Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 193 - Final Rescue - 1

But he pushed it all off as he concentrated on the situation. The other two had already decided on him being the leader so there was nothing he could do about this situation without offending them as well. Mark had no confidence in himself but he had to pretend as if he had that. 

"We shall start by gathering everyone else in our team. First of all, Alan since he could be in danger. Luna, do you know where he might be?" Mark turned toward the youngest who nodded. His eyes suddenly looked thankful and it was clear that he had forgotten about his brother as well.

Mark stared at the younger who had a thoughtful face. The other must know where his brother was right now. Even a hint of the other's location would be helpful enough for Mark to be able to open a passageway there. But the other shook his head, his eyes downcast and it was not what Mark wanted to see.

"Sorry. He could honestly be anywhere right now. I checked the usual spots he could have been before coming to join you but he was nowhere to be found" if the other was not at any of their usual places then where had they gone? Surely not into any dangerous situation.

"We have no idea if he has his memories with him or not. Till the evidence speaks otherwise, let us assume he does not have them like us. If so, then what would be the likeliest outcome for us to face?" As usual, Alex was the voice of reason in the chaos and Mark was entirely too thankful for him.

"He could have gone to visit our parents in the government lab they work in. The last time he had decided to visit had been before the situation got bad" government lab? This was something they could work with. Especially when they had a lot of people inside that would make their infiltrations easier.

"I'll ask someone to arrange something for us" there was no need to ask her why. They all knew that it was possible to get top-secret information without having to even set foot inside those labs. This was how fortunate their situation was. Now they only need to decide on the person they would stalk to get this information.

"You could ask someone or we could just order the puppet to read his energy signature to find him" Alex reasoned, his tone firm in belief. Who was the puppet? What was the puppet? Mark did not remember and he needed a reminder about this person. Did he know someone like this before? In his memories or the core?

"The puppet? This is the first time I am hearing about this. What do you suppose this person is capable of doing?" Luna asked in a curious tone. If even he did not know about this person then what hope did Mark have of knowing about such a person without his guide? Did he even have one in his version?

"Give me a few minutes to have this conversation. Maybe I'll find other important information as well in the process" the other two had no choice but to depend on Alex right now. He was the only source of information they had right now. Anything he could find out would give them an edge over the other side.

The more time Alex spent inside his mind, the paler his complexion got. He was entirely white in the face by the time he finished. From the looks alone Mark could tell that the information he had would not be well received by them.

Looking at him, Mark had half a mind to not ask this information at all but Luna was not one who would sit back to ask a question. He wants information on his brother and he let the other know by banging his hand in the wall next to him. Blood oozed out of his hand but Luna chose not to pay any attention to it.

"Find my brother as soon as you can or I will make things difficult for you. This is a promise from my side" Alex looked amused but also worried. Mark understood that the situation was about to get worse, so he carefully made his way behind Luna to restrain him in case he did anything stupid. Mark nodded at Alex to continue and gestured at Luna to not worry about him at this moment.

"Your brother, or rather, experiment 897 as they call him, has been retrived by the government. This must be a 'this time' thing but I was not told why" Luna growled in anger and his hand moved out to catch the other. Luckily, he was not able to achieve this because Mark decided to stop his assault. The other grunted and threatened but he had already been caught and detained.

"How much danger is Alan in?" Mark asked as he restrained Luna. The other had a lot of power but it paled in comparison to the strength divine core gave to Mark. Thus, it was pretty easy for Mark to hold the other in place while also having this conversation with Alex about the issue.

"I can't say for sure but we should still hurry up with our rescue. The puppet also picked up strange readings from there. He says it's an energy source we should be worried about" energy source? That sounded dangerous and Mark hated dangerous things. More information would be appreciated but he had a feeling he was not going to get any more.

"We should start gathering up supplies now. It might be just my feeling but something in me is telling me to hurry up" Mark was worried about a lot of things but the most important of them all was the issue of not having enough time to be able to save everyone. There had to be more people in there than just Alan as well.

"Just hurry up then. My brother cannot wait any longer." Luna sounded in a hurry and Mark feared that he would become sidetracked once they reached the base. Was this a risk they were willing to take? Mark was not sure if this would help them or hinder them and he could see Alex thinking the same thing.

Well, this complicated things, did it not. They could also not ask Luna to stay behind because the other would throw a fit and still somehow manage to follow them outside. It was just better to take him along and face the consequences later. 

"Alright. Give me a day to get things in order. We can leave after that" Mark had to give credit to Alex to not flinch even when he had Luna's attention placed on him. He looked as cold and uncaring as ever which made Mark respect him even more. 

Luna did not think the same but he did not complain either. He just looked at the other in the eye and decided to retreat for the time being. That was one danger averted at least so now Mark could focus on more things in front of him. Most importantly, the new location that had popped up in his system.

He had not looked at his system the whole time, fearing that it would distract him but now he finally had the time to do so and he found himself a little flustered. This new location was in the middle of nowhere and he shared the screen with the other two.

Alex seemed to recognise the location, his brows pinched back in worry and Mark could not help but feel his bad feeling intensify. Was this place not good? What did it mean and why did it pop up now of all times?

"It is one of the first abandoned bases we had. How did you get this location?" Mark tried to open his mouth to speak but found himself unable to. There seemed to be a restriction on his audibility and Alex nodded in understanding. 

"Do not speak if you are unable to. I can guess what happened from here. So, will you check this place out?" Mark nodded, feeling like he had to check it out at least. He had a feeling that it was connected to Alan and this world's changes. 

He told his much to the other two who looked worried.

Well, Alex looked worried. Luna just looked uncaring about anything that was not his brother and news related to him directly. He just ignored Mark as he explained more and more about what this could mean for them. They had to reach a decision and there was no time for them to waste.

So it was decided, Mark would go to the new place while the others would handle the older location and rescue Alan. they had one shot at all this and they had to make it count.. Even if the 'god' was their enemy, they had to push forward to succeed.

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