Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 165 - Part Monster-2

"So, do you know where the core is? I don't think most of the people know about its location anyway so you should be safe" the other did not say anything for a few seconds before he turned.

"I did not know where the core was until recently as well" 

Mark felt uncomfortable with the gaze at him, his eyes darting around to get it away from his person. He wanted the guardian to look away, to not give him that deep daze as if Mark held the answers to all his questions. Mark was not equipped well enough to handle it yet.

"So, you know where it is now? Is that where we are going? To retrieve the core now?" Mark felt nervous in the company of someone who could snap his neck in a second and won't feel a thing about doing so either, his heart beating faster than he would like it to.

Mark's hand unconsciously sought his chest, clutching it in fear and acceptance of the upcoming danger and the sense of fear inside him..

"Don't look so nervous. The core is no longer a problem for me but we are not going to it yet" the yet was not emphasised but it was very much hinted in the other's tone.

Mark followed behind the other, his thoughts circling his head and hurting him a bit now. His body was starting to feel the chill of the place, water lapping at the shield at his sides and freezing them.

They had been walking deeper and deeper into the water, the shield making the oxygen available to them. That was the only reason they were still alive this deep down inside the water. Mark's mind reminded him that this was a decision he had made so he had to stick with it through till the end.

"We are here. Can you see anything inside here?" the water was dark, no light penetrating this deep into the ocean. The other must-have used magic to make time travel this fast because there was no way Mark had walked this far without having realised it himself.

"The lack of light is a problem but it is not too bad" Mark could still make out the faint outlines of a cave-like structure, not clearly but enough to tell him what to expect. His breath got caught up in his throat he took everything in.

"Sorry, I sometimes forget that people don't have that good of a vision down here. Here, I'll light this place up for you" the sound of the other's words was accompanied by a lot of small but shiny orbs that lined the walls of the place. It was much more visible now. 

And Mark gladly took in the beauty of this place, the architecture something to be marvelled over and to be detailing something to be admired. Someone had spent a lot of time planning and executing this place's construction and it showed in the fine work

It was striking to look at, in every detail, another piece of a marvel Mark had never imagined seeing before. This place defied the norms of construction, the very nature of how you started your planning but it was not all bad. It was rather magical to experience and Mark let his senses expand even more. 

Something about this place brought forth his senses to accept it all and to allow it to accept it as well. He felt a sense of familiarity and attraction he could not ignore. 

And then there was the pull, a force tugging at his heart and calling him to it. 

Mark decided to follow it, his will was not strong enough to be able to ignore it and he allowed it to guide him further inside the cave. He was not aware of time or other people's presence around him, his sole focus on the tugging he was feeling on his person. 

He was aware that The guardian was behind him somewhere but he could not feel it with his dull senses. He could only love forward as he was being told to do. And he was almost there.

"That place is out of bounds. Do not go there if you want to live -" The guardian's voice had been reduced to background noise for him, no longer reaching him as he walked past the obstacles in his way. He needed to reach the centre, the call and answer or before it could disappear. 

Mark felt his hand sink into something jelly-like, his senses not registering it fully and he had to wonder if this was wrong with him or this place. The whole palace seemed to be pulsing, something only he could feel which should be a big deal and set off so many red flags inside his mind.

And yet it did not do so, his mind the same calm and collective space it had always been and always will be.

"Are you serious? You cannot just do that here" Mark felt his consciousness return as a hand touched his own and he had a jolt going through his body.

Then he felt the pain in his hand, the texture smelling slightly burned and he looked down.

Oh, he was not the one who was burned but the guardian who had a tight grip on his wrist. And it hurt, that grip that was holding his hand hostage. It did hurt badly.

"Can you let go now? I think I am alright now" Mark flexed his hand as the other let it go. The hurt also disappeared with that grip but the other looked a little paler than before, his hand still having the black and burned texture which was healing at a visible rate.

"You are not hurt?" the other asked as he looked at Mark's hand and then at his own. Mark also flexed his hand to check once again and there it was, his hand, unburned and unhurt by the jelly-like substance.

"What is that thing? Your hand looks like it hurts" Mark pointed out the obvious and then felt foolish. Of course, that hand hurt, his own would too if this happened to him. 

But the question was already out so all Mark could do was to wait for an answer.

The other breathed out a heavy sigh, but his eyes were sharp as he looked at Mark with a determined face. Those eyes looked sharp and piercing, looking through Mark for an answer he could not give.

"I am alright. As for your question, this jelly-like substance is concentrated acid so I would advise you to be careful" Mark took a few steps back from the substance, not wanting to come in contact with it.

"Oh, I see. I will maintain my distance then" the other finally had his amused look back on his face but there was worry there as well.

"I don't think you need to if you did not already have yourself burned. But being a little more care would be beneficial in general" Mark agreed with that comment wholeheartedly. He wanted nothing more than to keep himself safe after all.

This new cave felt different from the portion he had been in before. It felt almost alive, in nature, the feels giving Mark chills down his back by just looking at it. He felt nervous as he neared it more and more. There was just this aura about this place that put his senses on high alert.

"If this cave is your idea of a good surprise then I would hate to know what you consider as a bad surprise. You made me walk into a death pit without warning" those words were spoken in a joking tone by Mark but the other did not look that amused at his words. 

His expression was borderline dark with a hint of disapproving gesture mixed in as well. He did not look happy seeing Mark make light of the situation and it sobered Mark instantly to realise that fact as well. The silence that followed was a little heavier than before. 

"This place is not a cave and it would do you well to not make light of this situation. I won't tolerate you making fun of my friend's body" Mark tensed at those words, a certain realisation coming to him now in certain clutches of knowledge. 

This place was a cave but a body was preserved by the cold water. The Guardian had led him here, to a dead body for a reason Mark did not know of and it felt dangerous all of a sudden. 

Why was he brought here? For what purpose? And why Mark? These questions circled his mind at all times now. 

"Don't be that nervous. You are in no danger till you do not allow your foolishness to take your senses over. Now take a seat, we have much to discuss" the guardian waved his hands and the nearby debris rose up to form two seats right in front of them. Mark gulped and considered his options now.

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