Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 135 - Unresolved Sorrows Part 2

"To be honest, I have still not accepted it myself but I cannot stop it from happening either. This is what is set to happen and I don't want to fight it. It would be nice to be able to see my family again after this long" of course it would. Mark knew how much the other missed his family.

It would be good for the others Mark would let him go.

But he would also cherish his memories with the other a lot. No matter what had happened, En was still his best friend.

The talk had certainly been enlightening but it had not changed anything significant between the pair. However, Mark did feel like he knew En a little better. The rest of the day was spent in the quiet company doing exercises and friendly matches.

There it was when Mark actually felt how big of a difference there was still between him and En who had been trained for such kind of thing. There might also be some manipulation involved if Mark read between the words which he was not going to.

This had been the most relaxing day Mark had till now and it did wonders for his brain. It felt refreshed and ready to take on the world in a new way.

Then it ended and Mark got a new message on his system storage.


World quest unlocked: Criterion reached 

Quest name: The rebellion 

The tensions have been building up for a long time and it is time for it all to erupt. However, only one side could emerge victoriously and gain control of the resources. 

Part 1 - Help the rebellion make the final preparations before the actual start of the rebellion. (Completed)

Reward: Access to part 2, important materials, Vial material of your choice (Have 2/3) 


Part 2 - Head back to the base and make sure the vile is completed on time. 

Part 3 and above - still to unlock. Finish part one for further instructions.

Perimeters: The vile plays an important part in the future. Make sure only the chosen ones get vile into their veins.

Reward: Access to part 3. Monster material

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It was time to pay Rika a visit now. She was the only one who knew the secrets behind the progress and she had shut herself inside her lab for quite some time now. No one was allowed to interfere with her work.

"Alan, can you hear her inside her lab?" this was the first time the teen had been down here and he looked a little overwhelmed.

Mark knew exactly how he felt since he also had to take some time to adjust and remember that something like this was built beneath their base. Normally, people would not be told that this place existed but Rika trusted them and Mark already knew.

"I should be able to. Let me try" the teen concentrated to listen in on the other side but he could not hear anything. Much to his surprise, the walls blocked any attempt he made to listen through it.

It had yet to happen which made his surprise all the more real.

"I cannot. Something is blocking any sound from reaching my ears and it is no sound-absorbing material. It feels like there is no vibration at all, a vacuum in between would be a plausible choice" it would be if the walls were thick enough but from their thickness, they felt like ordinary aluminium walls.

There was no separation between different planks which made it all the more interesting. But Mark was not here for the architecture in's and out's of this place. He was here for the vile.

"So, how is it going Rika? Any progress?" Mark asked the female who jumped at his voice. She had likely not heard his footsteps, too busy in observing her sample. Her hair was out of her customary bun and was falling onto her face now.

"You scared me. Can you not make some noise when you approach me? Anyway, the vial is coming along fine, good, fantastic if only it stopped being such a big bitch" the lack of sleep was catching up with her.

She had tried every known material to find something compatible but had failed time and time again. She was running out of material at this rate and the end seemed nowhere in sight at all.

"I still have some material you can try with. I also found a formula in the secret base of before. Would you like to try it out?" Mark had not found any secret formula but his system had been kind enough to provide him with a list of vial's ingredients.

He could pass it onto Rika and have her deal with it all.

"At this rate, I'll take any false hope I can get. I don't suppose you have the materials to go along with this, do you?" Rika jested but she found the materials laid out on the desk the very next second.

"Why do you have all this? Let me guess, the same secret base? I don't want to know anymore. Just give me some time to check things out" Mark did not obstruct her work as the female dashed around the place. 

He let her do her thing and he knew she had it the second his system gave a confirmation.

"Are you going to try it out on human specimen? I can volunteer if you like" not that it would have any effect on Alan but the sentimental was really good.

However, the female had other ideas for it. Her frown told Mark that she did not approve of the small joke they had tried to crack.

"No thanks, we only have so little of it. And it could rill have flaws or side effects. It matches my initial design but the variations needed to be tested out. I will apply for volunteers and then we shall see" not to mention, there were only so many people they could give it to.

The joy of having the vial did not reach Mark right now due to his own situation.

Since this part was over, it was time for the real rebellion to start. The boss from the other base would be here any time to discuss the food shortage situation and among other things. One field had already been secured by Luna's team but too much work was needed still.

Mainly, the actual condition of maintenance that needed to be regulated and needed people over for. This was going to be a joint effort but Mark did not know which other base was going to participate.

Not his problem anyway and now he needed to go back.


We are ready for the second part of the mission now. I will send you the details tomorrow.


If Zeno was sending him this message then that meant the other base leader had arrived in their base. Mark itched to know who it could be but he was not sure he wanted to know either.

Having personal bonds would make it all much more complicated than it needed to be.

"So, would this be our goodbye for the time being?" Rika asked in her tired tone. She was looking at Mark like she just knew what was going to happen. Was it some kind of sixth sense woman had? Or was Mark that transparent?

At his side, Alan passed him a sorry glance and Mark knew who the real culprit was. Alan had told Rika something and she had taken it to heart.

"I'll do what needs to be done just like you would do what you need to do. Goodbyes are not eternal till we die for real which I am not planning to" the female did not reply, likely too tired to argue or make sense of things.

Mark also did not give her a chance to recover. He left the place just as soon as he had entered. 

It all felt far too fast for him, the small interactions, brief meetups which did not lead to anything but that was his life now - fast-paced and flitting. 

"Are you not going to clarify to Rika about the rebellion?" Alan asked, hoping that Mark would finally talk to the female. He did not want to be hated and he knew the other would oblige should she be told about it all.

"No, we should not. We cannot risk Rika making up her mind to stay with us" that was not the real reason but that was the best reason Mark could give the other. Alan did not question and Mark did not clarify to the other what he wanted to.

And so the day turned without any noise or commotion. It was the long-awaited day, the start of the rebellion in full force that would finally turn over the leadership of this base.

Unknown to everyone, every main component had already been shifted to a new base. Everything except the main energy source.

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