Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 136 - The Second Plan Part 1

And so the day turned without any noise or commotion. It was the long-awaited day, the start of the rebellion in full force that would finally turn over the leadership of this base.

Unknown to everyone, every main component had already been shifted to a new base. Everything except the main energy source.

The base was buzzing with excitement and it could not be escaped no matter where Mark ended up at. Everyone felt like they were keeping a unified secret they could not tell anyone about.

As for Mark? He was called in as soon as the message for the next part of the rebellion quest had come through. He was still not aware of the specifications but he could feel it coming as well.

Alan was feeling the restlessness as well and the energy of the people around them. 

But for Mark, it was much more than the normal response. He was beginning to feel the threats of energy in humans as well. Especially in the parts dominated by the rebellion which worried him.

Was it a change in him or the humans as a whole? The people in the rebellion had started to feel like that invisible girl he had seen long ago with Zeno. Mark had not seen her since and he feared what had happened to her.

But once she was gone there were more people who felt not human. They were not Zeno or Shiro's level of weird yet but they still had some irregularities to them. That was what worried Mark a lot.

He had a feeling he was not meant to know all this but he was sure that these people were no longer fully human in nature. 

But the rebellion was not the only place where this change could be felt. He could feel it into the normal base as well, the threats starting to take root. It felt as if the human race had started to evolve as a whole which was only visible to him.

"Mark, meet Himeko the leader of the navel base-2. Himeko, Mark as you already know" the female commander was the one who met him but unlike before she looked visibly pained to see him.

Well, it was a given with what had happened at her base. 

"It's nice to see you again Mark and I love to invite you over to our base again but I don't think it's such a good idea with the shortage of food and all that" she did not say the real reason but she did not have to.

He could read between her lines for more information.

"Is she the only one who came here?" I'm happy to see you as well but even I wish the circumstances were different than this. However, I do have good news for you as well - Rika is finished with the research she was talking about before. She will likely also present it today in front of you all" Rika had prepared too much for today.

"I see. I will look forward to her presentation then" the female left the other two males with each other. Her face looked tense even as she left them with each other. It also seemed like she had come alone and in a hurry.

"She is not the only one here but she seems the tensest. The condition at her base is not that good and the current food shortage just highlights it all. Well, would you like to join us inside? I'm sure no one would mind your presence" it meant that Luna was there as well and Liam had told everyone about Mark.

Well, it worked alright for Mark since he did want to be a part of it all. It would be an interesting find as well.

Walking inside it was clear that not everyone had been able to make it. There were too many empty chairs in the soon clearly intended for someone to sit into. It made Mark wonder what happened to them but he was also afraid to ask that question.

"Welcome everyone. I'm ready to present when you all are" Rika's segment was held first to get it out of the way but Mark would be the first one to admit that he found this the most fascinating thing that would happen there. He had no interest in any of the other development and he would get a rundown of them later as well.

"The mystery behind these monsters is no longer a mystery but one that is solved with the help of science and cooperation. These monsters are mutated versions of our beloved animals. The reason for this mutation is unknown but now we know the gene responsible for this mutation" Rika paused there, allowing everyone to take in her words.

"So they are normal animal's who evolved?" Himiko asked, her tired voice cutting across the silence.

"Fundamentally they are different species altogether but in spirit - yes. They are still animals to an extent. And you know who else had this gene? Humans do but it does not affect us as it does to the animals due to our higher brain function. Now then I will come to the important part" everyone seemed to be leaning in to listen to her words.

There was a feeling of anticipation in the air that was difficult to falsify. Everyone knew what would come next but no one wanted to get their hopes up.

"I have recently figured a way to make this gene receptive. I am confident that it would bring us on the same scale as those monsters but I have not started to experiment yet with human lives. If successful, it can help us turn the function of the gene on and off at will" the tension broke with the smiles.

Luna was also giving the female a nod of approval but Mark felt worried. Well, he knew this was a video game universe so the vial was unlikely to make things difficult but he knew the result of wrong medicine expression and he did not want people to experience that.

"Don't worry so much, it works and you know it. As a guarantee, I'll even volunteer to take it first" Luan reassured having guessed by his expression what he was thinking.

"That being said, there are only 6 vials available in the final form. It is based on a long-forgotten formula that was scrapped over and over but I am confident this time. I need volunteers for this to work" no one came forward since no one wanted to risk their lives.

But Luna stepped forward and the tense silence broke. No one had to protest since they know the result anyway.

And those who did not know the result did not care much. They wanted this to be a success and the sacrifice did not matter. Rika took Luna with him and Mark stayed behind. The meeting was far from over and now was the important part of it all.

"So, now that it is out of the way I have to ask - did you find another food source? Our base would need to shift soon and this place would have to be left behind" Liam asked the other leaders who snapped into attention.

"I have found another but it is barely enough to cover us. We hope to clear enough forest to make way for more farmland and-" the next hour was spend exchanging locations and to make places for future. 

Mark listened with rapt attention, his eyes looking at every detail carefully. He did not participate or contribute in any way, his presence as a shadow in the background but he did note down the conversation for future usage.

His system dinged with a message from Zeno and he discreetly looked at it.


We need you to take one of those important people as hostages. Don't worry, the other person is our mole as well and will cooperate. Look for the one with the creepy smile and you shall find them.


Mark looked up and his eyes met with a familiar pair who looked at him in amusement. The moment their eyes met, Mark felt himself jerk into a surprised daze.

How had he missed such a big surprise in the commotion? And why did this pair seemed to pop all over the place?

The small wave did not help him feel any better at all and Mark wondered which deity he had offended to be saddled with this fate at all.

Right in front of him sat a pair he had not expected to see anytime soon - Fidi and Vodi. In retrospect, he should have expected that to happen but it still took Mark by surprise.


Why are you both everywhere I go? Are you keeping tabs on me with your creepy and weird senses?


Fidi made an offended expression at his words but did not reply. It looked like Mark would have to take initiative to kidnap the other to get an answer out of him.

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