Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 158 - Mysterious Circumstances Part 1

The female had acted far too fast for anyone to recognise what she had been about to do, especially for Mark who was the most human out of everyone present. He did see her hand dash out but he was too late to make it work in his favour.

The female yanked her target without looking back and left the group behind her in a cloud of disbelief.

"M-Miss?" Yun questioned as he saw the other fellow away with the wrong person, his expression falling hard. Mark saw the moment it registered that he had been left behind by his friend in the enemy formation and his eyes looked haunted at the knowledge.

Even the kid knew it was all an accident, him being left behind and Alan being taken. But knowing and accepting this were two different breeds of strength to be had and the kid lacked the latter one. Mark could tell that he was a kid at heart still, too young for this situation.

But as bad as Mark felt for the other, he could not allow him to get away with things just like that. He had to be firm in his decisions and he had to take a stand as well in such a situation. He needed to show the kid that he was in charge..

But he did not need to because there was someone else much suited for that role. And a click of the gun was all it needed to make Yun yelp out in fright.

"Where is your partner taking my brother?" the safety on Luna's gun was off, his hands ready on the trigger to pull and end the other's life should he make any weird moments. Mark honestly felt sorry for the kid, his face red with fright as he looked at Luna with a kicked-puppy expression.

Which was entirely useless on someone as battle-hardened as Luna had become. The other needed to quiet while he was still ahead or he would just agitate Luna into shooting him for real. The other was holding back for now since he needs information about his brother, Mark could see that clearly but the kid could not.

"I d-don't know where m-miss could take h-him. S-She can't take h-him back to the h-home b-base since he's n-not a d-divi-" the kid stopped there, his expression turning sour at the thing he was remembering and Mark knew exactly what it could be that was troubling this kid.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your partner will come back for you. We are counting on her to come back for you or we will deliver you to your home base ourselves. Does that seem alright to you?" Luna gave him a weird look at first but caught onto it.

The kid seemed entirely native, something Mark was loathed to take advantage of but he was not above doing so either. He knew the other was confused for now but he was a goldmine of information and he could also get them close enough to retrieve Alan without harm.

But to do that they needed for the kid to trust them. If anything, this kid was a future neutral party in making so if they could keep it to that, they were golden. 

"You really will? Thank you! I knew I misunderstood you Mr Mark since Mr Fidi likes to talk about you all the time. Miss says not to believe what Mister Fidi says but his talks are the most interesting things" the kid looked wistful and Mark felt bad for the kid. To be deprived so far off to enjoy Fidi's talks, how pathetic was his condition?

"You know our name? How do you know them?" and the paranoia was back in Luna's body language, his body tense and ready to take action at any given second. He had likely just accepted that they needed the kid's help but had not yet let his guard down in front of the other.

He likely never will as well.

"Oh, that? We have files on all of you, those from the inside and outside as well. Miss says it's important to know everything and our master agrees as well. But even among us you ae special cases so everyone is advised to read your files. No, that most care to" that explains things a little.

But it was conceding to know that the enemy had their files and knew so much information. How far did the information in their files go? How many people knew the truth of this world? And what was the connection between them, their master and the virus that affected this world? 

These were all big questions without any answers in sight. But they had to tackle one problem at a time and the first on the agenda was to retrieve Alan and then think about everything else.

"We need to lay down low for now. We cannot allow others to have an advantage over us so early on. Knowing Alan, he might have taken actions action already, so we need to do our part as well. Should I inform Liam about this development?" Did Liam know of this development?

If he did then he would have a lot of explanation to do and if not, then there was a bigger problem than the mere kidnapping and file keeping. The whole safety and integrity of this world would be in danger which would mean their workload would increase as well.

She hesitated to turn around and have a look, cursing her luck even when she knew that she had been duped by the other party. The gun was touching and would take her out of commission at least should the other fire.

"Face me you coward" she turned with a heavy heart toward the owner of that voice and her eyes met the kid of Mark's group, Alan. the other did not look happy to see her too.

She knew the second she lost her advantage, her eyes looking around for an escape route which would not appear for her but she was also a little offended at the gesture of mockery the other represented her with, the gun aimed at her back and was ready to fire.

That was not a big problem for her, but his energy that laced the gun as well as his claw that was on the ready. They both had the same rank and the same scale of power and she knew what that power could do. She had seen first hand, the destruction that power could bring once unleashed in the most desperate times and she did not need another demonstration.

"How about you let me go and I give me Yun back so that we can go our separate ways from here. We do not need to create problems for each other, so we?" The female tried to bargain but there was no bargaining to be done there and Alan knew it as well.

He was the one in control, not the female and they both knew the shift in dynamic that had happened in a split second. The female was not out of tricks though so she did not falter that much.

"Sorry but I don't do losing bargains. Now give me something better than this or you will be put down" they had officially reached a stalemate between them and they both were trying to have an advantage over the other.

But suddenly, the female's eyes changed their look from desperate to a chilling calm and Alan felt the bite of her powers escape his grasp. She had tried to attack him while he had been distracted again but he was not one to be taken in by the same trick twice.

He resisted her attack, his mind forming a barrier against her assault but the pushing motion did not come his way at all. He was never her target in this attack, was he? The initial probe had been to distract him from the real threat at his back.

The monster was huge, a little intimidating even and clearly another divine beast from his pressure. The female looked satisfied to see him as well, the huge body an interesting mix between white and grey stripes and a tiger to boot as well. Despite sharing an ancestry, he did not look like Kuro at all.

He was far too terrifying-looking and feeling to be compared to Kuro in any form.

"Master Nathan, I'm so happy you responded to me. They duped me and took master Yun away while I was not looking. I apologise for my negligence but I also ask for your understanding and help" there was a slashing motion in the female's direction causing her to yelp in pain.

Blood seemed to be seeping out of her open wounds but she did not look discouraged. She looked happy and satisfied, her hands caressing the wounds as if they were love marks and Alan felt creeped out at the display by the female. She really was insane.

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