Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 51: Life is like a play

After the collapse of the Northern Wei Army, it was already a huge fortune to drop troops alone! You have to know that Ling Tian is now in full rebellion with Cheng Tian ’s royal family. Cheng Tian ’s military power can only be used unless Ling Tian rebels now, holding the entire Cheng Tian palm in his hand! Otherwise, the strength of Ling Tian's hands is no longer elite, and even if there are follow-up reinforcements, I believe there will be only an army of no more than 50,000 people! Now it is the most difficult moment to refuse the North Wei and West Korea, and worry about the Yang family of the royal family! It can be said that the wind and rain are shaking!

However, in such a delicate situation, if Ling Tian had more Northern Wei troops included, then it could be directly said that it would be the best in the snow! Moreover, the alliance between Western Korea and South Korea is equal to the elimination of foreign troubles; as long as the army returns to the division to inherit the heavens, with Ling Xiao ’s prestige in the army, and such a huge grievance, overthrowing Long Xiang is almost easy. If Chengtian falls into Ling Tian's hands, it will be completely different from Long Xiang's hands!

Yumanlou thought about it and could not make up his mind. He has acted all his life, and has always been vigorous and decisive! Such as today's gains and losses, it is indeed the first time in my life!

After thinking for a long while, he finally said: "Second brother, you have really worked hard for your son-in-law who has never met, so it makes me very embarrassed."

Yu Mantang said: "How can Big Brother have embarrassment? Now that Ling Tian has become a foe of the Shui family, and he is in love with Yan'er, he is already on the same front as us, or even half of himself. That important relationship, Ling Tian will never cooperate with the Shui family to deal with us! Now it is their own benefit to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is beneficial to Ling Tian, ​​but to my Jade family, it is even more beneficial! "

"Although this statement is good, but you know, in this way, tiger breeding will definitely be a problem! Northern Wei is just a clown jumping beam, not afraid! The foundation of Tianfeng's water is after all in Tianfeng mainland. Not here, there is West Korea He ca n’t afford any big storms, but Ling Tian, ​​once the wings are full, no one can cure it! "Yu Manlou shook his head. His face was heavy.

Yu Mantang smiled and said: "Big Brother misunderstood, Man Tang is no longer good, but he is also a member of the Yu family. Why would he only think of outsiders, that Ling Tian has always been the most affectionate, and he ca n’t think of Yan Er ’s family for no reason. Do you want to start? Especially those who have helped him a lot! Besides, if we do n’t help him now, the Ling family will lose in the battle between the three forces of Northern Wei, Western Korea and Chengtian, or even lose it completely Roots! In this way, the Northern Wei Dynasty is bound to make the climate! The water of Tianfeng will also establish a strong base in the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Star Continent! As for Western Korea, hehe, brother. Although there is an internal pile of Han Tiexuan, Western Korea After all, it is the weakest link among these forces, not much weight! If the Lings go this time, we will have lost a powerful helper! "

Here, Yumantang said in a calm manner: "However, if we help Ling Tian this time, it will be a great affection! The human debt is the most difficult to repay. Ling Tian will be reluctant and reluctant. The other things can be left until we break the sky of the wind. It is not too late to deliberate. But the immediate urgency is to keep Ling Tian ’s strength! Three, if Ling Tian ’s power increases greatly, follow-up matters That ’s what my jade family wants to see! "

Yumanlou frowned, and said aloud: "How do you say this !?"

Yu Mantang showed a long smile: "Brother please think, after all, the Star Continent is not only Chengtian, Northern Wei, and Western Korea. Chengtian is located in the core of the mainland, with rich products and rich people. It has long been coveted by various countries and major forces. Although heaven may use this event to achieve climate, it has to become the target of all the people. Can Ling Tian be strong, can he resist the whole world with the strength of one country? When he is out of strength, who can help him, only us! At that time ... "

Yu Manlou's eyes flashed with deep eyes. Look at your second brother with a new look. He blurted out: "Yes. The second brother is far-sighted. He is even better than his brother. Ling Tian can fight for us. And we are the masters behind the scenes. There is such a charge. We are a lot easier. Second brother Sure enough! "

Han Tiexuan sat in the Chinese military account. Looking at a letterhead in his hand. The expression on his face could not tell whether it was crying or laughing. Suddenly, the various expressions of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, anger, sorrow, and joy gathered in his rough face. Weird to almost indescribable.

"Uh. This ... Your Excellency. Does this really mean homeownership?" Although the reliability of the letterhead has been determined. But Han Tiexuan still felt like he was in a dream. I wish I could knock my head with a stone. See if you are dreaming.

Just before one or two hours. Still received an order to kill Ling Xiao at all costs. But now I have received an order to form an alliance with the Ling family! And these two commands are actually from the same person! Han Tiexuan sighed in his heart. Life is like a play. Play is like life!

"What do you say. This is not the meaning of the landlord. Is it your meaning? How dare you question the instructions of the landlord ?!" As soon as he opened his mouth, he choked Han Tiexuan. Not only is the content of the speech uncomfortable. And the tone is also impulsive Han Tiexuan has an impulse to kill in a flash! Unfortunately, he did not dare. Really dare not!

"Uh. Under the ground means. This. It was just fighting at the moment. This ... You live and die. Suddenly you have to cooperate sincerely ... It is really difficult to accept." Han Tiexuan smiled dryly. Endure for a long time. Still tolerated a breath. Said with a smile. As long as there is a hint. Han Tiexuan is also reluctant to cooperate with the dead enemy Ling Xiao!

"That's your business!" The man in black stunned Han Tiexuan in one sentence: "My task is to send you a letter. The letter will be sent to you, whether you want to do it or not, whatever you do. It's just that you decide , First think about it, your head is still on the neck, not in the crotch. "The black-faced man sent the man in black out of the barracks. When he saw the ghostly figure sinking into the darkness, Han Tiexuan's fingers were ruthless He scolded him fiercely for half an hour, but there was no duplicate! Dancing with hands and feet, foaming at the mouth, extremely excited!

Chengtian City

Chengtian City, which has always been calm, was so chaotic for the first time, completely chaotic!

With the order of Emperor Chengtian Longxiang, the whole city is strictly forbidden! The strongest elite left behind by Chengtian, the 16,000 Imperial Guard led by General Shen Ruhu, the general of the town hall, came out of the nest and killed the Ling Family Courtyard with great momentum! Long Xiang sat in the dragon's dragon, and actually went away in person.

At the same time, in the Yang Family Courtyard, the long-lost Jugong drum finally sounded rumbling again. Master Yang and Yang Kongqun ’s secretly hidden 3,000 Sky Sword Divine Soldiers also came out of the nest, plus Yang Fuzhong Family general, more than six thousand people are also rushing towards the Ling family like a wolf!

In the heart of Longxiang, it has been determined that Ling Tian has tried his best to go to the battlefield to save his father, and the Ling family must be empty inside! Anyway, the face has been torn; it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to take the whole family of Ling family! As long as the size of the Ling family is in your hands, no matter whether Ling Tian and Ling Xiao can come back, or who can come back, they can be attacked and retreated, and they are foolproof! When Ling Tian came back, his family was under his control, but he didn't dare to act rashly. If he didn't come back, it would be better to do it. Well, there are several people who ca n’t be killed, such as Ling Ran ... Jiao Yue ... In the morning ... The Chu Ting of the half-old milfs do n’t have a taste either, especially if she is a female **** of wealth, if she can use it for me ... Feeling complacent, I felt that I was a little bit utterly immersed in extreme Y.

For a time, the atmosphere in Chengtian City was changing, and the atmosphere was so dignified that it seemed to be solidified. The entire Chengtian City has been transformed into a huge explosive barrel. As long as there is a little ignition star, it will explode!

The strange thing is that the Ling family, as the target positions of the two powerful forces, are actually quiet, with no movement at all!

Quiet and scary! Just because the stormy night is always terribly quiet!

General Shen Ruhu, the general of the town hall, had a heavy complexion and was worried. The brows are tightly locked, and it seems to be extremely contradictory! Long Xiang decreeed that Ling Xiao led the army to rebel and wanted to immediately capture all the old and young horses in Ling Fu! As soon as the decree came out, Shen Ruhu felt something was wrong!

Shen Ruhu and Ling Xiao have been in contact with each other for many years, and even were the subordinates of the old country's father Ling Zhan. They knew the character of Ling's father and son extremely! Ling Zhan and Ling Xiao's loyalty to Chengtiandi is a fact that no one can question! Shen Ruhu rather believed that he would betray Chengtian, and he would never believe that Ling Xiao would betray Longxiang! There must be hidden feelings! Ten thousand steps back, even if Ling Xiao really got his head squeezed by the door, he really rebelled, but his father Ling Zhan Ling was the founding hero of the Kingdom of Heaven! He brought down soldiers in half of the country. How can an veteran of such meritoriousness say he kills? In the posture just now, I almost told myself that I would cut the Ling family, and even the nine races! Shen Ruhu pondered secretly.

This is all about ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition, Long Xiang also particularly emphasized a sentence, which made Shen Ruhu feel like he was eating a fly as uncomfortable!

"I don't care about other people, and I don't care how many people die. A maid named Ling Chen in Ling House must be alive!"

Thinking of Long Xiang's words, Shen Ruhu could not stop the urge to scold his mother from her heart! Damn, you only need that maidservant to survive, but what about your concubine Ling Ran? What about your daughter Jiaoyue? What about your unborn child? These are all in the Ling family! Do you want to be a hostage rescue or a member of the Ling family to kill them together? It's really nothing human! Is this still human?

During these months, there has been a rumor that Cheng Tian Di Long Xiang coveted his subordinates and added nephew ---- Ling Tian's woman, I heard that it was a beautiful girl, and he did not hesitate to sell his own daughter Jiao Yue in exchange , But he was rejected by the affectionate Prince Ling, is this the maidservant? !

It just doesn't make sense! Shen Ruhu's face was like black charcoal, and his straight belly also bulged! If it had not been the deep-rooted ideology of the loyal monarch for many years, Shen Ruhu even wanted to pull the flagpole directly to rebel!

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