Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 76 The Storm is Coming

In the world of mortals,

Ningchuan walked leisurely towards Ningchen's study, opened the door, and spoke loudly,

"Brother, I heard that a first-class qualification was born at this opening ceremony. Is it true?"

"As the elder of the family, you must know this!"

Although it was a question, it was filled with some inexplicable affirmation.

But Ningchen was just sitting quietly in front of the desk at the moment. When he saw Ningchuan, he couldn't help but smile.

"What? I heard that you and several other second-level Gu Masters went to investigate the wolf lair. How is the situation?"

After hearing this, Ningchuan's face inevitably became a little solemn.

"I don't feel very good. There are three Thunder-Crown Wolfs with rank four combat power. This is the most ever!"

"We haven't counted the other second-level lightning wolves and even the third-level crazy electric wolves, but there are quite a few of them!"

"But just looking at the current scale, there shouldn't be a wolf wave this year. We should be facing another wolf wave next year!"

"Hey, brother, you should answer my question first!"

There was a bit of eagerness in Ningchuan's eyes, but Ningchen smiled lightly when he saw this, as if he wanted to give Ningchuan a pass.

The urgency in Ningchuan's heart forced Ningchen to explain,

"Don't panic..."

"There is indeed someone with first-class qualifications born in this year's Awakening Ceremony. You should recognize him."

"His name is Fang Zheng..."

Ningchen slowly said Fang Zheng's name, with a hint of playful smile in his eyes.

When Ningchuan heard this, he was also stunned. He found it difficult to accept this information for a while.

His expression was extremely astonished, as if he was recalling the impression of Fang Zheng in his mind.

"...You mean, it's Fang Zheng who was raised by his uncle and aunt..."

"...He also has a brother named Fang Yuan?"

Ningchen nodded slowly, the smile on his face became thicker, and he talked leisurely,

"Yes, it's the square you think of."

"That timid Fang who followed Fang Yuan as a whole has first-class qualifications."

"And his brother Fang Yuan has a C-level qualification."

Ningchuan's expression became even more astonished when he heard this. He took a step back and seemed to be murmuring,

"Isn't... Fang Yuan precocious?"

"Isn't it said that geniuses with first-class qualifications will have precocious wisdom?"

"But the results of the opening ceremony cannot be faked!"

Ningchen leaned back and leaned on the backrest behind him. He looked at Ningchuan in front of him with a faint smile, seeming to appreciate his astonished expression.

In an instant, Ningchuan smiled helplessly, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"Oh~ This is why you asked me to pay attention to brothers Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng before!"

"Speaking of which, how did you know in advance that Fang Yuan was in Class C and Fang was in Class A?"

The curiosity in Ningchuan's heart did not diminish but increased. Ningchen saw this and took a sip of tea, taking his time.

"When did I say that I knew Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng's qualifications in advance?"

"This...but...then why did you let me pay attention to them in advance?"

"Ningchuan, you have to know that the rumor that Fang Yuan is a first-class genius has been circulating in the village for many years."

"Almost from the moment I remember it, Fang Yuan's reputation as a genius has been floating in my ears like a wisp."

"And Ningchuan, you know me. I'm suspicious by nature and don't want to believe other people's words, so I asked you to pay more attention to these two."

"And the current result is unexpected and reasonable..."

Ningchen's black eyes flickered with a faint glimmer of light. After Ningchuan listened to Ningchen's explanation quietly, he just sighed more and more in his heart,

"Brother is really scheming..."

But along with the sigh, more questions came to Ningchuan's mind, and he couldn't help but ask Ningchen again,

"But... what if Fang Yuan does have first-class qualifications?"

"That's right. Anyway, I'm just making a guess. There won't be any losses if I make a mistake, right?"

Ningchen answered Ningchuan's question quietly, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper in Ningchuan's eyes.

"Haha, that's right..."

After Ningchuan left, Ningchen sat there quietly, his eyes flickering as if he was thinking about something.

"The three thunder-crested wolves...the thunder path Gu worms on them must be at level four!"

"But I have to have this life to take it!"

"Three thunder-crested wolves correspond to three Gu Master cottages. We only need to deal with one thunder-crested wolf or even several crazy electric wolves and lightning wolves..."

"My level three combat power still pales in comparison to the level four Thunder Crown Wolf!"

"Besides, a thunder-crested wolf requires the combined efforts of a clan leader and even many family elders to stop it. I am lucky to be able to save my life from the attack of the thunder-crested wolf."

"Even if I successfully kill the Thunder Crowned Wolf, I won't be able to get more than a few of the Gu worms on my body. I can only get a level 3 Thunder Dao Gu worm at most."

"And after the Thunder Crowned Wolf, there is the even more cunning and cruel Cunning Lightning. This Cunning Lightning is much more dangerous than the Thunder Crowned Wolf!"

"How many family members can survive this wave of lightning wolves?"

Ningchen sighed softly, and with a thought, a few dazzling lightning sparks burst out from his palms,

The rather dazzling lightning sparks were reflected in the deep black eyes, and he was filled with thoughts.

"In fact, my practice of thunder has basically taken shape. If possible, I can leave the village, leave Qingmao Mountain, and go to a wider world!"

"But after leaving the village, let alone facing threats from wild beasts and magic poison masters, just feeding the poisonous insects is a problem."

"In this case, there is no perfect solution..."

Ningchen tapped the table with his index finger, and his eyes flashed with a trace of thought.

"Prime Stone, aptitude, poisonous insects, Langchao, Gu Yue Patriarch, Tianhe Master, Tiexue Leng, Bai Ningbing, Fang Yuan..."

Ningchen had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and slowly listed the factors that could affect him one by one.

In an instant, a terrifying dark light burst out from his deep black eyes!

"Well, when the wolf tide comes next year, I will leave here and don't need any more poisonous insects!"

"With the help of the wolf tide, there is no one in the village who can control me, so I can leave Guyue Village smoothly!"

"As for Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing, let these two devils have fun by themselves!"

"Only when I reach a wider world can my practice of poisonous insects grow faster!"

Ningchen suddenly stood up, walked to the window, and stroked the window frame quietly.

In an instant, a trace of coldness came from the back of his hand, which made Ningchen look up.

But he saw that the clouds covered thousands of miles and the dark clouds pressed down the mountains. It was a good blessing from God!

"It's raining..."

"Summer is coming too!"

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