Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 197 - Outside Forces - 3

"Should we start by approaching their headquarters? I have a feeling we have hidden away for too long" Mark had nothing to say to the other. He had never truly hidden away for anything as the other side had but saying anything right now would not benefit him in the least. 

Instead, he had to concentrate on finding Liam and the others in this world and help them from outside. How Mark got here did not matter, what did matter was the future action they had to take from here on out. He was sure he would do what needed to be done.

It was a tempting offer, to visit the headquarters of the keeper's party directly. Mark also had the advantage of being known in the other circle so they would likely provide him entry there as well. There would definitely be questions about his appearance but those he could handle pretty easily himself. What mattered was the other part of the equation. 

"You do know where their headquarters I, right?" Mark asked his companion who seemed to be drawing a blank for a few seconds before he seemed to remember. His expression looked borderline offended at Mark's questioning, but also somewhat fond. 

"Of course I remember. What do you take me as, an Incopitent fool who doesn't know his ones from twos?" The other certainly was no fool, having created this problem from his own hands but incompetent was something he could be certainly said to be. He was not useful at any rate so it all boiled down to that one word anyway. 

"If you know then it's great. Let's leave right now and get this over with" Mark started to walk out before he was stopped by a hand and an urgent shake of 'no, don't'. He did stop to consider the other who looked a little scared at Mark's leaving. There was a story there, wasn't it? 

"What?" That came out ruder than Mark had wanted it to come and the other side flinched at his words. Somehow, it looked wrong to him to see the other flinch at his words. His image of the other had been like an immovable rock, one who could handle obstacles at any time but this was like a kid. The fear in his eyes was real enough and Mark felt his heart skip a beat as it reached him as well. 

"You can't just walk out like this. This is a secret and hidden place that no one, not even the government, knows about. You would expose me if you did that" Expose? Was this not the person who talked about walking to the developer's base right now? Was that not some kind of exposure? 

"You do know that coming to the other's base with me would also expose you? It'll amount to the same" There was a nervous expression which indicated that this was not how things were going to go. Has Mark misunderstood something? Or had there been a communication gap between them? 

"I was kinda hoping that you would go to their base alone. I'm kind of missing and all. Plus, you cannot just throw me to the sharks like this. They will end up tearing me to pieces for this mistake" The professor did look terrified of getting exposed. 

A part of Mark felt really bad about the fear he was installing into others but the other deserved it as well. He had ended up creating this mess in the first place after all so he was also responsible for cleaning it up. It was high time he took responsibility for his actions. 

"You are coming with me as well. Even if I have to drag you, I will do so willingly" Mark was not kidding. He would drag the other to the ends of this earth and then some if he had to. Besides, there was no way he would be walking into such a secured building without any kind of backup

The other gave up as well. Knowing Mark, he would not drop this topic till he got what he wanted anyway. There was no point in arguing about this topic any further. It was better to admit defeat and do as the other wanted. Mark could get really stubborn when he wanted to. The other was wise to bow down to Mark before he had to be forced. 

"If we are going, can I please lead? You don't know this world anymore since you have damaged your memory and I will feel better about this whole situation" This much Mark could allow the other to do. The other did have a point after all. Mark really was an ignorant fool about this world so it would be good to have a guide with him. He might not trust the other but he had no other choice but to depend on him. 

"Hurry up then. I will not wait for you more than 15 minutes" Mark had to give credit where it was due. The other changed in record times and was out in time for them to leave. Mark followed after the other.

They exited out of the smallest opening Mark had seen for such a large stage. Mark had a feeling that this was not even a formal opening for them to be able to get out but he followed after the other anyway. 

They exited into a forested opening with a lot of bushes. The other hid in the nearby bush and pushed Mark behind him as well. He motioned to a camera in the vicinity and Mark was surprised to see a camera so out in the open. Was there really a need to have one here? 

Mark was about to open his mouth to ask but Reo pushed a finger to his mouth and motioned for Mark to not speak right now. The camera would seriously pick it up from this far? Just how good was this camera? 

They moved from one bush to another with quiet footsteps. Mark just decided to follow the other since he knew the right way. It was disturbing to see no wildlife in their surroundings. This was a forest and they should have seen an animal by now. If not an animal, then a bird was the least they should have heard by now. 

"You can speak now. We are free of the controlled limit for the next 5 minutes" Mark finally opened his mouth, not wasting a single breath. This world felt fabricated to his senses. It did not feel like the place his own world was based on. 

"What kind of place is this? Was that a private piece of land? The silence is giving me the creeps" That was the only reason there might be a camera in that deep of a forest. The lack of animals also made the surroundings more depressing. 

"This world doesn't have private property. It's either government or co-owned with private firms. Natural animals have been hunted into extension long ago so what little remains are kept in precious cages" That was depressing but somehow still seemed in character for the kind of place this world was.

The more time Mark spent here, the more he hated this place. It was so depressing and dark with an air of gloom surrounding it. It made his breath shorten considerably just by looking at the surrounding gloom. If not so important, he would have never decided to venture out to this forest. 

"This place sure is depressing. How do you live in such a world?" Mark could not imagine living in such a depressing environment but the other side seemed to not have a choice. Was this how the rest of the world was as well? How sad of a world this was. 

"Not everyone has a choice. We sowed this so we are to reap this kind of thing as well. Your world was meant as an escape for us but even that was not kept as such. The government does not let anything good happen and, … . We should keep quiet now" There was another camera ahead. 

The stretch which they crossed was tense and not only due to external factors. They had realized some important facts that should not have been told in the company. If someone else happened to hear them say these things, they would be in deep trouble with the authorities. 

They both crossed once there was a blank spot. Mark felt like a criminal, following such a pattern and doing his best to not get caught. It was mainly due to Roe's expertise and soon they had ended up crossing the whole forest. Their next stop was the city. 

It was a metallic and concrete jungle with high buildings so high that sunlight did not reach the ground at all. Mark stood in the shadows of the shortest building and missed the sunlight shining above them.. It was not cold but the light seemed far away and out of his reach in this metallic jungle.

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