Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 141 - Unsaid Goodbyes Part 1

Well, another one? I was not aware that resistance had another one of you? You were not here last time, were you?" Fidi asked with interest and Shiro turned toward him. Her dead eyes show with interest now and there was also a crackling noise in her laugh.

"Well, I guess" Well, another one? I was not aware that resistance had another one of you? You were not here last time, were you?" Fidi asked with interest and Shiro turned toward him. Her dead eyes show with interest now and there was also a crackling noise in her laugh.

"Well, I guess" 

Shiro was another experience in Mark's mind. Her presence had always struck him as odd in both appearance and aura. And also her timing, it had been odd as well. 

One day she felt as if her presence was there inside the base and the very next day she seemed to disappear completely. Still, she was not someone Mark would say had been maleficent in the least. For him, her case had almost been the opposite of maleficent in fact. 

Still, there was no denying who the current culprit was. It had to be Shiro with her dead eyes and even worse expressions. She screamed murder and death, even smelled like it. 

"Shiro, what are you doing? This is not right and you should stop and think over what you are doing once more" The female glanced at Mark only briefly and her lips were pulled up in a mocking smile. She was enjoying this? 

"Not right? Think it over again? Why should I care when these people did not care when my family died. They were happy even, using them as guinea pigs to further their agenda. Tell me, why should I forgive them and forget like it never happened" The female was livid now, her eyes screaming murder. The more Mark looked, the worse his expression got.

The female was vengeful and there was no talking to her at all. She was not willing to listen and her expression spoke of assurance and confidence in herself. Whatever this girl was speaking, she clearly believed it down to her core. 

"Boo-hoo, you got a bad experience and now you want to take it out on the people who did this to you. News flash, you are not the only victim here and you even got innocent people involved in all this. So really, you are the villain here" Fidi was taunting the female. Her aura screamed strength but of a vulnerable kind. 

If it came down to a fight then he was sure he could take on the female without any problem but he wanted to avoid a fight for as long as possible. The ruthlessness of the female will not make her hesitate to sacrifice someone else, someone innocent if it meant victory. 

"Even if I was not the only victim doesn't mean I cannot look for retribution on my own behalf. I was just a normal human but *you*, you made me into this. You dragged yourself into things you did not need to and now I can't escape this fate. You separated our family and killed my siblings all in the name of science" Was Shiro talking about her monster siblings or human ones? 

Mark had killed far too many monsters to even have a clue about this whole mess but if it was human there was a narrower pool of selection. The female had also called out 'sibling's instead of the singular term which Mark did not think was a mistake on her part. 

And suddenly he knew. He knew who the female was even when he did not know her name at all. He knew what was going on, at least with this female and his insides turned cold at the discovery. He had never thought he would ever face this situation in his life. He had to face this female. 

But hadn't Mark handed her over to the base authorities? What were they doing letting her go and become half a monster? And her appearance, she had been tampered with. They had agreed to leave her alone, right? Mark had trusted them to look after her and maybe that had been a mistake on his part as well but she had hated him and would not have changed. 

Was that what this was about? A revenge plan? A story to get back at him because she had not been able to originally? If so then she certainly knew how to get on Mark's nerves at least. 

"Well, you're lost then. I will enjoy having this tango with you at least. Say bye-bye to your life" To give her the credit, the female did not look intimidated by Fidi at all. His aura seemed not to affect her at first glance but there was a slight tremble to her steps now. 

"This is my retribution and y-you shall bore witness to it" The female braced herself for the impact and her power gathered. There was a sizzling noise all around them and the light of trump shone in the female's eyes. She had just done something. 

The clash was a heavy hit on both sides, both Fidi and Shiro being blown back by the force of the collision. But something had been tipped over by the power and now there was a weird and tingling feeling all over Mark. it felt gross and invading which was never a good sign.

"Fidi, we might need to finish this soon. There is a weird feeling in the air" before Mark coils say anything else, more people entered the base and attacked Mark. he had to be careful to not hurt those poor souls which took a little more time than he would have liked honestly. 

They were normal humans when compared to him and they broke easily as well. Mark had to be careful to not permanently damage them at this point.

"Shiro, let these humans go. They did nothing wrong" Mark tried again but his voice just reached Shiro and did not register to her. She was using these humans as fodder against Fidi's whip but they were bound to run out soon.

That and these poor people were bound to die as bait. No one deserved that fate, no one.

"Did nothing wrong? They contributed to my suffering by just existing. Had they not existed then there would have been no drug and my sister would not have been killed. They reap what they sow" which was not what Mark was saying. How did this girl twist his words into such bullshit?

"Don't be delusional. No one owns anything in this world. All actions come down to oneself and are independent of each other. What happened to you was the individual will of those people, not a communal decree. You are acting just like a kid" Fidi continued. 

There was a clash of ideals in-between those people.

"Individual will, huh? Then humanity doesn't deserve to have a will. I will take it all away and make them follow my will. That way they cannot screw me over anymore" how selfish of Shiro to think like this but she was determined.

"Ok, then why don't you show me how dominant your will is?" Fidi took the other's attack without any sweat. The longer this went on, the more he adapted to the other's attack which was horrifying but also good to see when the other was on his side.

The female knew as well that she was not going to win but instead of getting worried her face broken out into a small smile.

"Well, you all are too late anyway. We were not bluffing when we said that there going to be more casualties. There are more bombs hidden in place here and soon the whole place shall fall to us. You might have escaped my clutched Mark but not everyone will. This base is bound to fall to my will, even you and Zeno will" that was not good news.

There were more of those things? Would killing Shiro solve everything then? It did not look like that at all to Mark though.

"Fidi, hurry up" the other was trying but and Mark could see that as well but he wanted the other to hurry up. Worry was eating him up from inside and no one else knew the danger they were in either.

In his worry, Mark did not notice the attack on his person by the nearest hoard and they jumped his bone. By the time Mark turned toward them it seemed to be too late for him. The hoard was inches away from his person and he was not that fast.

He branched himself for the impact because it was going to hurt a lot when they finally crashed into him and it would not be pretty as well.

He had a hand on his arm and then he was being pulled in a direction with a vicious jerk. Mark's eyes opened wide in horror as that happened to him.

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