Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 77 Jia Fu

In May, at the turn of spring and summer,

The sky is clear and clear, the floating clouds cover the sky, the mountains are filled with flowers, and the green hills are rising.

On Qingmao Mountain, green peaks of bamboo are like spears and swords, pointing to the sky. Wild grass is growing everywhere and wild flowers are everywhere.

When the spring breeze blows, pollen enters the nose.

Between the mountains and fields, there are layers of terraces. Looking from a distance, you can see a green ocean.

The figure of a mortal in the terraced fields looks extremely eye-catching.

Most of them are bent over, planting rice seedlings and diverting water. These are their daily farm work.

Jingle bell~

Listening carefully, there are actually a few sounds of camel bells hidden in the spring breeze.

Looking from a distance, one can see a colorful caravan coming into view on the top of a mountain in the distance.

"Look, the caravan is coming!"

“This year’s caravan is finally here!”

"It's May, and the caravan is indeed about to arrive!"

I don’t know who first saw the caravan in the distance and sighed, which attracted all the farmers to look up and sigh,

The caravan is an exotic culture unique to the Gu world. Among the hundreds of thousands of mountains in the southern border,

There are ferocious beasts, long snakes, and dangerous rocks. If ordinary Gu Masters or mortals want to reach other villages, they must form a huge team like a caravan to pass.

It is precisely because of this caravan that the stagnant and closed economies of the various mountain villages have been able to communicate with each other, so that they will not rest on their laurels...

The arrival of the caravan obviously quickly attracted the attention of Gu Yue Village.

In the wine shop,

The bowls and chopsticks are stacked against each other, and the glasses of wine are intertwined.

Fang Yuan sat quietly by the window, picking up a mouthful of food from time to time and putting it into his mouth. When he listened carefully, he could hear the wine shop manager's sigh,

“Previously it was April, but this year it’s not until May!”

“That’s it, it’s finally here!”

When Fang Yuan heard this, he stopped the chopsticks in his hand and looked at the clear wine in the wine cup.

"Although there is a constant flow of customers in this wine shop, there are actually not many yuan stones that are actually obtained, and they cannot sustain the expenses at all."

"Only when the caravan comes every year can we earn more yuan stones through this caravan!"

"It's a pity that the Green Bamboo Liquor business has been taken over by Ningchen. Otherwise, when I inherit my parents' inheritance, the income of this liquor store will be quite astonishing!"

"That's okay..."

Fang Yuan smiled lightly, without thinking for too long, he drank the green bamboo wine in the cup and sighed.


The heavy footsteps made Fang Yuan pause, and he looked out the window.

Suddenly I saw a precious brass toad, which was as high as the house. It was covered in earthy yellow, and its back was broad and full of knots.

There was a lot of cargo behind him, and in front of the cargo sat a middle-aged man.

He has a fat head and big ears, sitting cross-legged on the toad's back with a round belly.

With a big smile on his face, he clasped his hands and said hello to the Gu Yue people around him.

This man is the eldest son of the Jia family, Jia Fu.

Although his appearance is ordinary, his cultivation level is at least four levels!

"It turns out that Jia Fu's caravan is here!"

Fang Yuan looked through the window lattice and could only see one leg of Tongchan, and murmured,

Then came a rather large black-skinned beetle.

It's half a street long, and you can't see the end at a glance. Excluding the goods, there are a group of Gu Masters, and there are some mortal warriors beside them.

After the black-skinned beetles, there are also a number of strange monsters such as the colorful-feathered camel, and they all carry the goods needed for the caravan on their backs.

Jia Fu jumped off the toad's back and walked to Gu Yuebo and all the elders. He clasped his hands together and spoke loudly,

"I'm sorry, Brother Gu Yuebo, I've really been neglectful this year and kept Brother Gu Yue waiting for a long time!"

"If it's somewhere, it'll be great if you can come. Why talk about sooner or later!"

Gu Yuebo also cupped his hands slightly with a faint smile on his face, while Jia Fu's expression showed a trace of regret unconsciously.

"Hey~ It's true. Our caravan encountered a group of blood bats this year and lost a lot of manpower!"

"Hey~ life and death are determined by destiny, wealth is in the sky!"

Gu Yuebo patted Jia Fu on the shoulder, with a bit of sadness in his expression.

Jia Fu waved his hand gently, regained his smile, and changed the topic.

"Forget it, let's not go into details. Although it is late this year, there are quite a lot of good products this year!"

"Oh? Doesn't that mean you're going to make a lot of money from my Gu Yue Village?"

Gu Yuebo also laughed loudly when he heard this, looking extremely cheerful.

Then there was hearty laughter from the two of them,

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Brother Jia Fu, please hurry up and invite me. I have prepared a banquet for you early to wash away the dust!"

The smile on Gu Yuebo's face did not diminish, he turned sideways to make a passage, stretched out his hand to invite,

"Brother Gu Yue is so polite!"

Although Jia Fu looked flattered on his face, he kept walking forward.

Afterwards, the two quickly walked into the attic behind them...

"It's Jia Fu's turn this year. I just don't know if Jia Tiesheng is here?"

"In other words, did Jia Fu bring my Yuan Stone?"

Ningchen just stood aside from the beginning to the end without saying much.

After all, when a level 4 Gu Master was talking, he seemed a little out of touch when a level 3 Gu Master intervened.

However, when Ningchen watched Jia Fu walk into the attic behind him, he inevitably had some doubts in his heart.

Last year, the caravan led by Jia Gui, Ningchen and Jia Tiesheng negotiated a cooperation to sell Qingzhu wine.

This year, Jia Tiesheng should give Ningchen six components of the profits earned by Qingzhu Wine last year.

Unfortunately, this year's caravan is Jia Fu's, not Jia Gui's.

But Ning Chen is not worried that Jia Tiesheng will swallow his share. After all, the most important thing for a businessman is integrity!

The lights are bright and there is an endless stream of people.

As night falls, there are more lights.

The caravan moves quickly and has set up tents around Gu Yue Village. These are temporary shops.

Although it is night, there are a lot of people coming and going here.

No matter mortals or Gu Masters, adults or children, they all have smiles on their faces.

Ning Chen's figure floats in the crowd, and the crowd actually makes way for Ning Chen to avoid a piece of open space.

No matter where he is, the third-level cultivation is enough to save him a lot of trouble.

Ning Chen's eyes move around, as if he is looking for something.

In an instant, Ning Chen's eyes are fixed on a certain place, as if he has found his target and walks slowly.

Jia Tiesheng is sitting outside the tree house in Sanxing Cave at this moment. It seemed that he had expected Ningchen's arrival. Seeing Ningchen coming, he smiled slightly.

"Please sit down!"

"Long time no see, Ningchen!"

"Indeed, Tiesheng!"

Ningchen sat down slowly, with a faint smile on his lips, calm and unhurried.

Compared with Ningchen's calmness, Jia Tiesheng's eyes seemed a little complicated. He looked at the silver medal on Ningchen's waist from time to time, muttering,

"It's been a year since we last met, and you have already been promoted three times and become a family elder! Ningchen..."

"When a gentleman leaves, he should look at each other with new eyes!"

Ningchen just smiled slightly after seeing Jia Tiesheng's complicated eyes, very calmly,

"Yes, it's time to look at each other with new eyes!"

Jia Tiesheng's smile was mixed with a little bitterness, no longer as confident and calm as last year...

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