Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 369: Words from the Duke of Bedford

And Li Zhiwen, who left the villa, didn't know what happened here. At this moment, he was on his way to the manor of the Duke of Bedford.

When thinking in the villa yesterday, Li Zhiwen felt that he should ask the Duke of Bedford for help, otherwise even if he went directly to Margaret, he might return without success.

Of course, when looking for the Duke of Bedford, part of the benefits should be given away, after all, no one can help in vain.

And there are certain benefits to pulling the Duke of Bedford aboard, at least the Duke of Bedford can stop most of the dark arrows that are directed at Li Zhiwen.

The driver came to the Duke of Bedford’s manor in a familiar way.

The car stopped at the entrance of the manor, Li Zhiwen got off, and Holland Kramer had already rang the doorbell.

After a while, Grace Russell ran out, apparently the bodyguard had notified the owner of this place.

The door opened, and Grace Russell gave Li Zhiwen a big hug as soon as he came up.

After the hug, Grace Russell said: "Carl, you'll be in London more often."

"Just arrived yesterday, Grace, how are you doing recently?" Li Zhiwen asked.

"Not bad, life is fulfilling, Carl, how about you?" Grace Russell asked.

"I'm fine too, Grace, is Uncle here?" Li Zhiwen continued to ask.

"Carl, you are so annoying, you always look for my dad every time you come, and you never look for me once!" Grace Russell said.

In fact, since the plane incident, Grace Russell has had a hazy feeling towards Li Zhiwen.

However, Grace Russell didn't care at the time either. After a long time passed, this hazy feeling became clearer and clearer.

When meeting Li Zhiwen, Grace Russell will be very happy, and when Li Zhiwen is not around, Grace Russell will feel lonely.

However, Grace Russell naively thought that time would ease everything. After all, Grace Russell knew that Li Zhiwen was definitely not a good match.

Not to mention that Li Zhiwen’s identity is a problem. More importantly, Li Zhiwen’s private life is messy, which Grace Russell cannot accept.

But who knows, the longer the time, the lonelier Grace Russell will be. Only then did Grace Russell understand that he was trapped.

"Grace, I'm really in a hurry to find my uncle. When I finish my work, I'll be looking for you to play, okay?" Li Zhiwen said helplessly.

Li Zhiwen is also very helpless. Grace Russell is a beautiful girl. Li Zhiwen likes it very much, but Li Zhiwen knows that he is very philanthropic, so for his long-term sexual well-being and a strong foreign aid in John Bull, Li Zhiwen is determined not to provoke Grace Russell. .

Who knows this is the situation now, Li Zhiwen walking among the flowers of course understands how Grace Russell feels at this time, but this will ruin his plan, so Li Zhiwen resolutely pretends not to understand.

"That's what you said, Carl!" Grace Russell said with a smile.

"Of course, it's hard to chase a gentleman with a word!" Li Zhiwen said.

However, Li Zhiwen didn't regard himself as a gentleman. Li Zhiwen always considered himself a villain.

"Okay, then you come in with me!" Grace Russell said.

Li Zhiwen was not talking, and followed Grace Russell into the manor.

The scene at the door was seen by the Duke of Bedford. The Duke of Bedford sighed. The female congress did not want to stay.

In fact, excluding the life style, Li Zhiwen is an excellent character, with a smart brain and capital. He is a good match for Grace in all aspects.

But the biggest problem is that the Duke of Bedford cannot allow his daughter to associate with Li Zhiwen.

And the bodyguard reported in the morning that Li Zhiwen had entered two women in a villa on the outskirts of London, and Li Zhiwen had also returned to the villa in the middle of the night. What is it called?

The Duke of Bedford took off his gold-framed glasses, and the study was opened. Grace Russell brought Li Zhiwen in and said, "Dad, Carl is here, saying it's something important since."

"I see, Grace, you go out first, I have a chat with Carl." said the Duke of Bedford.

Grace Russell looked at the Duke of Bedford, then at Li Zhiwen, and then left the study.

Seeing the study door closed again, Li Zhiwen couldn't wait to speak.

As a result, the Duke of Bedford spoke first: "Carl, I hope you stay away from Grace."

The words of the Duke of Bedford silenced Li Zhiwen for a moment, then stood up and said: "My lord, I understand, then I will leave first."

When the Duke of Bedford heard Li Zhiwen's words, he knew that Li Zhiwen had misunderstood, so he stopped Li Zhiwen and said: "Carl, you have misunderstood what I mean. I welcome you to be a guest at home, and you are also welcome to come to me for cooperation."

"But you can also see that Grace has a special feeling for you. If your private life is not so messy, I support Grace to be with you, but you can't give her happiness. In that case, then it is fortunate to tell her It’s better to be clear."

"In the future, the relationship between the two of us will naturally remain the same. If you want to see me, you'd better call me in advance, and we will see where we can arrange to meet." The Duke of Bedford explained.

Li Zhiwen understood what the Duke of Bedford meant. Simply put, he wanted to make money behind Li Zhiwen without wanting his daughter to be harmed.

But this is a good thing for the Duke of Bedford, not only saved his daughter, but also made money.

But for Li Zhiwen, it is a bit disadvantageous~www.readwn.com~ After all, in this case, Li Zhiwen has no control over the Duke of Bedford. If the Duke of Bedford turns his face, it will be much disadvantageous for Li Zhiwen. .

If the Duke of Bedford did not say this, Li Zhiwen would consider it for him and not provoke Grace Russell, but now that the Duke of Bedford has said this, Li Zhiwen needs to leave some restraints. NS.

Of course, Li Zhiwen would not fight the Duke of Bedford at this time. After all, he didn't get the handle, and his relationship with the Duke of Bedford would be too rigid.

So Li Zhiwen said to the Duke of Bedford: "My lord, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, Grace is a good girl. I won't provoke her."

"As for the plan you mentioned, I accept it, and then I will be careful and won't cause you trouble."

What Li Zhiwen said seems to be seamless, but it is full of loopholes. Li Zhiwen does not provoke Grace Russell, but Grace Russell will not provoke Li Zhiwen.

When the Duke of Bedford heard Li Zhiwen's words, he nodded with satisfaction and said: "Carl, thank you for forgiving me. What is it for you this time? You said, I will help you if I can handle it."

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