Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 33: Turn danger into danger

Ling Tian has absolute confidence that Jun Tianli will not start against himself at this time!

That is a sympathy between peerless masters!

After closing his eyes and breathing for a few breaths, he felt a sharp pain in Sarah's throat, frowning, and Ling Tian said angrily: "Isn't that enough? Seeing men without clothes is addictive, right? Come and help as soon as you see enough! Are you very happy watching me suffer? ”

The moment Ling Tian woke up, Send Jun Tianli had noticed that his heart was marveling at the admiration of this guy. Worthy of it, Ling Tian turned around from the ghost gate, and his face could still maintain that calmness, and, besides just When I woke up, I couldn't help but groaned, but there was no other voice from the beginning to the end. What kind of willpower is needed to be able to do it?

I was secretly complimenting in my heart, but unexpectedly came the sarcasm and instructions from Ling Tian, ​​and Tianli frowned, looking at Ling Tian, ​​a little dissatisfied: What did this guy think of me? Actually made me come! Under the whole world, who dares to shout at me so much, it seems bold enough that the pain is too light!

Taking two steps, one hand grabbed Ling Tian ’s hair, and the other hand bluntly patted on Ling Tian ’s ass, and was patting the wound, Ling Tian took a breath of air, pain His eyebrows were almost squeezed together, and he was about to yell at him, only to hear a tear, as if a bark had been peeled off from a green tree ...

Tianli picked him up from the ground without dragging his body. The sound of tearing was the sound of Ling Tian's skin separating from the stone slab on the ground ... Several skins were torn apart raw ...

Ling Tian's outgoing curse was turned into inhalation by his painful life, and he almost fainted again, and a layer of cold sweat was brushed on his body, and the sweat flowed through the wound on his body. Eight layers of **** simultaneously sentenced themselves ...

"I-rely on!" Ling Tian's eyes widened in anger, "His-, are you murdering ?!"

"Honestly?" Tianli looked at Ling Tian's eyes lightly and said softly: "Otherwise ... I will put you back again? I respect your opinion!"

"Don't ..." Ling Tian immediately saw that the wind-turning rudder had to bow his head under the eaves: "Is the world's first master Jiangshan Lingzhu the person of such a small measure? Is it possible for you and other seniors to torture people and land?" Come out? Ho **** ... sigh ... you he ... "It was Tianli who casually rubbed his wound on the tree again and rubbed a smile on the corner of his mouth:" Slapping **** is useless to me


Ling Tianwei got angry: "I said it wouldn't be necessary even if you were jealous of your son's huge capital? Wouldn't you feel wrong if you were a big man holding me innocently?"

Tianli's eyes were cold: "From now on, you dare to say one more word and I will cut it for you! Send Jun Tianli to say a word and follow the law!" Ling Tian shut his mouth tightly. It ’s not a joke, it ’s definitely a way to say that he can do it and really want him to cut it. After revenge or not, the second son can only practice the sunflower collection ...

Tianli asked him to walk into the tent Ling Tian at a glance. Xiao Yanxue was lying with a white face on the corner of his mouth and there was still a little blood stains ... Can't help but be surprised: "What's wrong with her?"

"Seeing that you died just now, there is no danger of life in a hurry." Tian Lixi replied expressionlessly like a golden face. "Where is the golden sore medicine?"

"In the bag over there," Ling Tian made a nuisance and complained: "You walked the rivers and lakes, and you didn't carry gold sores?"

"I've never used that thing," Tianli said lightly, and took the superior golden sore medicine he prepared from Ling Tian's bag.

Ling Tian smiled bitterly, he was crazy enough and proud, and did not say that he would not prepare some medicine for healing, but thinking about who was to send Jun Tianli, it was indeed when he walked the rivers and lakes to get the gold sore medicine. Too few, if you really want to use it, it will definitely only be used to give others a curse of being mentally retarded, and suddenly feel that his body has been thrown up, and then have a cool back, but Tianli has begun to deal with him wound

Tianli's movements are extremely fast, Ling Tian's body is still in the air, he has quickly applied drugs to dozens of wounds on his back. Although Tianli does not prepare healing drugs, the method of applying healing drugs is super first-class The gold sore medicine prepared by Ling Tian is also a secret recipe from the previous life. It can be said that it is the best trauma sacred medicine in the world. This two-pronged approach, Ling Tian feels refreshing, and the pain on his body is slightly reduced. Unexpectedly and suddenly felt a tight scalp, a sudden pain, it was painful and unbearable at the moment, Ling Tian's tears also almost shed out ... but Tianli grabbed his hair and suspended him as a whole In the air, the other hand was holding the golden sore ointment, so he could quickly apply it in front of him ...

"Oh--" Under the internal and external frying, it was suddenly unprepared that Ling Tian finally cried out, and looked at Tianli's gloating face like a fire breath: "Laozi will fight with you! You old bastard! !what are you doing!"

"Very hopeful!" Tianli threw him on the cotton blanket with a bang, and did not treat the wounded with the attitude that he should have. The violent pole followed the dash of the right hand, and threw the jade bottle of gold sore in his hand. To the ground, said indifferently: "Golden sore medicine is too little, gone"

Ling Tian's eyes almost bulged out: "Boss! I haven't painted half of the wound on my body yet, so you made the golden sore medicine ??"

"Lao Tzu's pharmacological confidence is not under any one person in the world. The places that need to be applied have been dealt with. The other ones are minor skin wounds. I control the blood flow rate with real gas, and I am dead! Well, within seven days, the trauma can be cured. "Tianli dropped this sentence and went back out.

The curse in Ling Tian's mouth poured out like the torrential Yellow River rolled out of the Yangtze River. Apart from the scolding, he also found that the physical injuries that Jun Tianli had dealt with for himself were actually nearly half lighter. It ’s better to be ashamed, fuck, is this old kid the world ’s first master, or the world ’s first magician? With such a good medical technique, I didn't even take some healing medicine. What a **** ...

After a while, Tianli finally reached into his head again, and his face was full of admiration: "It is worthy of fame, you have scolded a cup of tea for a long time, and you haven't repeated a sentence and suffered such a serious injury. Don't pant, I admire you more "

"Lao Tzu scolds you for a day and a night! Your uncle!" Ling Tian almost lost his anger in rage. "It's really a dragon play in the shallow sea, a shrimp show, a tiger fell in Pingyang, and a dog cheated. Not as good as chicken ... I ... "

Tianli smiled and leaned back

Watching Ling Tian's mouth keep opening and closing, suddenly a white powder came out of the bag on the ground, tasted in his mouth, and took a double click, with a gentle smile, asked Ling Tiandao : "Is this salt?"

Ling Tian stopped silently, staring at the vial in a dumbfounded manner. He dared not say a word about Tianli that he hadn't said yet, that is, the idea he might be fighting. Ling Tian naturally understood abnormally ...

"It's your kid's acquaintance!" Tianli's complexion instantly froze: "Take care of your wounds carefully, and I will ask you something later." Then she put down the curtain of the tent and walked out.

Suddenly, Ling Tian remembered something and shouted: "I'll rely on, send Jun Tianli, you have to give me something to cover me, there is a girl's house beside me ..." , Tianli no longer knows where to go ...

Ling Tian looked at his shrewd body with tears, and grunted in his mouth; he did n’t want to be okay. Under this thought, Ling Xiaogong suddenly gave birth to a lively spirit ... This made Ling Tian dumbfounded: This Are you still so energetic? Isn't it my life?

Now Ling Tian is up and down, and there are only three areas that are still active: one is the mouth, the other is the eyes, and the third is Ling Xiaoling ...

Ling Tian kept praying in his heart, praying to the gods and gods of the sky, and God **** ... All the gods he knew were praying: Miss Xiao, it ’s easy to be dizzy once, you will be dizzy for a while, then if you climb When I get up, then I do n’t have a face to meet people, you ’re not good to see it ...

Afraid of what is coming, thinking about it, with a bang, Miss Xiao Xiao woke up and turned around ... Ling Tian rolled his eyes, it was really impossible, okay, you are not dizzy, am I dizzy? Grandpa Ling with a naked face and red ears "fainted" past ... only left ... Qingtian Yizhu ...

Xiao Yanxue woke up and woke up. The first thing was to think that Ling Tian was dead. When he climbed up, he opened his mouth and cried out loudly, but the crying could still be heard in the future. Ling Tian, ​​the cries suddenly turned into a pleasantly exclaimed exclamation, and then a shy and sorrowful "Bah" sound, apparently saw something rising on Ling Tian, ​​the daughter of the family These things are still somewhat understood ...

Then there was an almost "ah" sound, apparently noticing the wound that Ling Tian couldn't bear to see. Ling Tian only felt that his side was suddenly quiet, and even when he heard a low sobbing sound, he repressed around him. , A pair of warm and soft little hands, gently touched himself, so soft, so careful, lest hurt him ...

A moment of learning about Suo Suo's voice followed by a tear, it seemed that Xiao Yanxue had torn open something, rummaging through her own package, and the sound of her footsteps shattered and came to Ling Tian.

Then I heard Xiao Yanxue's voice full of shame and hesitation: "Thankfully ... he was dizzy ..." Ling Tianzheng did not understand the meaning of this sentence, and suddenly felt that Xiao Yanxue had begun to be very careful for himself Bandage the wound, the soft red lips move gently on his wound, and then the cool ointment is applied on it, and the soft cloth is gently bandaged ... The entire process, with such serious trauma as Ling Tian, ​​did not How do you feel the pain? It can be seen how careful Xiao Yanxue is. This caution has reached the extreme

Of course, Xiao Yanxue's healing method can't be compared with that of Tianli, and it's far less effective. The focus of Tianli's healing is to save his life. He can care whether Ling Tian hurts or hurts. Ling Tian's small life, although his technique is equally light and magical, but if he is given the opportunity to choose, he is still unwilling to be touched by a big man. Although he is not touched, he may be killed ...

Ling Tianxue's front wound, every time Xiao Yanxue was treated again, even on the thigh ... on the abdomen ... even on the feet ... Xiao Yanxue's flowery lips were carefully treated for him. In order to avoid hurting Ling Tian, ​​she cleaned some minor wounds with her red lips! !

Ling Tian was covered with blood, and some places were still covered with grass and dirt. The dirt on his body was extremely extreme, and there were wounds with flesh and blood curling, **** ... As a party, Ling Tian could not imagine, Xiao Yanxue How did all this happen! How can she do all this? !

As a noble princess, the little princess of the world's largest chaebol, how could she do such things if she didn't love a man to the extreme? Even between white-headed and old couples, there are absolutely not many people who can so considerately serve their lover!

This affection is really rare!

There was a soft touch in Ling Tian's heart, and there was a touch of shame!

If a woman is willing to pay for herself like this, but you still have to doubt her, it is really a pig dog! It was this healing session that Ling Tian made his mind secretly: in any case, no matter how difficult, this woman, I want it! I must treat her well, pity her, cherish her, love her!

Under the careful care of Xiao Yanxue, Ling Tian, ​​who was pretending to sleep, could not help feeling a sense of sleepiness, and finally was unable to withstand the trouble of the Sandman. He really slept like this ...

This accident made him always lack of strong spirit. He struggled so hard against pain, and also consumed Ling Tian ’s remaining last strength. In Xiao Yanxue ’s arms, Ling Tian only felt Unparalleled peace of mind and comfort ~ www.readwn.com ~ quietly fell asleep ...

Tianli stayed quietly outside, holding the Split Sky Sword in one hand, holding the mysterious jade pendant in the other, and carefully observing the Sunshine Aberdeen, his brow furrowed, and after looking at it for a long time, he still seemed to have no way to sigh Sigh, let go

Quietly looking in the direction of the tent, a smile appeared on his face, with a complicated look! Perhaps Ling Tian does not know his physical condition now, but as a generation of martial arts masters, Tianli knows clearly that although this time, Ling Tian ’s skill will not be too obvious, but the benefits he receives are Extremely big!

Although his current injury is so terrifying!

But in fact, after Tian Tian ’s trauma has been handled with care by Tian Li, it will not cause any harm. Instead, he will be blessed by the disaster, especially the moment when the meridians are almost broken. Although he has suffered the great pain that no one can bear, Ling God also reaps the huge benefits that no second person can reap! Because at that moment, under the huge and almost explosive pressure, Ling Tian's meridians successfully expanded to the highest limit that no one had ever reached!

Even Tianli itself should be less than it! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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