"You really are, how did I fall for you in the first place!" Isabel Adjani said.

"Come on, Isabel, it's not that good to say who was fooled, but you took the initiative in the first place." Li Zhiwen said.

Isabel Adjani did not answer Li Zhiwen's words for a long time, only resisting the big hand entangled in her body.

For a while, Isabel Adjani panted and said, "Dad, I promised Sophie to give her some endorsement contracts. You have to support me."

Li Zhiwen, called Li Zhiwen by Isabel Adjani's maddening father, was all soft.

If it hadn't just ended the battle, Li Zhiwen would give Isabel Adjani a few shots.

At this time, Isabel Adjani has both the global endorsement contract of the Louis Vuitton Group and the global endorsement contract of the Prada Group, and is a hot figure in Europe.

And Isabel Adjani also knew what Sophie Marceau meant to be close to herself, but Isabel Adjani was very optimistic about this little girl and decided to help her. Otherwise, for Isabel Adjani, who knows Sophie? Who is Suo.

Of course, it’s easy for Isabel Adjani to ask for a few endorsement contracts. For Isabel Adjani, just acting like a baby with the man in front of him can do it. After all, Isabel Adjani knows the energy of Li Zhiwen, Prada Group And the Louis Vuitton Group are both his companies.

"It's okay, but how can you repay me?" Li Zhiwen grinned.

"I will send you Sophie Marceau, OK!" Isabel Adjani joked with a smile.

"That's okay, but you have to take your thorny rose and make a rose with a stem!" Li Zhiwen said with a smile.

When Isabel Adjani heard Li Zhiwen’s words, she obviously heard that Li Zhiwen was moved by Sophie Marceau, but since Sophie Marceau wanted to be my sister of Isabel Adjani, she should be a real sister, Isabel. Jiani thought.

"Okay, wait for my news!" Isabelle Adjani winked like silk.

Li Zhiwen saw Isabel Adjani's eye-catching eyes, no matter what Isabel Adjani said, he raised Isabel Adjani with both hands, and started the war of spear and shield.


At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Zhiwen and Isabel Adjani appeared in the restaurant, rubbing their eyes.

Sophie Marceau had already cooked breakfast on the table. Yesterday, the sound from the next room made her unable to sleep until more than seven o'clock in the morning. People are satisfied and naturally cannot fall asleep.

So Sophie Marceau looked at the time at seven o'clock, but fortunately, she got up to make breakfast, and then went back to sleep.

Enjoying the breakfast served by Sophie Marceau personally, Li Zhiwen has a kind of human sigh. Such a beautiful and pleasant breakfast is acceptable even if the taste is slightly lacking. After all, the flaws are not hidden.

Li Zhiwen took a sip of the milk glass and pulled out a card from his pocket and said to Isabel Adjani: "My dear, this is the diamond black card of Lloyds Bank. I won't be with you today. I want to buy something. Let Sophie Marceau accompany you. I have an important date tonight."

"Dating? With whom?" Elizabeth Adjani said lightly.

Li Zhiwen knew that Elizabeth Adjani was making strange things, so he smiled and replied: "Of course it is a beautiful woman who is more beautiful than you."

"Huh, it's definitely not true!" Elizabeth Adjani said with a pouting mouth.

"It's really smart, it's an old sister who is thirty years older than you. Now you are satisfied!" Li Zhiwen scraped Elizabeth Adjani's nose and said.

And Elizabeth Adjani did not continue this topic. Instead, holding the black diamond card of Lloyds Bank in her hand, she asked, "My dear, can I take this card and use it everywhere?"

"Of course, this is for sure!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Great, this is what you said, I want to buy bags, beautiful clothes, and a big house. Be careful I will max out the card for you!" Elizabeth Adjani said.

"As long as you have the ability, whatever you want!" Li Zhiwen said to Elizabeth Adjani with a smile.

Li Zhiwen understands that Elizabeth Adjani is not that kind of person, and Elizabeth Adjani is not the one who lacks money. In addition, Elizabeth Adjani likes to be quiet and rarely likes shopping, so Elizabeth Adjani is very easy to support.

Elizabeth Adjani did this just to make herself feel present and enjoy her time with a boyfriend.

Sophie Marceau looked at Li Zhiwen and Elizabeth Adjani who were sprinkling dog food on the side, then looked down at the slice of bread he had eaten, and instantly felt full.

Li Zhiwen and Elizabeth Adjani flirted with each other for a long time, and of course they did not leave Sophie Marceau aside. After all, it was not good not to say a word after eating breakfast made by others.

So Li Zhiwen picked some jokes from later generations to tell Elizabeth Adjani and Sophie Marceau, and the two of them leaned forward and backwards with laughter.

Even the two of them were a little exhausted. After all, Elizabeth Adjani came down in home clothes, while Sophie Marceau only wore a vest and short shorts, showing a perfect curve.

So Li Zhiwen made the two beauties happy while admiring and playing with each other, time passed quickly without knowing it.

Elizabeth Adjani didn't care if she was gone. After all, Li Zhiwen had seen her whole body, and Sophie Marceau didn't do anything when she was gone. This behavior made people quite suspicious.

In this way, this breakfast was eaten till eleven o'clock, which is really incredible.

If it weren't for Holland Kramer's visit, the three might have talked until the evening, and Li Zhiwen would perfectly miss the chance to have dinner with Margaret.

Li Zhiwen cleaned up and took Holland Kramer out of the villa. Only Elizabeth Adjani and Sophie Marceau were left in the villa.

The two have moved to the living room. Elizabeth Adjani was lazy on the sofa and yawned and said to Sophie Marceau: "Sophie, I have confirmed the endorsement. The Louis Vuitton Group will invite you to serve as the European spokesperson. At that time, you can ask your agent to go directly to the Louis Vuitton Group headquarters to sign the contract."

Sophie Marceau exclaimed: "So fast?"

Sophie Marceau was also shocked~www.readwn.com~ Elizabeth Adjani confirmed the endorsement contract in the middle of the night, then this Karl is most likely the helm of the Louis Vuitton Group, in the eyes of Sophie Marceau Showing a strange look.

"This kind of thing can be done by just saying hello!" Elizabeth Adjani said.

"Thank you, Sister Adjani!" Sophie Marceau ran to Elizabeth Adjani and hugged her, and then continued to ask: "Sister, is this man your boyfriend?"

Elizabeth Adjani pondered for a moment, and then said: "Yes, or not, Karl is very philanthropic and domineering, so..."

Elizabeth Adjani said very vaguely, but Sophie Marceau knew exactly what Elizabeth Adjani meant.

Sophie Marceau is very curious about the man Li Zhiwen. Since he is not a boyfriend and girlfriend, Sophie Marceau is very suspicious of how Li Zhiwen captured the heart of Elizabeth Adjani, a French rose.

And Elizabeth Adjani looked at Sophie Marceau's eyes flickering, knowing that Sophie Marceau had an idea, Elizabeth Adjani pursed her mouth secretly, it seems that the time for this to become a real sister is not far away. NS.

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