Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 198 - Jungle Of Lies - 1

They both crossed once there was a blank spot. Mark felt like a criminal, following such a pattern and doing his best to not get caught. It was mainly due to Roe's expertise and soon they had ended up crossing the whole forest. Their next stop was the city. 

It was a metallic and concrete jungle with high buildings so high that sunlight did not reach the ground at all. Mark stood in the shadows of the shortest building and missed the sunlight shining above them. It was not cold but the light seemed far away and out of his reach in this metallic jungle. 

"Where is the main building for their base?" Mark asked, finding himself lost. He had a hand map with him but he could not read it. It was too complicated and the language too foreign for him. Those symbols looked familiar but he had no knowledge about reading any of them. How very fun for him to be handed this, even as a joke. Mark did not find it funny at all. 

"Our destination is on the other side of this city. Be sure to keep your face covered because the lower levels have a lot of co2 emissions and other corrosive gases" That did not sound like it was a good thing. Mark hurriedly covered the lower part of his face with the mask Rao had provided. It was a little loose on his face but it had to do. 

"Now what? Should we just walk around from here to the other side? How much is it even?" Mark asked in a curious tone and saw the other frown. Oh, so this was not it? Then what was it? Was there something Mark was not getting here? The streets looked alright to him. 

"Are you serious? We can't walk here unguarded or we'll get muggled and then killed as well. The police patrolling here is just for show" Mark looked around but the streets looked deserted to his eyes. There was a world above them, full of life and love while the dark below spaces looked abandoned to him. 

Rao pointed to the side where a child was running, his body curved around something in his arms. An arm came out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of him before dragging him into the shadows. The child didn't even make a noise, all the fighting was gone from his body and then there was quietness again. 

This was human depravity at its finest, making people fight for their lives every day while the rich and influential reaps all the benefits. This was the real state his world's creators lived in. How depressing and fitting as well, since they had managed to create a fucked up world all over again. 

"Anyway, we should not walk through the town alone. There is an elevator nearby we can take. Come, I've made arrangements to go up there." Mark nodded as he followed behind the other. He could not help but shiver at the state of this place currently. This was really not an ideal situation for them to be in. 

"Can I see your id and pass?" The worker at the front looked at them with suspicion clear in her eyes. Mark felt the sweat travel down his face as Roe handed their fake identity pass over to the there side. He felt eyes boring into his skull, silently judging him but they lifted soon enough. As soon as they did, Mark felt a sigh of relief fill his lungs. It had been so long there, he could not tell. It felt like it had been centuries. 

"You can go up now. You don't really look like brothers to me but your identity checks out" The lady said in the most bored of tones she could muster. Mark had a strong suspicion that she did not like her job but had stuck around for the income it provided her. 

"You put us down as brothers? What if anyone checks our biometrics? " Mark asked, finally focusing on the details. Not that anyone was going to force them to have a blood test, but this new world was strange to him. There was always a possibility for it to happen after all. 

"They will find out that we are step-brothers, simple as that. That doesn't mean we are technically not brothers" Mark felt his brain shut down at those words. They were what now? He had a brother? Since when did he have a brother? How had he forgotten such a big detail? 

The other sighed, his expression dulling even more than before. He looked to have finally given up any hope he had but that did not solve Mark's problems here. Heb had a brother he knew nothing about? Who were his parents even? 

"Don't think over this too much. We both had no control over it and we don't get along that well anyway. You are not losing much by getting me" The tone was bitter but also understanding. Mark actually felt his breath even out at those words. So it was not that big of a deal after all. 

But still, he had a brother he knew nothing about and a family he also knew nothing about. Just how much was missing from his memory? He could not help but shove that thought in the back of his mind for now. He will get back to it later when he has the mental capacity to do so. 

Life was a platform that moved between transparent tubes. Mark looked over to the current work, the darkness beneath fading away to light on the above surface. He felt his jaws drop at the luxurious world above. It did not feel as if those two worlds existed in the same place at the same time. Just how much difference was between these places? How had things gotten so bad for them in the first place? He couldn't help but pity the people below. 

"Wipe the sympathy off of your face or we will get caught. People below are not treated that well up here" Mark felt himself snap out of his headspace as the other advised him. He should stop daydreaming about now. He had not been aware that he had shown anything on his face but if the other was saying this, then he must have. 

He followed Rao for now, looking around like a child out on Christmas and finding everything new and shiny. He heard Rao hiss at him to act as normal as he could but this was normal for him. Even the weird looks he got from the others did not deter him at all. Everything was so fascinating to him. 

"Wipe that dreamy look off of your face for now and come with me. I have something to show you anyway" Mark followed after the other, reaching the end of the cliff they were standing on. The whole place was built artificially but has a natural feel. It was fascinating but disturbing as well. The world was green down, green as far down as he could see. Where was the dark alley they had arrived from? He could not see it from his current position. 

"What do you think of this world? Sickening, isn't it? I feel revolted every time I see it" Rao whispered. There was no one around them right now but the other still made sure to be careful. Mark saluted his dedication. But he also felt suspicious when he stopped to talk to him. Was there an agenda behind this talk or was it the ideal chatter? 

The other continued, ignoring Mark's silence. 

"The world of today came about because people forgot compassion and thought of only themselves. These tall Mark's, are no achievement but a prison these people have built for themselves. They don't even acknowledge those of lower birth as humans." The other paused, his gaze distant. 

"I thought I could change it all, make this world a better place but it was all a dream on my part. This world cannot change. It refuses to change. So all I can do is bring it to justice" Mark just decided to hear the other out fully. He also loomed out, pretending to not be interested in the ideal chatter. If someone overheard, then he could claim ignorance. The other quilted down as well after that declaration. 

"You done? Can we start to move now?" Mark asked, looking at the central building in this place. It was where they had to go and where he could meet Liam, hopefully. There was a violent flickering of lights before emergency ones snapped into light the place up. 

But it had caused an uproar and people were panicking. Since it was still dark out there, people seemed to be panicking. It had been a long time since the light had cut off naturally and they all lost their mind at that notion. Somehow Mark knew it was all pointing toward a bad sign.. He felt it inside him.

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