Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 167 - The Final Rescue Part 1


Initiating merging protocol….

Installing new driver….

The system is rebooting and rerunning…..

Congratulations to the user on unlocking the core usage….

Shifting space and time for the first time protocol….


Everything shifted from around Mark and he was no longer in the place he had been in before.

The world shifted from around Mark, his eyes becoming unfocused as more and more of the world merged into a single entity in front of his eyes. Mark was no longer sure where he was or what he was doing. He was in a new world now and his body no longer existed. 

It was just him and his body, nothing else existed and it called out to him even at this distance. He wanted to touch it, to stroke it.

To devour it till nothing existed but him and his power inside his body and flowing through his veins. He wanted to sink his fangs into the body and not let go till his mouth was full of blood.

Mark took a step back, his eyes wide with surprise and dread at the thoughts going inside his mind. This was not him, this monster that wanted blood and to tear everything apart.

That was not him.

It did not even make any sense to him since he did not even have fangs. He was entirely human, not a dragon or an animal. He was as normal as humans in their world come or whatever they had been based upon.

"So you are finally here. At least my collection is about to be completed. Now, will you submit or will you end up like your predecessor" the voice echoed all around the chamber, its tone boring and yet impactful.

Mark felt himself sweat at the power the tone held but he had to keep his shover under hold.

"Are you the one who is controlling these people and these circumstances? Why are you doing this?" may be calling out a god on his choices was not the brightest idea Mark ever had but he could not help question the other.

The other had done so much, made so many people suffer and for what? No one knew what this person's intentions were or whether they were even real or not but Mark was now sure that this person existed for real. He was just nervous about what this person would end up doing, his temper rising at the various possibilities that could happen.

"You already know me or at least about you. I had a look in your system while I was repairing it and I am already aware of who you are and I have to say, you are one interesting person to look after" Mark felt those words disturb him.

The other had kept an eye on him then. And the thing about his system, the other knew of it all?

How long had he known about his system? And how? His words also made no sense to Mark because he was sure his system was something given to him by Liam.

So why did this person say that he had taken a look at his system? It did not make sense for the other to do so till he was also a part of the party who made his system in the first place.

It would not be that odd to think but it was. 

"Figured it out yet? You are brighter than others, I will give you that much but you are not that bright" the indult flew over Mark's head and he did his best to not pay attention to the other's taunts. He should not fall for that.

"No reply back? Maybe I did not give you enough credit. You must have so many questions but we do not have time. So, I once again ask you to choose. Will you serve me or will you fight against me?" Serve the other? Mark would rather die than serve the other.

"So many deaths. You caused so many deaths and now you ask me this question. To hell with you and your rule" Mark felt the anger rise at the other's careless tone. The other did not even show any remorse for what he put his people through.

He had changed this peaceful world into a place Mark no longer cared about. This world had not been perfect but it had been beautiful at least. This person had changed everything away and made it much less meaningful for everyone.

"So you are going to take the same route as the one you proceed. How interesting that your pride will also be your downfall, just like the one before you. Well, thankful, we have another candidate to fill your spot. Think he will submit if we take creative measures" the scene around Mark changed.

The body around him flickered out of existence before a familiar face took its place. Mark could finally see Alan again but it was not a happy reunion. 

The teen was in a ring and he was fighting other monsters.

Mark knew that the other could take care of himself better than Mark could take care of himself but still, he felt afraid for the other and he wanted to save him. Not that he could when he was stuck in such limbo and could not physically leave.

The teen was dodging the monster claws, his smaller body jumping out of their way and every time a claw drew near to the other, Noah felt his breath stop. This was bad for his stress levels and his heart but he could still not stop looking at the other's profile.

"Now I have an idea. What if, instead of his brother, I threaten you with his life. You submit and he gets to live. You resist me and he dies" there was no longer a choice for Mark to make because the other had already made it for him in this situation.

He wanted to be free but Mark wanted Alan to live even more.

"So, do we have a deal or not?" there was a hand, well, the ghost of a hand in front of Mark, teasing him to take it and to be free and there was no longer an option for him.


"So my brother is this way? Just how much longer do we have to keep walking?" Luna took the place as he finally landed on the cloud-like surface. The palace was gorgeous, an illusion of heaven if he had ever seen one and it would not be wrong to say that there was no place like this on this earth anymore.

"This place is beautiful right? A glazed prison you cannot escape. It binds away at your soul and that's why you need to cherish your freedom" the kid did not look at him when he spoke and it was alright with Luna. 

He did not want to particularly talk with the other either.

To be honest, this place was giving Luna the creeps. Despite being so beautiful, there was something so fake about this place that Luna could not help but feel out of place. He felt as if he would fall off of the clouds at any given second.

The fall would also be significant break all his bones and leave him in ruins should he fall. No, he needed to do everything not to fall from this place. He needed to remain here as long as he could.

"HEY, Snap out of it. Do not let this palace take you away from your senses" the other's yelling brought Luna back to his senses and his body tensed at the other's words. 

What had that been about? He was not sure why or how but he had felt lost ever since he stepped here. The feeling was not going away either.

"Did you feel as if you were going to fall off? This place does that to you, that unnecessary fear is the key that keeps you swearing your loyalty. It's best not to lose yourself to that feeling" so it had not only been him but this place. It was nice to finally know.

"I see. So that's the main reason you guys are so loyal. It's not your wish but your fear that keeps your going" it was all becoming clearer to Luna now, this society built on fear, would not last.

"Not every one of us is that unwilling to serve that person though. Nathan is and always will be an enemy to us but we can't ignore his powers. If we can't take him out then we are done for" ah, the white tiger of the divine beast.

Luna did not know the other's power but he had felt Yun's and if the other was afraid then it meant Luna should be too. But he was not afraid, just nervous. These grounds were telling him something and he felt connected to them fr some reason. He could just not bring himself to look away from this place.

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