Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 164 - Part Monster-1

"Now that one thing is done, let's try to find your brother. The worst thing about Nathan's involvement is that we cannot be sure of anything anymore. He's cunning but he's even more heartless than you think. Your brother could be anywhere inside here" Kuro huffed at that claim but her attention and focus in a single direction, her ears pressed back to her head. 

"I don't need your help though it would be appreciated. But I know you cannot trust me in this situation so I will make a deal with you. Accompany me this one time and I shall show you something that will change your mind" Mark heard those words but he did not react at first.

In honesty, he had expected them to come sooner or later, the other trying to prove to Mark that he was trustworthy and then have him do his work. It was how the story often worked its magic in most cases.

It was only a matter of time before his system jumped onto the board and decided for him. Mark waited for it to happen but nothing did.

The decision had been left entirely on his person, a likely first for him to experience.

"What do you say? Do I have your attention?" the other looked at Mark, his eyes dark with a knowing look. He was looking at where Mark's screen was supposed to be, his eyes looking as if they could see his system and his message screen.

But the lack of reflection in the other's eye was what clues Mark in on the real nature of the other. The other was bluffing with Mark, trying to scare him into thinking that he was the one incharge and with the knowledge.

Mark would not disagree but he now knew he did not have to be that cautious with the other. The guardian was a good liar, a good pretender but even he had his downsides which could be exploited by Mark if he played his cards right. He just had to look for the perfect opportunity to strike the other.

This was like a game of wits between them, both trying to gauge each other out peacefully. It unnerved Mark to be in such a position but he would prefer it over any other alternative he had at the moment. 

The other was still waiting for his reply, his eyes shining in anticipation.

There was no harm in indulging him, and to gauge him out for himself. Mark had a feeling that the guardian and Yun had held back before to preserve their powers. He needed an accurate measure of the other's power and intelligence at the moment.

"Alright, I am interested in what you have to say. Lead the way" the other just gave Mark a soft and amused look, nothing Mark had expected from the other but it was not that bad in all honesty. He preferred it over getting attacked or dragged being anyway.

The other walked toward the water, his feet meeting land and the water seemed to part as he moved forward. It looked as if the other had an invisible shield around him that seemed to be pushing the water away from him and Mark could not help but marvel at the sight.

"If you do not come with me now then you will likely drown when you decide to follow. My range is not as large as you seem to think" that sounded vague like teasing and Mark was not sure if he was supposed to take that seriously or not. 

But he decided to follow the other anyway, his feet making no noise as they collide with the ground and he moved forward. His eyes were focused on the guardian and the deliberate placement of his gaze.

He was looking at Mark but also checking for any dangers at the same time, a skill Mark had yet to master.

"Don't worry, the sea poses you no danger as long as you are with me. Though it would not save you from drowning" Mark felt a laugh bubble out of his throat at the unexpected comment by the other.

It had been uncalled for and shines with humour in a way Mark had seldomly felt in recent times. He knew his sense of humour was broken but it was surely not this bad? He was better than this, right?

There was no way he found it that funny since he was sure he had heard funnier things and not laughed at them.

"I'm sorry but I cannot seem to stop myself from laughing. It is not at you though" the other did not look offended which was a plus at least. Mark was not sure how well he would have taken it if the other had decided to amuse himself at Mark's expense.

"It's alright, you can laugh at me if you want. Everyone else seems to do so already" there was no judgement in that tone, no question either. It was just acceptance and amusement which Mark found odd.

This person, the beast, was odd. He was not like anyone else in this world and Mark knew a lot of people here. Unlike most people, he was far calmer and not aggressive. It did not attack till provoked and he did not unnecessarily drag the fight out and exhaust his opponents.

He was just like a normal guy in a normal world and that was even weirder.

"You said that you are a neutral party. What does this mean?" There were so many questions in Mark's mind. Questions that had festered inside his consciousness for a long time now but he had no one who could answer them.

Except now. 

He felt as if the guardian would answer any question he might have and then some. He did not seem to care if Mark was a foe or enemy, he just looked at him as a human being, a living creature and saw him for him. A rarety in the world indeed.

"I did say that and that is true. You know who the hierarchy is divided in our world right?" Mark had been sure till recently but now he was beginning to have doubts about his theory. 

Especially with all the recent encounters which told the tale of a bigger power.

"There is 12 divine beast of the zodiac followed by the 4 mystical divine creatures. That is where the hierarchy ends for most people but there is another power above us, governing our actions. It did not always use to be there though so you can say it's a recent development" how recent was the other talking about?

Instantly it had become a crucial topic Mark had to know more about because it could be the key to everything he wanted, no, needed to know about this world and the development in here.

"Do you know this new power? Who he might be? Or where he came from?" Mark asked the question, almost stumbling over his words before he caught himself. It had been embarrassing for him to do so in front of the other and he felt his face flame with the heat.

"I've never seen him since he does not show his face. We just know he had been there one day, our cores telling us to submit to him. Those who did not do so were disposed of, like the previous divine dragon so no one else dared to" there was a melancholic look in those eyes now before it all faded away.

"Then he proposed a bet for our freedom and everyone jumped on. Well, everyone except me who was not interested in it, to begin with. Things escalated and one thing led to another. Before we knew it, the world had become this hell of a place" the other sounded almost sorry for what had occurred, his face twisted in regret.

But as sad as the other was, it was the juiciest piece of information Mark had been able to get his hands on and he wanted to hear more of it. He wanted to know more and more about this world as a whole.

"The bet was simple as well and I wanted to take part in it as well. He asked us to locate the core of the divine dragon that had been dispersed in this world and to select a warrior to take the last dragon's place. The party to win would get their freedom back as well as a wish of their own" ah, so it had been something like that.

Mark had figured out those pieces a long time ago but he had never been confident in his guesswork but he was right. They were all trying to rouse the dragon without success.

"So, do you know where the core is? I don't think most of the people know about its location anyway so you should be safe" the other did not say anything for a few seconds before he turned.

"I did not know where the core was until recently as well"

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