everyone lived in the same space, just 90% of the world population. The wealthy still have their own space. I heard that Liam is also from the green dome, not that I had ever been there before" The green dome?

The palace that was filled with the greenery and actually looked livable?

"So, why did you show me this?" Mark felt like he could have lived on not knowing this. It did nothing to change his resolve or the things between them.

"I guess not. You know, I have a family there. I sick sister and a mother. Dad died long ago due to lung disease and my sister also developed one. So when one day a worker came to recruit me for a project and offered better living conditions, I agreed. I just never thought I would get attached at all" so this was a sympathy fest?

Mark did feel bad for the other but he did not see where it was his problem.

"I would not ask you to forgive me if you really cannot but please do understand me. They are the only family I have had for a long time and I refused to choose between you and them. Somehow we ended up like this" so this was a guilt trip then?

"Look, En, I get it and I understand. I will forgive you if this is what you are looking for but please stop feeling sorry for yourself" Mark could not help but snap at the other. 

The other had made a decision so he should learn to live with it as well. Why drag Mark into it now to make him care all about it.

"You see, I don't think I have much time left here. The higher-ups have decided to terminate my vessel in this world and I'm not sure if I would be able to come back. So, I guess I do not want this regret to weigh over me once I go" Mark felt both hot and cold.

He did get what the other was saying but he did not want to believe him. Even after everything that had happened, he did not want to believe that En would be gone from his life.

"You are joking, right? What about your charge? This mission? Your post?" Mark shook the other but he was the one who felt shaken the most.

Would he be alone now?

"Well, you have people with you now so you will be alright. To be honest, you were the one I was worried about the most but now I am not. You will be alright" Mark felt the tears build up in his eyes but he had to control them.

He could not let them fall. He had to be stronger than this.

"I guess you have made up your mind then?" Mark asked, still not able to accept it at all. The other would be gone? Just like that?

"To be honest, I have still not accepted it myself but I cannot stop it from happening ether. This is what is set to happen and I don't want to fight it. It would be nice to be able to see my family again after this long" of course it would. Mark knew how much the other missed his family.

It would be good for the others Mark would let him go.

But he would also cherish his memories with the other a lot. No matter what had happened, En was still his best friend.

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