Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 169 - The Final Rescue - 3

It would not be long before authorities made themselves known. Unfortunately for them, they were killed outright by Luna. By the time the higher-ups came, Luna was out and about already. This place could wait for him to come back to it while his brother could not wait for his rescue. But he could still not leave, not till he saw Nathan here with his own eyes.

That was one person who could flop all their plans and that was Nathan. They needed to draw him out if they wanted things to go their way and thankfully, they succeeded. The second Luna saw Nathan there, he knew they had won.

"Go, gogogogogogogo" Yun ran, not for his own life but Alan's. The fact that Nathan had come but not brought Alan along was a big red flag in Yun's eyes. It was either that he was too confident to keep an eye on Alan or he was too sure that the teen could not escape.

The maze aspect was cleared out fast but that was the minor problem inside this place.. The main problem was the external region where their abilities would be hampered. The line of separation was fast approaching.

The sound of fighting reached Yun's ear and he entered the arena without delay. 

This place was a dumpster of failures, the most dangerous of foes being dumped inside here without remorse and the only objective was to kill everyone inside here. It was run by a divine beast under Nathan's command but Yun did not remember which one it was.

Not that it mattered much when they never dared to cross Yun when he was in the foulest of the moods. But it did make him wonder whom to kill for this situation. He wanted to get it all over with soon enough.

The arena was not too deep and the burden it put on Yun's abilities was negligible when compared to a divine beast so Yun found it easy to jump down and block the attack meant for Alan. the monster in front of him was startled but it did not save him from Yun's counterattack.

The monster fell in one single swoop of his sword and that was it for him. The other monsters looked stunned at their leader's fall but they also looked afraid of his aura. Good, let them realise just how fucked they were because Yun was not in a good enough mood.

"What happened? Are you not going to continue fighting? I thought you liked fighting with stronger opponents" no one attacked, not like Yun had expected them to. They were all cowards, banding together and fighting dirty. However, they could do nothing if their opponent was too much out of their league.

"Master Yun, just what are you doing here?" the crowd parted and gave way to a gorgeous woman, her aura screaming of power and authority. Yun recognised her, despite never having met her. She was just that famous amongst them, the one who had descended after Nathan had killed the last holder of that core.

Too bad for the female, Yun did not care about what Nathan liked or did not like. They were in the war and there would be only one victor once all this was over.

"Can't you see? I am breaking someone out of here. Now if you would excuse me, we need to go" the female blocked their path, her outstretched hand creating obstacles in their path. It was clear that she had not understood her position here. How unfortunate for her that it was Yun here.

"I cannot allow you to leave. Master Nathan gave strict orders to keep that person here at all costs" the female did not look afraid of him, her gaze unmoving as she looked at Yun. it was clear that she did not think much of him and she did not fear him at all despite the difference in position.

This would be her last fatal flaw, Yun would make sure of it. He now had an excuse to kill her off, just as Nathan had killed off the previous person at that post. It would be perfect revenge served cold, the best way to do it as well.

"Well, I did give you a warning, unlike your beloved Nathan. Now, I shall allow you the luxury to die at my hand" there was no stopping that attack, the sharp spear piercing across the chest of the female, her blood splattering everywhere.

Her wide eyes told the story of how she underestimated the wrong person and paid for it with her life. It was her fault as well, to not listen to Yun when he had warned her and to instead, focus on Nathan who did not care for anyone.

This was a war, one that had been brewing for aeons now and it was about time it all comes to an end. There was an attack on humans planned and that would be the very last fall this race would have. The divine beasts should exist no more, their need was no longer present in these times.


He wanted to be free but Mark wanted Alan to live even more.

"So, do we have a deal or not?" there was a hand, well, the ghost of a hand in front of Mark, teasing him to take it and to be free and there was no longer an option for him.

There was an almost-hesitation in Mark's step, the only thing that saved him from hanging his soul over to the devil because someone crashed into the arena the very next second and killed the boss monster with ease.

Mark felt the tension inside him go slack at the display of power and he finally took a step back. He no longer felt burdened to do everything that the other had said and he could, instead, focus on his own thing. He could finally oppose the other without having any consequence on Alan.

"Looks like you lost your hostage. Now, what would you do?" Mark knew it was not the best idea to taunt the other but he could not help but do either. He wanted to prove a point to the other and he finally felt as if he was getting through the other.

That angry feeling around him was good to feel as it made Mark feel invincible. He could make such a person angry and lose his temper then he could likely do anything and everything as well.

"You think you can get away? You do not know the real despair of this situation but you shall learn soon. There is nothing for you to do here now, everything has already been set in motion long ago and you are to be thanked for. Enjoy the inevitable then" the space began fading and Mark felt himself fall.

He would crash and then die but he did not want to. He wanted to live, to see the end of his journey and to uncover the mysteries. He was so close, so close to figuring everything out and saving this world from a certain doom it was about to face.

He just had to reach out and he had to survive. He could not fall here and have his journey end here. He had to survive for longer and he had to hold his fort down as well. He could not end up dead now, not her and not now.

He needed power that would save him and so he reached out to everything and anything that could save him. His system did not respond to him but he did not give up. There should be something that should be able to save him in this situation.

And then he felt it, the first serenade of power around him, reaching out to him and to take it for himself. He reached back for it, to possess it and he allowed it to embrace it inside his core. It felt like a part of him, one he had missed all this time.

It intertwined with his core, to make it shine brighter and to make it even more powerful than it was. There was a power inside that Mark had never felt before and it felt so good to house such a thing.

He felt whole again, he felt powerful.


Congratulations to the user….

The power of the core is unlocked, the power of the core can be used now. Would the user like to use the power of the dragon of the north?

Press yes to continue and no to proceed back….


There was no choice to be made. The yes was an automatic pick and Mark felt himself fill with memories and powers, of people he had never met before but he should know, of things he had never done before but he could.

He was no longer a mere human but the very existence of the wind itself. It bowed down to him and he called for it.

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