Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 82 - Human Truth Part 3

She was a captive here, held inside against her will and every time she tried to go out, she was stopped. What was her name? Who was she? She no longer remembered but what she did know was that she had a family no longer.

She had one just a few days ago. The sharp, yet protective smile of her sister and the comforting hug of her brother were memories she could never forget. She longed to keep those precious things inside her heart forever.

Even now, she felt as if she could feel those gentle arms around her but every time she reached for them she was faced with the cold, hard truth - they were no longer here. 

They had been stripped away by a pair of cold eyes and a gentle smile.

She loathed that smile and that face, even when all she knew was the face of her aggressor. The hate bloomed as a well looked after flower and it hid behind her gentle smile.

She had arrived inside this room yesterday? The day before? Time held no meaning here without a way to measure it and she found herself loathing the white. 

Once her favourite colour, the same shade as her sister's dress at her wedding now held bitterness filled with memories.

"Are you feeling any better today? I heard you requested to have a walk outside?" she nodded because she could do nothing else. Without their permission, she was a doll held inside.

"If you want to, we can go outside to have a walk? I'm sure you would enjoy it very much" the other looked at her with pity and sympathy, their empty words of helping her echoed and yet they were all hollow promises.

No one could help her but her own self. She wanted revenge and no one understood her. For them, her sister was a specimen to be studied and dissected. Her brother had been spaced that fate by her sister and she could not be more grateful.

Did it not show how human she had been even in her last moments? She did not deserve to die, her killer did.

"Can you take me outside? I think would like it" those were her first words in a few days and her throat hurt. The other looked far too happy at her speech and started making arrangements.

She was lead outside, not in the rumoured facility gardens (she was not high enough in authority or those) but outside the base and it felt good to be away from the oppressing white of inside.

It was as if nothing had changed at all and she was back with her siblings.

"Watch out" the cry was loud and drew her attention. It came from her right where people seemed to be running away from. 

Oh, this was new. She had never noticed how many people were loitering outside of the base to gather materials but what had scared them? A small monster or an unusual material?

Or was it the petrol? It won't be the first time for that kind of thing either and now she was curious.

The shape seemed distinctively human, yet too large to be one. It was taller than the 7-foot mark, much taller and bulkier than any wrestler and seemed prone to crashing into trees. 

The nearer it came, the clearer the body became and it took her breath away. It looked familiar, so familiar that it almost felt like the time had reversed a few days.

It looked like her brother which caused tears to appear inside her eyes. She missed her brother dearly and now it seems like the heavens were awarding her for her patience.

He had come back to her in this shape, hadn't he? Was it her sister's doing? 

It did not matter to her at all because her brother was finally back and now she could get out of here with him.

"Brother" she called out to him, her voice small but clearly audible. People were no longer around her, seeking their own safety first before her but that was alright.

They did not know her brother as she did and that was alright. They did not need other people in their bond anyway.

"Brother" she called out, a little louder and clearer and finally her brother seemed to hear her. He turned in her direction, his steps fast and she gave him a small smile in return. It was alright now, her bother was here.

He was within arm's distance and she motioned to embrace him when she felt pain in her abdomen and she looked down.

There was blood there, a sharp object inside her and it twisted causing a massive amount of pain. Blood overpowered her clothes and the smell was overpowering.

But her mind did not see that. It saw the image of her brother morphing into a monster and it was no longer her brother in front of her.

It was a monster who was going to show no mercy to her and she trembled in fear.

Luckily, the other had no interest in her and shoved her aside before continuing inside and she knew it was her last moment. Memories came back and she felt rage once again.

It was the monsters fault that her brother was a monster no longer recognising here. She did nothing wrong, it was this base and those scientists and these monsters that came from seemingly nowhere.

She hated them all.

She took her last breath and closed her eyes but much to her surprise, she felt lighter and was breathing once again? That was not right.

Every breath seemed easier to take than the last and her eyes opened to meet darkness. She touched the wall of her confinement and it was soft but flexible.

"What's happening?" she could not help but ask, her voice calling out in the dark.

'This world did you wrong and I would like to help you. Yes, it is all this base and those scientists fault along with these monsters. Do you want revenge on them all? I'll give you the means but you will no longer be a human after this. Do you still have the will to continue?'

Did she? The anger was still there and those words had amplified her desire for revenge.

'I'll provide you with this opportunity. Once your transformation starts, find the rebel's leader in the lower base and he will help you finish and stabilise yourself. Should you find yourself in doubt, think of your anger and it would guide you. 

And remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That way, the time for revenge would come faster'

She felt the energy rollover herself and she accepted her. The next time she will face the world, she will be a different being.


"It's going into the base. Are you still not decided what you will do?" Mark had been chasing the creature for ages now but the other seemed to slip by every time.

Personally, he blamed Jean who stiffed or became a problem every time he went in for the kill. Her personal problem was making it a huge problem right now.

"I told you I can't see this one as a monster without seeing as a human too" the female complained back. She should stay behind but she wanted to prove her point so she followed.

So far, they had lost that monster thrice already.

"Is it heading to the base? I can't see a reason why" was it that intelligent to know what the base was for? Even then, there seemed to be no reason for him to pull such a stunt like this.

They finally arrived in the vicinity of the base and were met with a tragic site.

Bodies littered the floor of the forest, some disfigured and others on the verge of dying. Put of the four they could see, three were already a lost cause and the last one was clearly not gonna survive.

"Did that monster do this? H-how could he?" Jean did not sound stable, her whole body shaking. Surely the humanity and intelligence she saw in those eyes could not be fake? He had seemed so human before to her.

"It's a monster who no longer has his mind intact. Just what were you expecting from such a creature?" the female did not reply back because she had nothing to say. She seemed to be trying to swallow this hard pill and Mark gave her time.

He hurried nearer to the base and it was clear the monster was inside yet. The area seemed distorted but it would not be for long. If the monster had been spotted then it would not take long for the forces to arrive.

He could make out his monster easily, and he shot him.

He went down easily enough. Mark tazed him for a good measure. This time, it seemed to be effective as it knocked down the monster. So he was far along this time which was good to know.

By the time Jean and others arrive, he had the monster as well as the vial secured.

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