Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 142 - Unsaid Goodbyes Part 2

He branched himself for the impact because it was going to hurt a lot when they finally crashed into him and it would not be pretty as well.

He had a hand on his arm and then he was being pulled in a direction with a vicious jerk. Mark's eyes opened wide in horror as that happened to him.

The long-anticipated blow did not fall on Mark's person and it left everyone confused. In the mass of the people who littered every direction of the hall, one could not tell who was where. All the while, the bomb's time limit shifted into an urgent phase.

"What are you doing, you idiot? Do you want to get killed? Learn to keep yourself safe at least" the saviour of Mark was someone he had known for quite a while but he could not find any reason why the other would be here right now.

"En? What are you doing here? And I had things handled here so you need not to worry" there was a scoff of disbelief which Mark ignored in favour of more pressing matters. Namely, the gunshot being fired his way.

Now that he was out of the shock he had been in, he could see it all more clearly and it helped his reflexes as well. He dodged the bullets like he had been doing it all this time. 

As for En? He likely had a bulletproof vest underneath because he took the bullet but there was no change in expression or bleeding scent to him. He must have been prepared for such a confrontation and Mark was glad for it.

"The base is under lockdown currently and every available official was called in to help extract the council. Not that it helps much when more than half of the base is out of their goddamn mind. Is this resistance doing?" Well, wasn't this the thousand dollar question?

Mark could not think of any good reason the normal resistance members would have approved of this plan. More so for the fact that it could be used against them in the future should Shiro change her mind?

But then again, Shiro might not even have told them the whole thing and only given what she believed was necessary.

And believe Mark when he said that Mind control was as far from necessary detail as it could get in a situation where you aim to reveal the bare minimum.

"I don't currently know how much they did or did not know but there are more bombs in here ready to explode at any given second and take away what is left of this place. Fidi is engaged with Shiro but it is wasting time" Mark could not see the other two right now but they must be there.

There was a subtle smell of smoke and Mark was sure a pipe or two must have ruptured in this struggle. Now there was the risk of dying from suffocation as well.

"Is it the same bomb?" Mark gave the other a nod at the question. It was likely the same bomb or at least a modified version of the same thing.

"Get everyone to be on the lookout. We need to find them if we hope to get this mess under our control" and it was a mess. At least this part was, with the people becoming zombies and all that.

"Got it. Then I will clear a path for you to leave this place. Go and assist the search" Mark turned toward the other with a horrified look on his face. He couldn't believe the thing that had come out of the other's mouth.

"Are you serious? I cannot leave this mess alone. And what about you? How will you handle all this?" En could not be serious at all. Was the other suicidal? Or did he have a plan in mind?

For En it was amusing to see his friend in such a condition. He could hear the clogs moving through the other's mind and he could almost hear the unspoken questions as well. He knew Mark was stubborn so he had to play his cards right.

After all, he did not want the other to be here for the next part. It would break him bad and if En could let the other escape that fate then he would.

"Oh, I'm serious alright. You are the only one here who had actually seen those bombs and held them. It will be better for everyone if you assist in the search. I will be alright here and even look for an escape route myself" the other still did not look concerned but En had an idea.

The shove was purposeful, to the outside of the circle and a few gunshots made those zombies focus on him rather than Mark.

"Make sure you stay safe and do your job properly. If not then I will haunt you forever" En said it in a joking manner to make light of the situation but he was not really joking either. 

The other might not know it but En did have the ability to stalk the other in the real world through Luna's progress. His presence though, it would not be felt here at all.

This was likely his last stand and it's not like he would die for real even if his current body died. He would just not be able to see anyone here again. And it sucked because he had formed bonds he should not have.

"Alright, who's next?" The taunt was useless on these zombies who had limited brain function but it made En feel better so he did it anyway. Zombies attacked anyway, their claws ready to tear En out but he was ready.

It was easy to dodge their attack since it was slow. The only problem was those who had a gun or other types of weapons. But since Mark was gone En could actually finish these people without any hesitation.

He had no problem ending human life, not to mention artificial. These people? They did not exist anywhere so it was not really murdering if he ended their code as well. The headquarters had asked him to eliminate as many as he could and even send them a sample.

"What's this? I finally shook off that irritating man only to see another harming my poor puppets. Who are you human?" a white figure with purple eyes rose up. Her body was vaguely female but her form was not human at all.

She reminded En of the female specimen that had been brought in so long ago and it made him shudder. To think that a human could become this was horrifying but also very real to him right now.

"My name doesn't matter to you. Did you do all this, you monster? What do you get from helping the resistance" the female crooked her head to one side and looked at En with an empty smile

"Reason? I don't need a reason any longer. This is revenge for all you people did to me and my family. My flames will not be blown out till the world remains standing. Humans will be first and then those monsters. You are all horrible anyway" the female was getting unstable, her eyes having the crazed look which En did not like.

Still, he couldn't allow this to continue. As soon as the female had entered the zombies had fixed their attention on her but they did not attack her. They just observed her in that creepy manner.

"Sorry, then I cannot allow you to go any further. You see, someone rather important to me lived here and it would be a tragedy if you managed to harm him" En's voice came out confident but he did not feel the confidence inside himself.

Actually, he could start to feel the threat of fear and concern inside him and a foreign feeling as well. It was a small burning feeling that was developing inside him and En could not help but feel really warm.

"Let the weapon go" the female's commanding voice echoed inside En's mind and much to his horror, he actually followed it. The weapon was dropped as if it was too hot for him to hold. The horror in his eyes could not be stopped.

"I know you now officer En. not everything since there is a block there but enough to know you will be useful to me in my revenge plot. Mark needs to learn his place and you should be the one to finish him off" the female was almost touching him and the touch felt disgusting to him.

Not only was the other not a human but also had him under control of her powers. That was not something En was into and he had a fiance anyway. He did not need another to touch him in that way.

"You wanna use me? Try me bitch" for the first time such a curse for a female escaped his mouth.

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