Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 170 - Fire - 1

There was no choice to be made. The yes was an automatic pick and Mark felt himself filled with memories and powers, of people he had never met before but he should know, of things he had never done before but he could.

Magically having powers would not allow Mark to survive that fall but it would provide him with enough cushion room to slow himself down. This way, the gravity would not fully crush him. 

The winds came down to slow his fall, his body moving along with the wind and working to right his balance. He should not take too much damage here. 

But all that was for nought when Mark fell into a body of water gently. It felt like cotton on his body which was now covered with scales and he found himself on top of the water's surface, trying to breathe. 

"You alright? How did things go? Were you able to succeed?" Was it a success if Mark managed to piss off the monster dangerous enemy there was? Or was it a success if he managed to get out of there alive? 

Anyway, Mark would low to count his encounter as a success to lighten his mind and it worked pretty well. 

"I have the core and the body now. But that person was there as well and I kinda pissed him off a little too much" The Guardian looked relieved but scared at the same time. That should have been the expression Mark had as well if he could seem to care about everything. 

"Good. It's nice of you to do so" The other sounded happy and relieved that the news had been like that. He had been more than nervous when he had sent Mark there but now he knew his decision was right. 

Mark was on his side, another strong ally to fight against the oppression and to gain their freedom back. This time, this person was on their side fully.

"Can you take me to the base now? I think I have proven myself enough for now" the guardian let out a small laugh at the other's sarcasm but he did raise his hand to let the water platforms form.

Mark did not pay unnecessary attention to his surroundings when he walked on the water platform and the other followed behind him at a steady pace. The platform seemed to glitch and Mark felt afraid for his life but they stabilised at the very next second.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to fall?" Mark hissed those words out but it did not affect the other in any way.

"Sorry. I am just happy so my control is not fully there. I won't drop us though" That did not make Mark feel any better about his situation but at least now he had a guarantee.

No matter how flimsy it was.

The first glimpse of the base was seen after a long while of climbing but there was no fatigue in Mark's legs. Was this some kind of trick that made it seem as if he had climbed for a long time when in actuality he had not?

"Don't think too much about it. This place defies logic" ah, this was a game after all and these types of places did exist here.

"So, should I know about anything here? Or can I just walk in unannounced?" Mark tried to gauge out the situation before going in and was rewarded with a dry but amused look.

"You can just walk in since you have a right to do so now. But still, stay clear of the plants and the forest. They do not tend to like us" by the way the other talked, it made Mark feel as if the forest was alive as well but that would be non-sense right?

The forest was not alive, right? It could not be.

"Are there mutated plants as well?" just the thought of this possibility was terrifying but Mark had to know for his sanity or he might end up wondering it all the time.

"There are one or two species that had been modified manually. The rest evolved into those monsters" oh god, what was going on in this world? Mark could no longer keep track of what he found surprising and what he did not.

There was a small resistance to Mark's moments as he tried to enter the gate but gave way under a light push by him. One second he was in, the next second he was out on the other side of the gateway.

The palace was beautiful but it gave off an oppressing feeling and Mark found himself wishing to not be there if possible. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as he could.

There was just a feeling of danger here which made his hair stand on the back of his head and he felt as if he was under watchful eyes at every second.

"I can feel Yun. Should we go look for him?" they should since Yun had Alan with him. But Mark was also worried for Luna and Kuro whom he had not seen yet. The decision was tricky but the need to ensure Alan's safety won out in the end.

"Let's go and see the kids first. Then we should plan what to do next" hopefully, Luna would get himself out of trouble on his own and meet them on the way.


"Find the one who did this and also keep an eye on the brat I put in the areas. Any changes and you report them to me, understood?" the monsters around Nathan shook in fear and followed his orders.

They were all cowards, every last one of them. They followed him because he was strong, not because they believed in his ideals. 

But it was alright since they were all fodder to him anyway. His true dream was something bigger and even more magnificent than to rule this punny world. He wanted the power to shape it to his desires, wanted to become a god and a destroyer for this world.

He wanted what that mysterious voice had, the power and authority to shape this world anew and that was why he followed the other. The voice was powerful, even enough to kill one of them and not even break out in a sweat. 

That was the first time Nathan had felt a spark of emotion called fear, to watch two powers go at each other.

He wanted to grasp it as well and make it his own but the voice had not allowed them to do so. He had asked for something else from them and Nathan had given it willingly.

But it was all temporary, his loyalty, his ambitions, they were all a facade to hide his true seld which lacked the power to do anything else but obey. He was prey to that power but he would not remain prey forever.

He was getting close to the truth of this world, too close to getting real power and abandoning this petty world for a new and better one. He would reshape this world into its better image, the paradise it was always supposed to be and where they could rule without any fear.

But to do so he needed to solve this situation first. He could not allow that voice to doubt his intentions, to become suspicious of him and to boot him out of existence. He needed time and trust to carry out his plans and he had both now.

"Only a little bit more before they bow down to me" the whisper was carried over by the wind and no one heard it. It would forever be buried in the wind and the monster's bodies who could not understand him.

"Sir, someone broke out the prisoner from the arena. Witness says it's master Yun" what was the kid doing?

Well, Nathan knew it was always a possibility for the other to betray them but he had not thought it would come so soon. The kid was smarter than he looked but this was a risk he took known well what could happen.

"Declare him as a traitor and hunt him down" the monsters hesitated and Nathan felt his temper rise. These people were useless to him if they could not obey simple orders.

"But he is the same rank as you" a monster questioned and lost his head for the daring act. These mice had no right to question his decision.

"Anyone else wants to say something?" the monsters shook in their place and fled the scene to capture the other power holder. Nathan did not care if they all died at Yun's hands.

What he needed was time and patience to carry out his plan and he had a pair of hostages to capture as well. He could feel their aura around the place, just hidden out of plain sight. All he had to do was to drag them out into the open.

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