Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1304 The God of Stars Has Backhands

The two scrolls in his hand are exactly a pair, and the two teleportation arrays drawn inside are also connected to each other.

This is so convenient, you don't need to spend energy to establish a connection with the teleportation array, just use it directly.

Mo Jun shook the first scroll and spread it to the ground.

After the scroll is unrolled, it is two feet square, which is not a big area.

In the upper left corner, a miniature incantation is engraved, and the pattern of the incantation spreads to the entire scroll.

Obviously, the teleportation array on the scroll is much larger than the scroll itself.

Once activated, the miniaturization spell will be invalidated, allowing the teleportation array to return to its true size.

Take out four heaven and earth crystals and put them in the four corners of the scroll, as the source of the power of heaven and earth to activate the scroll.

Then Mo Junrong picked up the second scroll, raised his hand to the side of the passage, let go and threw it down.

However, something unexpected happened.

The moment Mo Junrong let go, the scroll had just left his palm and hadn't fallen into the passage.

A fiery airflow suddenly hit from the right, washing over Mo Junrong's cheek.

Immediately afterwards, a red flame flashed in the field of vision.

A skeleton bone palm covered in flames instantly came into view, grasping the falling scroll.


Mo Junrong trembled all over, leaned back suddenly, and kicked his legs to stay away with all his strength.

Within a breath of distance, he saw that the scroll was scorched yellow by the flames of the bone palm, then scorched black, and finally burned.

The scroll is woven from Fantianxing silk, how can it be easily burned.

Mo Junrong raised his gaze upwards, swept along the palm to the arm bone, and then to the fleshless body.

His pupils constricted, his face darkened instantly, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

There is no flesh and blood, a skeleton frame covered in flames and molten lava, and it is still humanoid.

Too bad, this is the blazing soul under the God of Stars!

The human-shaped flame skull in front of him slowly turned to face Mo Junrong.

Knead the phalanges back and forth a few times, crushing the burning scroll into pieces.

Seeing those debris falling with the flames, Mo Junrong became vigilant, and quietly stretched out his hand to the star melting box on his waist.

How could the blazing soul appear here, and it happened to be when he dropped the scroll, this is too coincidental.

Something is wrong, it can't be such a coincidence!

The blazing soul did not appear by accident, it must have been lurking here long ago, but I didn't find it.

Click, click, the sound of a hard object hitting the ground came from behind Mo Junrong, the rhythm should be the sound of footsteps.

He glanced back slightly, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

What, another blazing soul, and the distance is so close!

Seeing two fiery souls at the same time, Mo Junrong was completely sure that his guess just now was correct.

These two blazing souls must have ambushed here early, probably sent by the God of Stars to monitor him.

At first, he was guarding the entrance of Chentian Wonderland, but Chi Hun did not show up.

They didn't appear suddenly until I did something against the order of the God of the Stars, stopping me as quickly as possible.

But there was one thing Mo Junrong couldn't figure out.

How did the blazing soul hide, and why he never found out, obviously he had checked the surroundings many times.

The two blazing souls, one behind the other, slowly approached Mo Junrong.

They could not speak, and the only sound in the air was the clack of bone soles on the ground, and the whir of flames.

Invisible pressure hit Mo Junrong, and the pressure was full of death.

Seeing the movements of the two Chihuns, Mo Junrong understood that the order Chihun received might not be as simple as stopping himself.

He frowned, and now he had only two options.

Either run to the Destiny Hall, confess to the God of Stars and beg for mercy, and hope that the God of Stars will spare him.

Either kill these two blazing souls, go all the way to the dark, and protect the allied cultivators to enter the Chentian fairyland smoothly.

Would Mo Junrong choose to put his life in the hands of others and pray for forgiveness from the God of Stars?

of course not. It is the best choice to get rid of these two blazing souls.

Move the cover of the Moyu box slightly with your fingertips, and then lightly hook it.

A blue afterimage flashed out of the box and fell into the palm of my hand.

This is a dark blue long sword, the color is as transparent as jade.

The sword body is three and a half feet long and two inches wide, which belongs to the broad-faced sword style.

The hilt of the sword is inlaid with a circle of blue spar, a bit like a heaven and earth crystal.

When Mo Junrong started to exercise his kung fu, he injected energy into the hilt of his sword.

The golden-red energy he released was transformed into a lingering azure blue water vapor through the spar on the hilt of the sword.

Obviously, this is a very high-quality magic weapon, and it has the ability to release the power of water attribute heaven and earth.

This sword was originally hidden in the treasure house of the Destiny Palace. Mo Junrong discovered it while searching the treasure house, and stored it in the star melting box.

At that time, there was a black iron label hanging on the side of the long sword, calling the sword the Breaking Wave Sword.

The power of heaven and earth cultivated by Mo Junrong is biased towards metal and flames. Facing the blazing soul, these two kinds of power of heaven and earth are relatively ineffective.

He took out the Breaking Wave Sword in the hope that the sword would exert a restraining effect and kill the two blazing souls faster.

Seeing Mo Junrong drawing his sword, the two blazing souls could understand what Mo Junrong wanted to do even without brains.

"Roar, roar!"

A hoarse roar came from Blazing Soul's throat, like the sound of a furnace blowing a bellows.

Accompanied by the sound, the flames on their bodies suddenly flourished, and they quickened their pace to rush towards Mo Junrong.

The two humanoid blazing souls have no weapons, but their sharp finger bones are weapons.

The bone palm opened wide, pointed the tip of the finger bone at Mo Junrong's face, and grabbed it fiercely.

Mo Junrong had been prepared for a long time, raised his right arm, and his wrist shook quickly and irregularly.

"Cracking waves, stacking waves and chaotic foil swords!"

With the shaking of the wrist, the tip of the sword flickered and flickered.

The sword flower is accompanied by the blue water vapor, forming layers of water spray, like the turbulent water waves in a storm.

Waves of water slapped forward wave after wave, hitting Blazing Soul's empty arm bones, pouring the surface flames flickering to extinguish.

The cheat book for this trick of the Flying Wave Sword is placed in the same place as the Breaking Wave Sword.

After Mo Junrong received the Breaking Wave Sword, he also learned the sword moves several times. Although he was not very proficient, there was no problem in using it.

Sure enough, the power of heaven and earth with the nature of flowing water has a strong restraint effect on the blazing soul.

Blazing Soul realized that the flame on his arm was about to be extinguished, so he quickly swung his other arm and swept towards Mo Junrong's sword-holding wrist.

Mo Junrong's swordsmanship is outstanding, how could he give it this chance.

Turning the hilt of the sword, he slammed it with his backhand, pierced the broken wave sword into the gap between the blazing soul's metacarpal bones, and then pried it hard.

Blazing Soul's bones didn't seem to be very strong, and with a click, several pieces of the metacarpal bones were pried off by the long sword.

Seeing this, the other blazing soul quickly waved its arms and grabbed Mo Junrong, trying to help its companion out of the siege.

"Beautiful thinking!"

Since the bones of the humanoid blazing soul were not strong enough, how could Mo Junrong be polite.

He used the Flying Wave Sword again, suppressing the flames on the upper body of the second blazing soul, and then raised the sword to penetrate the gap between its neck bones.

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