Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 345: Year-end report (7)

The next report is Li Cunpu of China Bus Co., Ltd. This is the new business company that Li Zhiwen won in January this year.

At the beginning of the year, Li Zhiwen and Luo Yingshi jointly took the majority of CMB's shares, and then privatized them through private placement, squeezing out the founder of China Bus Co., Ltd. Yan Chengkun out of China Bus Corporation.

Then Li Zhiwen and Luo Yingshi partnered to establish a city garden real estate company, with Luo Yingshi holding 60% of the shares and Li Zhiwen holding 40% of the shares, which were used to develop the old bus station, parking lot and repair shop in the hands of Zhonghua Bus.

China Bus has continued to exist in the form of pure bus operation. After the integration of the new China Bus Company, it continues to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At present, Li Zhiwen holds about 60% of the shares and is a veritable major shareholder of China Bus Company.

However, due to the city garden real estate company, Li Zhiwen only occupied 40% of the shares, and the management was also managed by Luo Yingshi’s Yingjun Real Estate. Li Zhiwen was only assigned to the financial supervision and management of an impartial accounting firm, so this year-end report did not let the city The Garden Real Estate Company attended the meeting.

Li Cunpu is the head of the new China Bus Co., Ltd. He has been the deputy general manager of China Bus Co., Ltd. during Yan Chengkun’s period. He knows China Bus Co., Ltd. very well. Therefore, Li Zhiwen commissioned Li Cunpu as the president and used him to manage the new China Bus Co., Ltd. Of course, Li Zhiwen cannot trust 100% of China Bus Co., Ltd. In fact, all of Li Zhiwen's holding groups, or investment companies, impartial accounting firms will be stationed in finance to supervise the financial status of each investment company.

As the president of this kind of conference for the first time, Li Cunpu couldn't help but feel a little enthusiastic about the revenue of each group. However, he immediately thought that the China Bus Co., Ltd., which he manages, also felt that his waist was hardened. In Li Cunpu's view, China Bus Co., Ltd. is not much worse than them.

Li Cunpu said: "Boss, colleagues, I will speak next. Let me summarize the development of China Bus this year. Of course, is there any possibility that our new China Bus Co., Ltd. was formed after February, so The turnover and profit we made started in March. I hope you all understand."

"Currently, China Bus Co., Ltd. has a total of 173 single-deck buses and 92 double-deck buses. The main business is concentrated on Hong Kong Island, with a total of 23 lines under its hands."

"Since the boss took control of Zhonghua Bus, because the previous buses were damaged, he purchased a new batch of buses. This batch of buses has a total of 43 vehicles, costing 67 million Hong Kong dollars."

"As of November, China Bus Co., Ltd. has a total revenue of 230 million Hong Kong dollars and a profit of 97 million Hong Kong dollars."

Li Zhiwen nodded. The profit ratio is not high. However, Li Zhiwen did not acquire Zhonghua Bus to make money. After all, there are too many money-making industries in Hong Kong, and there is no need to hang himself in the public bus industry.

In fact, Li Zhiwen acquired Zhonghua Bus because it was a public utility. Throughout the years, Li Zhiwen's investment has been in public utility.

One is to increase the bargaining chip for myself, so that the Hong Kong government and myself have to weigh the impact.

Of course, Li Zhiwen understands that the British do not care about life and death in Hong Kong, so when he was weak, Li Zhiwen would only be a good boy. When he mastered the real lifeline, he would not be afraid of the British.

The second reason is that although the profit margins of these public utilities are not high, but fortunately the cash flow is not small, they can cope with the crisis.

"In addition, I suggest that the boss buy the Kowloon Motor Bus Co., Ltd., so that the bus companies in Hong Kong are in our hands."

"Kowloon Bus is mainly responsible for buses in Kowloon and the New Territories. If they are acquired, they can create a comprehensive bus line. The two bus companies operate together. With fewer barriers, profit margins will increase." Li Cunpu said.

"Let's take a look at this matter, you first come up with a plan and I will take a look." Li Zhiwen said.

Li Cunpu heard the perfunctory in Li Zhiwen's words, and although he was not reconciled, he nodded.

The reason why Li Zhiwen did not agree was mainly because the acquisition of Kowloon Bus was at least one billion Hong Kong dollars. Although the Kowloon Bus seemed to be a piece of fat at this time, it was not foolish to spend one billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire the Kowloon Bus at this point. Well.

After September, Hong Kong is full of gold, and this Kowloon bus is just a small piece of gold.

After Li Cunpu reported, Dong Zhengxiong, who was also a rookie, was not to be outdone and began to report.

Dong Zhengxiong is the president of the Hong Kong Telecommunications Company. He was previously the general manager of the Great Eastern Telegraph Bureau of the United Kingdom. Later, after the Great Eastern Telegraph Bureau withdrew from Hong Kong, Dong Zhengxiong did not follow and stayed.

As far as Dong Zhengxiong is concerned, he is a Hong Kong citizen, so why do he follow them to the UK?

Li Zhiwen also specifically examined a few people, and finally selected Dong Zhengxiong as the president of Hong Kong Telecom.

"Boss, colleagues, our Hong Kong Telegraph Company was reorganized in July. Before the British Great East Telegraph Office evacuated Hong Kong, all the funds on the account were taken away. So when I took over, the Hong Kong Telegraph Company didn't have any on the account. Divided funds."

"Later the boss gave me an initial capital of 50 million Hong Kong dollars, so that the company's basic business can be maintained."

"The current business of Hong Kong Telecommunications Company is mainly in the field of international telephone ~www.readwn.com~ with some satellite broadcasting, radar navigation, data communication and other services."

"At present, the local telephone field is operated by the Hong Kong Telephone Company, and we do not interfere with each other."

"From July to November, in five months, our company has a total revenue of 120 million Hong Kong dollars and a profit of 40 million Hong Kong dollars." Dong Zhengxiong said.

Don’t look at the telecommunications industry as a hugely profitable industry, but it’s relative to the fact that the infrastructure equipment is its own, and the British Great East Telegraph Bureau has withdrawn from Hong Kong, and your son has become a stranger. How can you let you use these for nothing? equipment.

This is why the profit margin of the Hong Kong telecommunications industry is very low. The big money was taken away by the British Telegraph Bureau.

"This level of revenue is not bad, but the main task of the Hong Kong Telecommunications Company is infrastructure construction. It also has cooperation with international telephone companies in various countries and cities to get rid of the British Telegraph Bureau. Only in this way, we Hong Kong Only telecom companies can develop in the long-term, otherwise everything is empty talk."

"I understand, boss, our next task has always been like this." Dong Zhengxiong said.

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