Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 81 - Human Truth Part 2

The monster's mass far outclassed Mark's own and that meant that he could not stop the incoming charging person without any support of his own. He dodged the mass by an inch which caused the mutated person to crash into the tree behind him.

He already knew what the beep in his system was about so he did not bother to check it. his first priority was his own life and then anything else.

The other shook off his shock far too easily for Mark's comfort and he was charging once again. Mark tried to lead him off toward the side area, all the while keeping the vial in his sight.

Since it was such a small thing, there was no guarantee that he would be able to find that again even if he marked that area. The small monsters that roamed this area could pick that thing up by mistake and then it would be lost forever.

However, that was a pain too since it meant the monster had much less region to cover than before and it stopped Mark from making too wide moments.

Till now, he had been avoiding shooting the mutant any longer, just in case he lost his marble and went on a rampage. He was still too close to the vial for comfort but that was begging worked up upon.

Once Mark was sure it was safe, he tazed the other, the voltage set too high. 

That did not turn out as well as he had planned. He was not sure how long ago the other had taken his vial but he was not mutated enough for the weapon to have a strong effect.

And this monster was not merciful in the slightest.

There was intense pain in his rib section and one had broken for sure after this impact. Mark tried not to move and the mutant drew nearer. Just what part of this brute had seemed like a human to the system for the weapon to not work?

Why was Mark so unlucky?

The incoming fists were going to hurt, this Mark was sure and he did not want to see that at all. Was it foolish of him to close his eyes to not see the impact? Extremely so. 

To never divert one's eyes from the danger was the first and most important rule of combat and he was going to violate that just now.

But instead of the pain, his ears heard the sound from a gunshot and a pained grunt right above him and he opened his eyes to see a pained, almost human expression on the other's face.

The body looked ready to fall on top of him and Mark dodged in the nick of time before it could crush him. That had been a close call and he luckily survived.

"Are you seriously this weak? It's almost a surprise you survived this long. I guess Alan somehow kept you alive on the outside missions" a very familiar female made herself known, her tone mocking and her gun aimed right on his side.

Ït's nice to see you too Jean" Mark called right back, his tone sarcastic. He felt gratitude inside his heart for the female because she had just saved his life but his tongue said something different. 

The female aimed a cold glare his way but it was clearly for the show since her gun did not move from the monster. 

Mark looked at him too, now much more clearly. It had not been knocked out, just temporarily retained due to the shot. The inhuman nature of the best was the clearest in this instance, the wound already healing itself over and Jean shot it again for good measure.

These were all but temporary measures though and a more permanent solution would be needed.

"Should I kill it? I did not just in case we needed this sample. I'm only guessing that because you have not killed it yet" why the female felt the need to clarify herself, Mark could not tell but he did not care much for anything she said anyway.

But in this scenario, he really did appreciate her interference.

"Good thinking. Keep him down for now and I'll inform Liam we have another sample" Mark covered some distance and send a message to Liam. he had faith that the other would not let this opportunity slide from his hands.

Meanwhile, he strolled toward the position where the vial had fallen started looking around for it.

His good luck had not run dry yet and it was evident from the short amount of time it took him to find that vial. Once he had everything secured, he made his way back to the place where Jean stood.

She had a thoughtful frown on her face and Mark had half a mind to not ask at all but his curiosity still helps proved to be overpowering.

"What's got you curious?" he asked as he made his way over. He looked at the monster who was still struggling to pick itself up unsuccessfully. The effort was commendable, foolish but appreciable.

"What kind of animal is this? He seemed far too human in shape and size" from her narrowed eyes, it was clear to tell that the female had already formed her conclusion and was asking as a  bonus.

Mark could ignore her and allow her to remain in dark about that situation but he did not that to bit him back later should she think that he had been unwilling to tell her. Women can be vicious when they feel they have been wronged.

"It is what happens when you take an experimental vial and down it without thinking of the consequences" the gun wavered for the first time and the female had a conflicting expression on her face, so Mark continued.

"They had already lost their humanity the second they took that unfinished drug. It's only a matter of seconds now before he fully transforms into a monster. But I'm sure the finished product will not have such flaws" the female still did not look happy and her face was turning a little green now.

Ah, she was a lost cause now.

To make her take that finished drug would prove to be difficult now but that was a problem for the future. Also, it would no longer be his headache but Liam's since he would be with the resistance then.

"I see. This was a former human?" she asked, her face not being able to look at that creature any longer and her gun seemed to be lowering. The female was no good right now and her mind seemed to be miles away.

And Mark was not the only one that noticed her hesitation, the monster had noticed it too and he made good use of that information. With a human-like intelligence, he sprang up from his position, attacked Jean's gun hand and now she was defenceless.

The gun was picked up by the monster who quickly retreated before Mark could react to the situation.

Suddenly, the situation went from 'in control' to 'out of control' in a blink of an eye.

The female still looked at her hand in disbelief and Mark himself could not believe what had just happened. So there was a reason this specimen had not been classified as a full monster yet.

This was bad, very bad.

"Did I just lose my weapon?" the female's voice was full of disbelief which was not appreciated in this situation. She was going to be a liability if she did not pull herself together right this second.

"Yes you did but now is not the time to be in that state. We need to catch that monster, kill him even if it comes down to it" Mark was not above mercy killing, he had done it before.

It did pain the heart when the decision to fortify one's life had to be made but it was always good to think in the broader sense. Was life without your senses under your control really life? This kill would be a mercy for the other.

The female jolted at his words, her eyes going wide in disbelief.

"It's a human. How can you talk about such a thing about a human? W-We can't kill it, him" she seemed conflicted now, her emotions making her not think clearly.

"It's no longer a human" Mark argued back but it just seemed to distress the female even more. Had she even faced these monsters head-on before?

"You did not see that intelligence inside his eyes as I did in those last moments. He's clearly still human with our level of intelligence. We do not need to kill him but to save him" was this the same female who had shot that monster without remorse a few minutes ago?

Did the knowledge that the monster used to be human really matter that much? Even humans could be monsters inside their skin and this was a literal monster without reason.

"Jean, we are either going to capture that monster or kill it today. There is no other alternative and you will realise it soon" the female seemed doubtful but Mark knew it was only a matter of time before she came to his camp.

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