Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 351: Got pitted

In the Kirin Securities Office, Liang Botao is directing the work of the staff.

In fact, the 3.47% of the shares in the hands of the two small shareholders of Hutchison Whampoa acquired by Kirin Securities are in charge of Liang Botao himself.

Liang Botao didn't even think about concealing, but specifically let Li Jiacheng find out in this way, which made Li Jiacheng anxious and lost his square inch.

"How is the stock price now?" Liang Botao asked.

"Now Hutchison Whampoa's share price has reached 19.3 Hong Kong dollars, and it is still rising."

"There is currently no action on Hutchison Whampoa, but there is a strange phenomenon here. A securities company called Evergreen Fund is buying shares of Hutchison Whampoa." Zhang Songcheng, the manager of Kirin Securities, replied.

"Evergreen Fund?" Liang Botao said in surprise.

Li Zhiwen told Liang Botao that Li Jiacheng has an Evergreen Fund Securities Company.

After Liang Botao came back, he couldn't find the securities company, but now the company called Evergreen Capital finally showed up.

"Yes, time-lasting funds have been receiving goods in the market." Zhang Songcheng said.

"I don't have to wait, I will release the stocks slowly immediately, and the day lily will get cold if I drag it down." Liang Botao said.

When Zhang Songcheng heard Liang Botao's words, he was not talking, and started to operate.


Similarly, in an office building not far from the Kylin Securities office, the staff of Evergreen Fund are also operating nervously.

"Mr. Ren, a large number of Hutchison Whampoa stocks have flowed into the market, and we will not accept them," said the staff of Evergreen Fund.

"Let me take a look!" Ren Xingzhao leaned on the console and watched.

After watching for a while, Ren Xingzhao finally made up his mind: "Take it, take it all."

The staff of the Evergreen Fund didn't talk nonsense, and started directly.

In this way, putting it here and receiving it there quickly caused chaos in the market.

Many speculators looked at the opportunity and became curious about hoarding stocks and bought some shares of Hutchison Whampoa.

Slowly, Ren Xingzhao felt that something was wrong. Why are there so many Hutchison Whampoa products on the market?

"What's the stock price now?" Ren Xingzhao asked.

"23.7 Hong Kong dollars!" asked the staff of Evergreen Fund.

"How many goods have we received?" Ren Xingzhao continued to ask.

"A total of more than 23 million shares were received, accounting for about 8.2% of the total shares." The staff of Evergreen Fund said.

"Stop receiving the goods immediately, wait a while, and wait for my notice." Ren Xingzhao said.

Although the shares did not reach more than 40% as Li Jiacheng said, and the stock price did not exceed 25 Hong Kong dollars, Ren Xingzhao still suspended the acquisition. As a senior securities economist, Ren Xingzhao sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

After talking to the staff of Evergreen Fund, Ren Xingzhao left the office, picked up the phone on the desk and dialed out.

The call was quickly connected, and Ren Xingzhao first said: "Boss, I think the stock market is very abnormal at this time. There are a lot of Hutchison Whampoa stocks on the market."

Li Jiacheng frowned and asked, "How many goods have you received now?"

"About 23 million shares, accounting for 8.2% of the total share capital, a total of 493 million Hong Kong dollars have been used during this period!" Ren Xingzhao said.

Li Jiacheng sighed, and immediately there was a conspiracy. He hurriedly asked: "Xingzhao, how many shares are still held by Kylin Securities?"

"Wait a minute, boss, let me check it out!" Ren Xingzhao said.

Then the Evergreen Fund was in a hurry, and after a while Ren Xingzhao's voice reappeared on the phone: "Boss, Kirin Securities currently holds 5.8% of Hutchison Whampoa shares."

Ren Xingzhao's words made Li Jiacheng dizzy for a while, but he did not expect to beat Yan all the time, but was eventually blinded by Yan Pecking.

Li Jiacheng stabilized his mind first, and then said to the phone: "Immediately stop the acquisition and wait for the next instructions."

"Understood, boss!" Ren Xingzhao said.

Putting down the phone, Li Jiacheng sat there paralyzed, 500 million Hong Kong dollars, how many things he could do, but nothing was done, and he fell into Li Zhiwen's conspiracy.

Li Zhiwen is so anxious to ship goods, why on earth? Li Jiacheng frowned and thought.

I have to say that to be a rich man, Li Jiacheng does have two brushes. He never misses what he has lost, but instead thinks about why he failed.

At this time, Li Jiacheng couldn't help but remember what Li Zhiwen said when he bought the Hongkong Electric Group.

The Sino-British talks will not go smoothly, the Hong Kong stock market will fall sharply, and Li Zhiwen used his own funds to complete the escape, and he did not even think of this level.


As for Kirin Securities' office, the various staff members are still busy nervously, and Liang Botao is also staring at the back.

"President Liang, the Hutchison Whampoa stocks I have here are cleared!"

"Mr. Liang, the Hutchison Whampoa stocks I have here have also been processed!"

"President Liang, I have finished processing the Hutchison Whampoa stocks here!"


Such voices remembered one after another, and slowly, all the Hutchison Whampoa stocks in Kirin Securities' hands were cleared.

Of course, not all of these stocks have been absorbed by Evergreen Fund, but also some investors who are hoarding stocks. It is precisely because of these people that Kirin Securities can perfectly withdraw and leave, otherwise it will be more difficult.

Since the Evergreen Fund did not receive the goods, Hutchison Whampoa’s stock has risen slowly and even has a downward trend.

In the halls of major stock exchanges in Hong Kong, a line of green appeared in the stocks of Hutchison Whampoa.

"What's the matter? How did Hutchison Whampoa's stock fall? What's the matter with Kirin Securities, is it not comparable to Li Jiacheng?" A shareholder asked.

"I don't know, I still have a few hundred shares of Hutchison Whampoa stocks ready to sell~www.readwn.com~ Why no one is taking orders now," another investor asked.

"You want to eat ass, don't look at Kylin Securities are sold, you are still here, no wonder no one took it, fortunately I just sold it shortly after the beginning."

"I know that Li Daheng will not fight an unprepared battle. Look at the time he didn't use force to suppress others. As a result, 15% of the shares were exposed this time. This must be the rise of Li Daheng before the sale. "

"But Li Daheng's feeling is not wrong. I guess there is something wrong with Hutchison Whampoa this time. Otherwise, how could Li Daheng sell the stock."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and some even yelled at Li Zhiwen for insidiousness.

And all this has nothing to do with Kylin Securities, which is counting profits.

Liang Botao compiled the information of his staff one by one. After this battle, Kirin Securities received more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in profits.

However, Liang Botao is not very happy. In fact, Liang Botao has already liked the feeling of acquisition, and holding Hutchison Whampoa's stock was originally intended to be acquired, but it turned out to be like this. How can Liang Botao be happy.

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