Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 168 - The Final Rescue Part 2

Luna did not know the other's power but he had felt Yun's and if the other was afraid then it meant Luna should be too. But he was not afraid, just nervous. These grounds were telling him something and he felt connected to them fr some reason. He could just not bring himself to look away from this place.

'If you are not willing to serve our king then you should just die already' those words snapped Alan out of his stump as he jumped back to avoid the axe coming at his face. That did nothing to save him from the impact of the axe at all.

The small debris managed to injure his face and all his efforts to avoid it did not help at all. The cut was visible on his face, bleeding just a little bit at a time to make him dizzy with blood loss.. It would be a long time before he would be able to recover.

"Yoo, it's a kid this time. So, what did you do to make Nathan angry? Did you detail insult him? Or ruin something of him? He is rather petty. As for me? I tried to kill him once and had been here since then" the monster attacked Alan head on, still speaking.

It spoke about the other's confidence, to be able to chat and fight in equal measure. The axe was swung in an arc and it caught various monsters even when Alan dodged it. The impact made a bloody mess, not only on the ground but on the other monsters as well.

"Hey boss, you missed. You should try again. The child killed a lot of us already" another voice cheered the axe-wielding monster on and Alan wanted to point out that the other had been the one to kill his subordinates and not Alan.

But there was no way the other would listen to Alan, not when he thought of him as a 'puny little human' and had no intention of letting him out of here alive. The only reason he had not yet been killed outright was that the others still wanted to play with him and to make him beg for mercy.

Like hell Alan would allow them to do so, so he had survived as long as he could have. His powers had been sealed once they had been brought here which was a problem for him but it still did not take away his stamina or physical capabilities.

Alan's frame was lighter and swifter than the other people here which gave him an advantage for use but it seemed to not be enough for his continuous survival forever. He had to be calculating and make sure he had enough manpower left to take down the leader in the end. 

The monster in front of him was not the leader he could not be with this lack of skill and control over himself. He was likely a stand-in for the real leader so that he could gauge Alan's skill level. It was a bold move for sure, one he had to praise the other side for. 

Alan longed for a gun, for a decent weapon to end it all for the other side but he had only been given a sword to fight, one that had snapped a little into the scene and Alan had been defenceless since. 

He would still not give in though, he had more honour and aspirations than that to keep him going. He had power and influence but only if he could manage to reach it in time. His body was reaching its limit fast. 

"Ready to give in yet? You know what you have to do" Alan knew what could make it all stop for him but to embrace it would be to lose himself to the other's scheme, not something he could allow for himself. He had to hold on just a little longer for Mark and his brother to come to get him.

He had heard the exchange between his kidnappers and how their partner, Yun, had decided to stay behind and would likely betray them as well. That was where Alan would pin his hopes. That was his key in getting out of here.

"Sir, the North section had been destroyed. We don't know who did this and we cannot put this fire out as well" Nathan frowned, his lips making a disgusted sound before he caught himself and decided to shift his attention back to the present situation. 

"A fire you can't put out? It has to be Yun but what is he doing? Have you confirmed the source of the fire yet?" The first question was said softly, almost a little too soft and Alan was sure he was the only one who caught that question once it was out. 

Somehow Alan knew that it had to be his brother who was here to take him back. It was one of his favourite strategies, to watch the world burn away into nothing. He would have not passed up this opportunity had it came up. 

On the other side, Luna ran away from the guards following behind him, just as he had been instructed to do by Yun. It was easy to lose them but not easy to navigate the terrain which allowed the guards to catch up back with him. It was a game of cat and mouse which he intended to win.

"So a left turn from here? This is the third turn now" the plan for this part had been made by Yun, the other having taken charge once again. Luna was happy to give the charge away as well, not wanting to be held responsible. 

All he wanted to do was to find his brother and leave this place but he knew himself as well. If he was given a chance then he would never be able to progress beyond his mission. To keep himself going he needed to follow someone's lead. 

"Most likely a trap, I can feel it in my bones. We were fooled by them once already and now it comes down to it again. This is likely a bait, a trap made to get us" And they fell for it like the fools that they were. 

Someone had to have known that they would be here and that Alan might not risk Mark's safety but could call his brother for help. After all, everyone knew brothers were supposed to help you out in your most important moments of life and Luna had never been shy of his love for his brother.

The small group of monsters did not hold a chance against him and he snapped their necks in a matter of seconds. Once done, he was out on the road once again to save Alan. he had to deal with a few pests here and there but it was all manageable for him. 

The monsters were abundant and the path was not clear but his instructions had been. He needed to blow up a place if he wanted to instruct these people and there was only one palace that would cause mass panic, the central temple.

Luna let the bomb drop from his hands as he ran through the temple. The exit was right in front of him and all he had to do was to cross it before the time limit. The bomb was heavy and dropping it gave Luna the speed boost he had needed to get out safely.

The monster hesitated in following behind him, stopping to check on the bomb and Luna felt a grin take over his face. They had fallen for the oldest trick in the book, to not let themselves get distracted by a shiny new toy. 

And now they would pay for it with their lives. 

One flicker of his wrist and the building erupted into flames. Red took over the whole landscape, from the top to the bottom, everything was being engulfed in flames and disappearing. It would not be long before this place ceases to exist as well. 

Yun had said that these were special flames not even water could put out and Luna knew it had to be something to do with his power. He did not question it much, just let it all burn out and he watched as everyone panicked to save their lives. 

It would not be long before authorities made themselves known. Unfortunately for them, they were killed outright by Luna. By the time the higher-ups came, Luna was out and about already. This place could wait for him to come back to it while his brother could not wait for his rescue. But he could still not leave, not till he saw Nathan here with his own eyes.

That was one person who could flop all their plans and that was Nathan. They needed to draw him out if they wanted things to go their way and thankfully, they succeeded. The second Luna saw Nathan there, he knew they had won.

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