Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 350: Li Jiacheng responds

Cheung Kong Group headquarters, chairman's office, Li Jiacheng did not move to the headquarters of Hutchison Whampoa after acquiring Hutchison Whampoa, but still works here.

Suddenly a quick knock on the door interrupted Li Jiacheng, who was working on the document.

Everyone in the Cheung Kong Group knows that Li Jiacheng has a habit of not being disturbed by others when dealing with documents and thinking about problems.

But Li Jiacheng frowned and shouted to the person outside: "Come in!"

At this time, Li Jiacheng saw his secretary rushing in, and then said: "Chairman, it's not good, something happened to Hutchison Whampoa!"

"What is it like to be in a hurry, speak slowly, what happened to Hutchison Whampoa!" Li Jiacheng frowned deeper.

"There is news from the stock market that Kirin Securities holds more than 15% of Hutchison Whampoa's stock. At this time, our Hutchison Whampoa stock has soared, the increase has exceeded 20%!" said the secretary.

"What?" Li Jiacheng stood up fiercely, and then sat down again because of the lack of blood supply to his head, making him dizzy.

The reason why Li Jiacheng's reaction is so big is that the Hong Kong stock market has been in a downturn during this period, and Li Zhiwen has said before that the Sino-British talks will cause the Hong Kong stock market to fall sharply.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Zhiwen to say that Li Jiacheng believed it, but after Li Jiacheng's analysis and the data collection of his team, Li Jiacheng believed Li Zhiwen's words.

Since June this year, he has gradually sold some Hutchison Whampoa stocks in small batches. From 40% of the shares in October 1980 to 30.3%, it will soon be less than 30%.

However, Li Jiacheng knows that even if he reduces his holdings to less than 30%, Hutchison Whampoa will not change hands. First, Hutchison Whampoa’s shareholders do not have more than 15% of the major shareholders, and secondly, HSBC Bank supports it.

Li Jiacheng knows that as long as the market value of Hutchison Whampoa continues to increase, he will still have an effect on Shen Bi, and HSBC, the second largest shareholder of Hutchison Whampoa, will definitely stand on his side.

With the combination of the largest and second largest shareholders, Hutchison Whampoa has no reason to change hands.

But who knows when Cheng Yaojin was halfway through, and when Li Zhiwen had 15% of the shares, and he didn't find out at all.

Moreover, Kirin Securities is different from other shareholders. From the **** storms that Li Zhiwen has set off in Hong Kong in recent years, he understands that this person is not a good person.

Coupled with Li Zhiwen and his own grievances, Li Zhiwen will definitely not be a simple demonstration. In Li Jiacheng's view, Li Zhiwen is interested in Hutchison Whampoa, which is in line with Li Zhiwen's consistent style.

But how could 15% of the shares win Hutchison Whampoa? This is simply a dream.

But immediately Li Jiacheng became frightened and told the secretary: "Immediately ask Huo Jiantuo to meet with other shareholders of Hutchison Whampoa to confirm whether their stocks have been acquired, and if anyone has come to buy them."

"Yes, boss!" The secretary finished speaking and left the office.

And Li Jiacheng in the office took a deep breath, then picked up the phone to broadcast the most important call to him.

The other end of the phone quickly picked up: "Li, what can I do if you call me?"

"It's not a big deal. I recently collected some Longjing from the north. I remember that Daban Shen likes Chinese tea, so I am going to send it to Daban Shen." Li Jiacheng said with a hearty smile, but his ears are very bright, so he is not willing to give up. Any information heard.

"Oh, thank you, then, but Li, your call is definitely not just a small matter of tea, I heard that the stock price of Hutchison Whampoa is a bit unstable!" Shen Bi smiled and said the purpose of Li Jiacheng's call.

As the leader of Hong Kong's financial industry, don't doubt HSBC's information collection capabilities.

"Yes, Shen Daban, it does have this meaning!" Li Jiacheng said bluntly.

"Then I can tell Mr. Li responsibly, HSBC is willing to support you to continue to control Hutchison Whampoa if you have major problems!" Shen Bi said.

Hearing Shen Bi's words, Li Jiacheng immediately relaxed and said: "Thank you for your support, I will definitely make Hutchison Whampoa better and better."

"Haha, then HSBC Bank will take advantage of Mr. Li's east wind to make a fortune!" Shen Bi said.

Shen Bi and Li Jiacheng exchanged a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Li Jiacheng, who got Shen Bi's affirmative answer, relaxed, lying on the boss chair, even humming a few unknown tunes in his mouth.

In Li Jiacheng's view, Li Zhiwen can only be in vain this time, and will break the myth of Kylin Securities in the Hong Kong stock market.

After a while, the phone on the desk rang, and Li Jiacheng immediately picked up the phone.

"Chairman, it's me, Huo Jianluo!" A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It turned out to be built, how is the situation?" Li Jiacheng asked.

"I checked it out, and the situation is still within control. Two shareholders sold their shares to Kirin Securities. The combined shares of the two are 3.47%," Huo Jiansuo said.

Li Jiacheng frowned. It seemed that he had a good idea. Some shareholders must have sold their shares to Li Zhiwen. In this case, Li Zhiwen would hold close to 20% of Hutchison Whampoa's shares.

Although Li Jiacheng owns more than 30% of the shares, plus HSBC's 13% of the shares, Li Zhiwen has no chance of success.

But Li Jiacheng understands that, regardless of what Shen Bi said very righteously, saying that he would always support him, but as long as Li Zhiwen can bring greater benefits to HSBC, Shen Bi will definitely abandon himself and turn his gun to himself.

Once Li Zhiwen cooperates with HSBC, the shares of the two parties will instantly surpass themselves.

Therefore, what Li Jiacheng should do most at this time is to buy Hutchison Whampoa stocks to make himself invincible.

Thinking of this, Li Jiacheng ordered: "Jianluo, you will immediately stabilize the minority shareholders, don't let them sell the stocks in their hands to Li Zhiwen~www.readwn.com~ otherwise we may really be overturned."

"Understood, boss!" Huo Jiansuo said.

As a talent that Li Jiacheng pulled up with one hand, Huo Jiansuo naturally turned to Li Jiacheng, but he didn't care about Li Zhiwen.

After hanging up the phone, Li Jiacheng broadcasted another number, and then said: "Give me to buy back the shares of Hutchison Whampoa in the stock market. This action must be fast and not give others a chance to respond."

"Understand, boss, it's limited by how many." said the other end of the phone.

Li Jiacheng thought for a while, and then said: "As long as I hold 40% of Hutchison Whampoa's stock or the stock price exceeds 25 Hong Kong dollars."

On the other end of the phone, I thought about it. Before today, Hutchison Whampoa’s stock price was around 18 Hong Kong dollars, and 25 Hong Kong dollars, the premium was 40%. This price is too high, and I understand Li Jiacheng's determination.

So the other end of the phone said, "Understood, boss!"

Li Jiacheng hung up the phone and let out a long sigh of relief. On the other end of the phone is the Evergreen Fund Company that Li Jiacheng has worked so hard to set up. This can be said to be the first battle of Evergreen Fund.

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