Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 206 - Rift - 2

It made it easier for Mark to get away from his clutches and he hurried up to leave the place. The AI thankfully followed behind him and did not go back to the factory. This was what he had been aiming for since the start. Whatever had made that shot, it had been enough to turn the tides of this match for now.

Now it was a game of cat and mouse which Mark did not have to win. He just had to make sure the other did not catch him before the time was up and he could live happily ever after. The other ran after him, the claws trying to get a hold on Mark but it was proving to be impossible at the moment. Mark was just too agile for the other side to be able to contain.

Mark took another turn, moving his body every way he could to run away from the AI. It was a tough chase but a rewarding one. Once in a while, a shot ran through their surroundings and made it difficult for the AI to continue to chase Mark. It was a four-way showdown now and time was ticking away. Mark just hoped Rao knew what he was doing and finished his work in time.

"How much longer are you going to take? I cannot keep it engaged forever" the AI closed in on Mark and he felt like his heart was in his throat when the other side almost got a read on him. His fast reflex was the only thing that saved his body from the incoming attack. Had he not been in shape, his life would have ended then and there.

"Just a few minutes left. Just keep its attention on you for a few minutes more.  I almost had access to everything there is" Mark cursed Rao as he ran through the forest. He finally had the first signs of disturbance and raised his arm to protect his face from the incoming claws. The one that attacked him was a mutation between a tiger and a cat, its body halfway deformed in-between forms.

Mark did not hesitate to put an end to the poor suffering creature in front of him. What had happened to the dear animal was nothing short of cruel and it had not even been its fault. That was for me from the only animal that attacked him in this short period. The AI was not taking any chances as far as it concerned Mark. It has decided to spare everything he had at his disposal to find the other.

Mark knew hiding was futile, but he still could not help but hold on to a little hope that he would be able to make it out of here without another conflict. His body felt like it was about to give up on him as well and rashes started to appear on his arms. It was quite clear that in medical attention ASAP.

"Yes, I am through. You need to get back to the core supercomputer as soon as possible. I will get you out and shut this place down." Rao called Mark who finally felt peace in his heart. This was finally over, this nightmare of a place was finally dealt with. It still did not feel real to him but it had happened.

"What about the AI?" Mark asked as he tried to move about. It was difficult but still possible to make it back to the supercomputer. His body protested as he walked but he pushed himself beyond limits. This was the only time he had to do this.

"That was not something which I could do without damaging the source data without endangering the whole space itself. Once we get you out we will delete it as well" Mark felt peaceful Stormrage inside his heart. This place was about to be demolished and he did not want it to get demolished but he also knew that it was the right thing to do. As long as this place existed, the dangers associated with it would also exist.

His mind knew this fact but his heart was not in it. It wanted him to stay here a little longer and spend a little more time. It made him want to have one last look at everyone he had come to hold near and dear inside this place. Despite physical proof, this was the place he considered as home and had most memories of.

"Is it impossible to close this place without me reaching for the supercomputer? I would like to say farewell to this place" The setting sun was just as beautiful as the first time he had seen it. He was not sure what it was about this place, but he just felt so much at home there. Displays hard beauty that the real world was lacking.

"It is not impossible to close this world without you at the supercomputer, but it will make it infinitely dangerous for you to do so. We will lose contact with you once that happens" that was it? There was no negative for the other side? Only for Mark? This made his decision so much easier.

"Can you close this place while I go and say goodbye? I just want to have one last look at them" there was no need to ask who 'them' were. Somehow, The silence felt like it was disapproval from the other side but no one said anything. They did not want him to put himself in danger like this when there was no need to do so.

But their disapproval meant nothing to him. It was not like they could stop him anyway and they could also not be physically here to cause him any more trouble. He was free to do what he wanted here and Mark had missed having this freedom in his life. This was what he had been craving for this whole time. He did not remember. but he did remember the overwhelming dread he had felt in his previous life.

In a way, he was really glad for this new life he had been granted by this new world. It made it worth it to not have any of his memories of his previous life attached to him right now. He could be anyone in the world and no one would question his words since that was all he could remember. His walk proved to be of no help to him in the end and he could not find any of his previous companions.

This blank space felt like someone had taken out a scissor and cut out the places where these characters were supposed to be. There was a clearing blank space where he was supposed to find these characters but even Luna, the protagonist of this world did not exist in this reality. Mark had never felt this alone before and whatever warm feeling he had for this place seemed to be bleeding out of him.

"Are you alright?" No, Mark was not alright at all. He did not know where he belonged or what his place was in this world anymore. The only person he had ever felt comfortable with no longer existed. Maybe they had never existed in the first place and it had all been inside his head.

"You still have a chance to get to the supercomputer. There are still 5 minutes left before the reboot starts" En reminded him of this fact but Mark was too worn out to care about it. If this was how he went out and he had no regrets about his life. He would gladly give up his life if it meant that he would be able to stay here. He might have had any warm thoughts about this place any longer, but he could not deny the fact that it still felt like a home to him.

"If this is what you decided for yourself then I will not stop you. I guess it is time to say goodbye, just in case. Please look at my message one last time" Mark closed his eyes tightly as the place around him started to break down. Some kind of invisible energy was pulling this whole place apart and Mark I was no exception to this rule. He felt the energy work on his body as well but he felt nothing.

The lack of pain was welcomed but it also left him without any distraction from his thoughts. His mind could not stop but come back to the last message he had been given. Should you look at those for words or would it be too personal of a thing?

But they were written for him so he had the right to see them. In the end, Mark did decide to open the letter and see those words. Tears fell from his eyes in those last moments and his heart felt like it would burst out at the confession.

'You were the best brother I could have asked for. I just wished we had a little more time'

And the world came to a close.

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