Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 346: Year-end report (8)

The next report is Sun Yuanzhang, the president of Marco Polo Hotel.

Sun Yuanzhang was originally the president of Marco Polo Hotel. After Bao Yugang seized control of the Wharf, Sun Yuanzhang did not leave, but was left by Bao Yugang to continue as the president of Marco Polo Hotel.

After Marco Polo Hotel was sold to Li Zhiwen by Bao Yugang, Li Zhiwen checked Sun Yuanzhang's ability, and he retained Sun Yuanzhang as the president of Marco Polo Hotel.

Just listen to Sun Yuanzhang said: "Boss, dear colleagues, currently our Marco Polo Hotel Group has a total of three hotels, two are in Hong Kong, and one is under construction in Pengcheng."

"The Marco Polo Hotel Group's total revenue last year was 67 million Hong Kong dollars. Since the construction of the Marco Polo Hotel in Pengcheng was funded by the owner, the construction cost was not included. "

Li Zhiwen nodded, saying that he knew that the construction cost of the Marco Polo Hotel in Pengcheng was used by the electricity sales profits of the Hongkong Electric Group.

The profit of the hotel industry is very low. The profit of the two Marco Polo hotels reached more than 60 million Hong Kong dollars, which is already very high in Li Zhiwen's view.

Besides, Li Zhiwen didn't want to make money from hotels. Li Zhiwen only regarded Marco Polo Hotel as a supplement to an industrial cluster.

"Boss, I want to rebuild a hotel in Hong Kong next year. After all, Hong Kong is an international metropolis. Every year there are many tourists from various countries and regions. It is very suitable for the development of the hotel industry. Our Marco Polo Hotel is located in Hong Kong. Both hotels are located on Hong Kong Island. This time, a hotel is being built that can be placed in the Kowloon area, which can maintain the coverage of our hotel in Hong Kong to the greatest extent." Sun Yuanzhang said.

"You can make a plan for this plan first. I'll take a look at it and discuss it later." Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes, boss!" Sun Yuanzhang said with a sad expression.

Sun Yuanzhang believes that there is nothing wrong with the opinions he put forward. After all, he wants to make the Marco Polo Hotel bigger and has no selfish intentions, but he is not interested in this plan depending on the boss.

Li Zhiwen also had his own considerations, and it took too long to rebuild a hotel.

Instead of that, it is better to directly acquire a hotel brand, operate the two brands independently, and set up a higher-level hotel group for management.

This time, Li Zhiwen is aiming at the Cultural Oriental Hotel under Jardine International.

Cultural Oriental Hotel has two hotels in Hong Kong. This is not the main one. The most important thing is that Cultural Oriental Hotel Group owns a hotel under construction in Macau, and has a Mandarin Oriental hotel in every capital of Southeast Asian countries.

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel under construction in Macau is the first foreign-funded hotel in Macau, and its influence is great. This is what Li Zhiwen likes.

And every capital of Southeast Asia has a cultural oriental hotel, which is very powerful.

This is all thanks to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group's acquisition of Bangkok Oriental Hotel in 1974. Otherwise, it would not be easy to break into Southeast Asian countries.

The reason for targeting the Mandarin Oriental Hotel of the Jardine Group is mainly because the Sino-British negotiations will immediately make Jardine Matheson into trouble.

At this time, it is the most suitable shot, not to mention that Jardine Matheson still owes Li Zhiwen 1.1 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is also a reason to get the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

Of course, Jardine Matheson will never sell its properties unless there is nowhere to go, but in the days to come, the current situation of Jardine Matheson will definitely change rapidly. In addition, Li Zhiwen watched and got the article. East China Hotel is not too easy.

And at this time, many people in Hong Kong said that Li Zhiwen was a running dog of the British, helping the British deal with Chinese enterprises.

Li Zhiwen also wants to let everyone see that it is no longer British and Chinese capital, as long as it is beneficial to him, Li Zhiwen will do it.

The next report was Kirin Securities. Liang Botao said: "Boss, colleagues, Kirin Securities assisted Universal Cinemas this year in acquiring Nippon Film and China Bus Co., Ltd., and after the reorganization, the new China Bus will be listed on the market. The Garden Real Estate Company launched its listing, and the Hong Kong Telecom Company launched its listing, etc."

"Kirin Securities currently holds shares in companies including Jardine Matheson, Land Group, Hutchison Whampoa, Cheung Kong Holdings, Wheelock Group, Swire Group, Lai Sun Group, Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC."

"In addition, the company has a total of three funds, one of which is aimed at employees within the group. This fund has a total of 300 million Hong Kong dollars. Although there is no entry threshold, the smallest investment share is also 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. This fund The rate of return is around 12%."

"One of the funds is aimed at the wealthy class. This fund raises a total of 500 million Hong Kong dollars, and the entry threshold is 1 million Hong Kong dollars. The return rate of this fund is about 14%."

"The last fund is aimed at the middle class in Hong Kong. The total fundraising of this fund is 200 million Hong Kong dollars, the entry threshold is 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the return rate of this fund is about 10%." Liang Botao said.

Li Zhiwen nodded, expressing his understanding.

In fact, the fund for employees within the group is a benefit for Li Zhiwen's employees. After all, everyone in Hong Kong is trading in stocks. If you discuss stocks with the aunt who sells vegetables on the street, she can tell you how ugly you are.

So this internal fund was sold out by internal employees as soon as it was launched ~www.readwn.com~, and the share was not small.

One is because Li Zhiwen’s treatment to his employees is not bad, otherwise not everyone can pay 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the other is because of the terrible record of Kirin Securities. It can be said that there has never been a defeat, plus his own boss This is why the internal staff believe in Kylin Securities.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Liang Botao continued: "At present, Kylin Securities has offices on the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange."

"First, you can understand the local stock market more quickly. After all, Hong Kong stock market is getting more and more affected by the international stock market at this time. It is said that Wall Street is a barometer of the economy of a beautiful country, and the economy of a beautiful country has a great impact on the global economy. ."

“Secondly, as the business scope of the boss becomes larger and larger, covering various countries, the design offices can also respond quickly and do not miss good opportunities.” Liang Botao said.

"Bo Tao's words are very reasonable, and they should indeed be done." Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes, boss, and so far, Kirin Securities has made a profit of 523 million Hong Kong dollars for the whole year." Liang Botao finished speaking and closed the folder.

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