Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 32: Seriously injured

Xiao Yanxue woke up, only to feel sore and awkward, and climbed up, suddenly remembering what Ling Tian had done to himself last night. He could not help but stomped his feet, and the abominable Ling Tian actually dared to order Miss Ben ’s Acupuncture! It is unbearable! Uncle can bear, aunt can't bear, even if the aunt can bear, I can't bear it!

The tent was lifted aggressively, and he stepped out, and he went to find the wicked guy to settle the account. Suddenly, the light flashed in front of his eyes, and he narrowed his eyes, and saw a long sword straight in front of him. Above the mountain, the morning light reflected, reflected in his own eyes, emitting a dazzling glory! Looking at the sword, Xiao Yanxue suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart, and could not help but exclaimed: "Cracking Heaven Sword ?!"

This sword was robbed from Xiao Yanxue's auction. How could Xiao Yanxue not remember? Seeing that this sword suddenly appeared here at this moment, Xiao Yanxue suddenly thought that the peerless strongman who had snatched the Sky Sword had speculated by the family masters that it was most likely the legendary first master in the world. If he really is the master of Split Sky Sword, then ... Xiao Yanxue instantly realized that if it really sent Jun Tianli to this place, would Ling Tian ’s life be there?

How is Ling Tian now? Wouldn't it be an accident?

Is it ...

Xiao Yanxue suddenly madly indulged, in the air, tears have filled his eyes! How powerful Sending Tiantianli is, she doesn't know. She knows clearly how well the man who took away the Sky Sword has been so powerful! Regardless of whether he is really the legendary emperor or not, if that person really took action against Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian had no hope at all

Amidst the confusion of thoughts, Xiao Yanxue didn't find it, not far from the Sky Sword, there was also a Tsing Yi person who seemed to be real

After only four or five steps, Ling Tian lay quietly on the ground, and there were blood marks all over her body ...

Xiao Yanxue made a terrifying cry, and suddenly felt his soul seemed to be broken into pieces at this moment, and the sky and the earth turned crazy, his body fluttering lightly, and his eyes were dark. With a little hope, without a little bit of color, I seemed to think a lot in my thoughts, and seemed to think about nothing. There were only three words in my mind: He died, he died ... he died ...

Xiao Yanxue stumbled and walked in the direction of Ling Tian, ​​but only a few steps away, but Xiao Yanxue felt so far away, so unreal, and finally, Xiao Yanxue screamed, The eyes were black and fell down softly ...

Was awakened by Xiao Yanxue's screaming, Tianli's body flicked before Xiao Yanxue fell to the ground, and then placed her on the ground and gently placed it on the ground. Faintly passed out, a little red blood was slowly flowing from the mouth of the cherry, and the color was very bright; how can you not understand that this is a person's sorrow to the extreme, and then the blood of the earth's heart will be released? Unexpectedly, this little princess Xiao Jiadi was so deeply in love with Ling Tian!

Tian Li couldn't help but sigh Xiao Yanxue was just scaring himself that he should have killed Ling Tiandi not only to bring him out of the mortal place, but also to protect his law and send Jun Tianli to protect his law. No strength can threaten Ling Tian at this moment and the level of the protected land seems to be too high!

Looking at the still unconscious, Ling Tiantian couldn't help but show a smile of relief in his eyes. This little guy is not only clever, martial arts, intelligent, superb, but also blissful. He is also a first-class ah. I am afraid that the entanglement of sins in this life will be endless If ordinary people can't bear this kind of Qi Tianyanfu

Thinking of a sudden stunned person here? Have you already admitted in your heart that this little guy is not a ‘ordinary’ person? Thinking of all the strange things that happened to Ling Tian, ​​Tianli slightly sighed and closed his eyes, even if he did n’t want to admit that this kid was really unusual.

At this time, I only heard Ling Tian, ​​who was unconscious on the ground, suddenly said in a deep voice: "If you want to come, come and go, go and go". The tone is calm and the words are clear! But it is full of endless nostalgia and unwillingness, and a strong ... love pity ... faintly sad

This is a very meaningful sentence!

Tian Li Huo Ran turned to look at Ling Tian, ​​but Ling Tian was still in a coma. Without moving, Tian Li couldn't help seeing the strange light. These words really have a profound mood, but what does it mean? Why did Ling Tian say such a sentence clearly and clearly in the present consciousness? Such a short, seemingly ordinary, headless and tailless ten words, but Ling Tian said so suddenly after encountering such wonders of the world, which made Tianli could n’t help but have some imagination

Isn't it what Ling Tian got in his dream? With such a thought, Tianli suddenly felt that these ten words were full of obscure heaven and earth, and yeah, naturally when he should come,

It ’s time to go, but when is the right time? 77 heads, thinking hard

Ling Tian, ​​who was in a deep sleep, only felt that his body seemed to be light and without any weight. Walking in a thick colorful cloud, at his feet, there was a narrow path with a faint white light, straight through A place unknown to the distance

Can't help but laugh bitterly, and some self-deprecating thought, he actually embarked on this 'familiar' and 'unfamiliar' Huangquan Road!

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that there was a violent shock in the sea, and then I heard a shouting cry: "Ling Tian!" Ling Tian was shocked and turned to look. I saw a beautiful girl behind me. With tears on his face, he stumbled towards himself, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther. Although the girl tried her best to run, she couldn't shorten her distance, even if it was a little bit, the girl was Xiao Yanxue!

Watching Xiao Yanxue fall desperately to the ground, his voice and figure faded away; Ling Tian felt a pain in his heart and was about to say something. The scene in front of him instantly changed, and a soft voice gently called out: "Sonson" Then I saw the determination in the morning, and the gentleness in the face, slowly drifting towards myself. Behind her, the shadows of Yu Bingyan and Li Xue appeared again, looking at him with tenderness and water. Although the words are silent, the wish to go with life and death is so obvious, so resolute, without complaint and regret, and never look back!

Ling Tian smiled faintly, and forced himself to resist the strong acid in his heart. At this moment, no matter what he said, it was so useless. For a long time, Ling Tian finally waved weakly and said sadly: Come on, let ’s go if you want to go. ”On the faces of the four women, a pleasant smile appeared, and slowly approached Ling Tian

Ling Tian felt a pain in his heart, and suddenly felt that there was nothing in it, but, undeniably, there was an unspeakable happiness and satisfaction, also at this moment, flooded in the heart

Ling Tian in the lethargy will naturally not know that his sentence separate from his lover is regarded by Tianli as a very mysterious martial art, and he is studying hard ...

If there is an afterlife, you will never lose it! Ling Tian made a vow in his heart, Huo Ran turned his head and walked

At this moment, a sudden and indescribable pain suddenly struck Ling Tian's consciousness. With Ling Tian's arrogance of contemporary extraordinary willpower, it seemed to be unbearable! It seems that at this moment, both his body and his soul were subjected to the brutal punishment of Ling Chi, and he could not help but frown tightly, bit his teeth, and groaned in a low voice. Suddenly, there was a dim light in front of him, and the colorful cloud and the flashing path suddenly appeared Disappeared, the rest, only the endless pain ...

With a painful moan, Ling Tian slowly opened his eyes, his body was still burning, and his body was still in purgatory. It seemed that even the soul was convulsing and writhing, pulling away enough to destroy all the will of any person. The intense pain infused into Ling Tian's consciousness! Although the degree of damage to the meridians was within his expectation, under this internal inspection, he could not help but slap, it was really extreme!

Only one line away is the situation where the meridians of the whole body burst, if the true meridians are broken, then they will become a waste person who can't move and can't speak!

The most wondering thing is that until now, Ling Tian couldn't figure out why he suffered this disaster! Completely confused, really inexplicable, but it is this inexplicable, confusing practice ~ www.readwn.com ~ but almost completely gave away his life and laughed at Ling Tian's self-deprecating laugh I smiled. Since ancient times, I have been as inexplicable as I am, and I am afraid that I am the first one from ancient times to all over the world, including foreign continents. Is this luck very good? Still too unlucky! Evil things like this also make myself hit the Universiade

Looking at his body, he looked at his body again, but there was another frustration: the whole body of the clothes was not hung on the body, the naked stripe was not hanging, just like a newborn baby, and the whole body was bloody, and the body was rough. It is estimated that there are at least a few hundred blood stains! Except for the face that he deliberately controlled to die, there was no place in the body below the neck ...

Ling Tian tried to move with a bitter smile. Suddenly, there was another pain in his heart. His mouth snorted with a cold breath: the blood flowing from his body had condensed on the stone ground, and he even stuck the damaged skin on it. On the stone, this move is almost equivalent to skinning and torture!

Although he can't move, Ling Tian knows that he is absolutely safe; as long as there is no longer a situation inside the body of this hell, then there is absolutely no danger for himself, because before the coma, Ling Tian clearly saw the sent Jun Tianli The guy looks at his eyes like a treasure. There is that guy. Even if he is surrounded by millions of soldiers, he ca n’t do anything. (Unfinished, if you want to know the future, please visit wwwm, chapter more , Support authors, support genuine reading!)

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