Legend of Ling Tian

: Ling Tian Legend

After Ling Tian entered the city, the first thing was to order the recruitment of all the local Langzhong to the military camp to treat the wounded, and the treatment was all in favor!

The only thing that made Ling Tian feel indignant was that Wu Ailing and Deng Kuaiyan were not as good as the pigs and dogs. When Feng Mo attacked Yanjun when he attacked Yanjun, he immediately abandoned the city and fled! Sure enough, it is a greedy person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Except for putting a cold arrow in the back to dig the foot of the wall, it is estimated that these three miscellaneous broken king **** have nothing else!

Ling Jian's words convinced all the general Ling Jun who had suffered so much. Ling Jian put it this way: "It is estimated that Wu Ailing Deng Kuaiyan these three bastards, their parents will also feel heartfelt shame for giving birth to animals like them! Huang Yan, only these three miscellaneous pieces will be born out of shame and be scorned! "Everyone laughed. Feeling relieved.

Ling Tian walked out of the door and there was a bright torch outside! All the wounded soldiers are waiting for treatment. Everyone in this group of iron-clad men is quietly closing their eyes, waiting for Lang Zhong to heal themselves; accidentally, they can't control the pain and escape from the nose. There was a soft grumble, and besides, it was silent!

Everyone, thirty or forty, Langzhong, was so busy that he was sweating, and his hands were busy. But compared to 10,000 wounded soldiers, it is nothing short of salary!

Ling Tian frowned. Seeing that many wounded soldier wounds are still exposed, blood is still slowly flowing out, and can't help but be angry, turning to Feng Mo and shouting: "How about your soldier? Quickly transfer a thousand."

Then ordered several teams to raise a fire in the courtyard, put a few large iron pots, and boil boiling water; sprinkle with salt; then Ling Tian ordered all the spirits in Guanzhong to be gathered together in one place, but the water was not Before boiling, wipe the wounds with a clean cloth dipped in spirits for the wounded soldiers. Stop bleeding. The spirit was stained with wounds, the wounded and sick people twitched, and the men who resisted the pain suddenly hummed, and a cold breath suddenly sounded, almost evacuating the surrounding air into a vacuum!

Suddenly a thousand soldiers from the other court were busy! It was also because Ling Tian suddenly thought of this method, otherwise. Waiting for the treatment of these dozens of langurs one by one, I am afraid that more than 10,000 soldiers did not die on the battlefield, but they will delay their lives in the process of waiting for treatment!

Not long afterwards, boiling water boiled in dozens of large iron pans, and the work of healing should also become faster. When several Langzhong finally released their hands to see these wounded soldiers, they were surprised to find that, with a few exceptions, most of the wounded soldiers did not have any slight redness and inflammation, and even everyone lost their lives. Worry. Can't help but be surprised.

The number of casualties in wars over the years, and the soldiers who actually died on the battlefield, only accounted for two thirds of the total. The other third will be killed because of wound inflammation after the war! Such a situation as before is never a miracle! The wounded soldiers, with the exception of a huge physical disability, believe that other people can only live for a while before they can live on the battlefield again. Full of admiration!

People outside the customs kept calling the sound of Ma Si. The 400,000 coalition forces of Northern Wei and West Korea have already gathered together. Encamped. Just wait for the sky to shine. It is time to launch an attack! The situation is still grim! Everyone thought in their hearts: less than 30,000 soldiers and horses alone. Can it withstand the tide attack of more than 400,000 troops of the enemy?

But since Ling Tian. Especially 15,000 soldiers and horses from the Lingfu Bieyuan. Actually, everyone looks relaxed. Free to talk and laugh. Do their duties. From time to time there was a sound of laughter from all around. Seems to be extremely joyful. There was no slight tension before the war; no one would have hundreds of thousands of troops outside the border in their hearts! It was as if those people were using paper. Just blow gently with your mouth. It will disintegrate the ice.

In the jungle outside the customs. Yumanlou sighed in heaven!

Plan so carefully! Such a huge military capacity! The power of the Northern Wei Dynasty. One hundred thousand elite in West Korea! What's more, there is an intention and an unintentional. The Jade of the Stars and the Water of the Heavenly Wind are now the ultimate collaboration between the two giant families. Actually still can't kill a Ling Xiao! And all this. Except because Ling Xiao's children's soldiers are really amazing. But more importantly, it was all because of an accident. So that this can almost kill the success of the plan!

Ling Tian!

The name. Once Yumanlou was appreciated! It's like seeing another one growing up gradually! A series of things happened next; the name Ling Tian. Yumanlou has been taken seriously! I think Ling Tian can already be qualified to grow into his own opponent in the future! But it is only the opponent in the future!

however. After today's battle. The name Ling Tian has become deeply dreaded in Yumanlou's heart!

Today's battle. Ling Tian undoubtedly created a trace of the world! Absolutely qualified to become a legend in this star continent! A legend about Ling Tian! Legend of Ling Tian! Such a thing, no second person in the world can do it! Such miracles are not only unprecedented, I believe it is also the ultimate, the ultimate myth of the unprecedented!

Unique Ling Tian! Uniquely legend!

Legend of Ling Tian!

Today's thing, if you changed to Yumanlou's position in Lingtian, Yumanlou would never be able to do such crazy things by herself! Five people, five riders, and an angry army of 500,000! Even if it is to save his father, he may not be willing to do it, not necessarily dare to do it!

Until now, Yu Manlou still has an inexplicable tremor in his heart!

If I changed myself, I am afraid I can only abandon Ling Xiao! Protect your strength, and then wait for the opportunity to fight for the greatest benefit! And it will never be as impulsive as Ling Tian to kick into hundreds of thousands of troops to kill a **** back and forth!

Like Ling Tian, ​​breaking into hundreds of thousands of troops to save people, if you change yourself, can you succeed? Yuman Lou asked himself, but he was surprised to find that he answered in his own words: No!

Am I as good as Ling Tian! Although Yumanlou also felt that Ling Tian ’s approach was impulsive, even playful, but Yumanlou also had to admit that Ling Tian really had the name, Ling Tian ’s ambition, Ling Tian ’s courage, Ling Tianzhi Wisdom and Ling Tian's strength!

Even though Yumanlou's strength still exceeds that of Ling Tian, ​​even though Yumanlou also has the power to save people from the 500,000 troops, Yumanlou feels that he will never have Lingtian's army Still the domineering world of Willing! That kind of natural arrogance that has always given me away! The kind of oblivion that has forgotten life and death and cut through reincarnation! This is unique to Ling Tian!

"Homeowner, what should we do now? Do we still have to follow the original plan?" The person speaking is a man in black. Although he is standing beside Yumanlou, he still feels like a tangible shadow, Full of feelings of uncertainty!

For the first time in his life, Yumanlou had some melancholy. He looked at Yumantang, who was just standing beside him, and he hummed heavily, saying, "Second brother, what do you say?"

Yu Mantang smiled gracefully and said, "Brother, I now have another proposal, which is very inconsistent with the original plan, but it is quite beneficial to my Yu family, but I don't know if it is feasible. Please elaborate on one or two!"

Yumanlou didn't speak, but his eyes caught him and said nothing.

Yu Mantang chuckled, and suddenly looked cold, saying: "Big brother, look, Ling Tian and his son are now stationed in Yanjun, and there is a more dangerous place to break the soul off guard! Especially Ling Tian's full-strength reinforcements are here. Under such circumstances, if you still want to forcibly attack and take Ling Xiao's life, it is basically impossible! What does Brother think? "

Yumanlou coldly said: "Yes! And Ling Tian must also have reinforcements, so now if you want to kill Ling Xiao, unless I personally shot, but I decided not to shoot!"

Yu Mantang did n’t care about his brother ’s indifference, and continued: "Western Korean military commander Han Tiexuan is actually the elder brother's long-term insider. This little brother only knows now that it is no wonder that he can still regain his power after being captured by Ling Xiao. , That's the case. "

Yumanlou snorted again, but did not speak.

Yu Mantang said leisurely: "The younger brother did not resent the older brother for this matter. The fewer people who know these things, the more effective it is! However, with this great variable, there is much room for change! It is even a shocking change. Look, elder brother, now in the Northern Wei Dynasty, apart from Wei Chengping, he is a member of the water family. Of course, Wei Chengping has already made up his mind to deal with my jade family ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the water family wants to put my family to death soon. ! The ultimate goal of these two alliances is to deal with us! In this case, why do n’t we just drive a tiger away? "

Yumanlou moved with horror and turned around and asked, "Second brother, do you mean ... this is too bold?" Yumantang smiled and said, "Big Brother thought well! I think that Han Tiexuan was surprised by Ling Jun After getting away from the heavy siege of Northern Wei, I was already dissatisfied. If the big brother now forced Han Tiexuan and Ling Tian to join forces, when Ling Tian and Bei Wei faced the enemy, the huge force of nearly 100,000 people from West Korea would strike back and burn first. He dropped the grain and grass of more than 300,000 troops of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then fought back and forth, hehehe ... "Yu Mantang smiled proudly:" The Northern Wei Dynasty is bound to fall forever! There is no more power to fight for the world, and the water family's The conspiracy will also be completely bankrupt! In the end, it is still the biggest profit of my jade family! Moreover, this move can also be carried out according to the older brother ’s previous calculations, and further promotes Ling Tian and Tian Fengshui to be completely opposed, there is no hope of reconciliation. Brother, do n’t forget that Ling Tian has killed the eight elder masters of the Shuijia! At this moment, even if Tiantian does not want to find the Shuijia, the trouble is not available! "

Yu Manlou laid his hands behind him, slowly pacing, frowning tightly, thinking intensely about the feasibility of the matter in his heart. In any case, this plan of Yumantang is undoubtedly very exciting. The Yu family can smash all the conspiracy of Tianfeng Zhishui in Tianxing in all directions, and the gains are not great! But the only thing that Yumanlou cares about now is Ling Tian! Just because this plan is implemented, Ling Tian does not seem to get less than the Yu family!

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