Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1305 One Person Quickly Kills Two Blazing Souls

The Breaking Wave Sword pierced the gap between Blazing Soul's neck bones, and then turned sideways ninety degrees following Mo Junrong's movements, prying the gap open completely.

Withdrawing the long sword, he slapped the side of the sword horizontally, and the head of the second Blazing Soul's skeleton was directly knocked to the ground.

After losing his head, Blazing Soul's movements became obviously chaotic, dancing around in circles.

Mo Junrong knew that Chihun could not be killed simply by beheading his head. The vitality of Chihun came from the burning flame in his body.

The flame must be extinguished in order to truly kill the Blazing Soul.

However, beheading one of the blazing souls can temporarily lose its fighting power, so that he can concentrate on dealing with the other one.

Time is tight and there is no room for much thinking.

The first blazing soul palm bone was broken, and now its attack power is very poor, and it is bending over to pick up the fallen bones.

Mo Junrong raised his sword to bully those who approached, and raised his hand to make a wave of flying swords.

The water splash hit Chihun's face, knocking Chihun to the ground at once.

He repeated the same trick, and once again stabbed the tip of the sword into the crack of Blazing Soul's neck bone, trying to cut off the skull's head.

However, this humanoid fiery soul obviously has certain intelligence and can make basic judgments.

The Flaming Skull that fell to the ground immediately raised the other arm, blocked it in front of the neck, and stuck the long sword firmly with the arm bone.

For a moment, Mo Junrong was unable to draw out the breaking wave sword.

He wanted to lift his foot to kick the opponent, but seeing the burning flames on Chihun's body, he carefully retracted his foot.

If I remember correctly, among the blazing souls, some individuals carry very special flames.

Everything that comes into contact with it will be eroded and assimilated.

I don't know if the two blazing souls in front of me belong to a special species, I'd better be careful.

So he turned the hilt vigorously, and the blade scraped harshly on Blazing Soul's arm bones.

Sparks and lava droplets dripped to the ground like rain.

The stalemate lasted only three breaths, and finally, with the crackling sound, the arm bone was broken by the long sword.

Well, both arms are useless.

Next, chop up the remaining bones of Blazing Soul, and then extinguish its flame.

Mo Junrong raised his sword and was about to slash, but Chi Hun, who seemed to have no combat power, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a beam of flames.

"Damn it, it really is a special breed!"

It was too late to dodge sideways, he swept across the breaking wave sword, trying to sweep the flames away.

However, the beam of flame hit the Breaking Wave Sword, and was not thrown away with the movement of the sword.

Instead, it stuck to the sword body tightly, like a dog's skin plaster, and it couldn't be shaken off no matter how hard it was shaken.

Soon, under the burning of the flames, the dark blue wave breaking sword actually began to turn red and hot.

The temperature of the sword body is getting higher and higher, and the color is getting redder and redder, as if it will melt at any time.

No matter how he fought before, this kind of situation had never happened to the Breaking Wave Sword.

It stands to reason that the utensil is not afraid of fire, but now it is on the verge of melting, obviously there is something wrong with the flame.

Seeing the flames climbing up the sword body, getting closer and closer to the hilt.

Mo Junrong resolutely let go, aimed the broken wave at the spine of the blazing soul, and threw it fiercely.

The moment he pushed his arm forward, he suddenly raised his strength level, releasing the power of the sixth rank of the False God Realm.

Blessed by the power of heaven and earth, the arm muscles released a shocking thrust, smashing the breaking wave sword into the sternum of Blazing Soul like a cannonball.

The sword kept going, after passing through the breastbone, there was a spine passing through the back of the breastbone.

A series of shattering sounds sounded, Chi Hun was completely severed by the Breaking Wave Sword, breaking into two pieces from the chest position.

The throwing force of the long sword was too great, after piercing through the bones of the blazing soul, it plunged into the foundation of the star sea on the ground.

The flames wrapped around the sword became more and more prosperous when they touched the foundation of the star sea, as if they had touched the fuel.

The Breaking Wave Sword, on the other hand, softened under the burning of the flames, gradually bending and deforming.

"What a strong flame!"

Mo Junrong couldn't help sighing.

The God of Stars really thinks highly of himself, not only sending two blazing souls to monitor, but also letting the blazing souls carry a distinctive flame power.

He raised his hands to volley in the air, ready to cast the Great Waterfall spell.

Bring out the majestic currents,

Put out the flames on Chihun's body to kill Chihun.

But just when he was halfway through the painting, there was a whistling wind behind him.

Mo Junrong's eyes froze, he resolutely gave up drawing the spell, and stepped sideways to avoid it.

Sure enough, the blazing soul whose head had been chopped off just now had his head reattached.

It is opening its teeth and claws, and rushing towards itself.

Mo Junrong's reaction was too quick, and the flaming soul's bone palm brushed six inches away from his body.

As soon as he dodged the forward attack, a ball of flames burst out from Chihun's mouth and sprayed towards Mo Junrong's chest.

This time he made a mistake and failed to dodge successfully. Let part of the flames contaminate the right side of the chest.

The scalding sensation penetrated through the clothes and crazily drilled into the skin.

Mo Junrong staggered, took four or five steps back, took out the dagger and cut off the clothes on his chest.

Looking down, the situation was very bad, the flame burned through the flesh in an instant.

This is trouble! Burned by such a strong erosive flame, the burnt part must be cut off immediately to prevent the flame from penetrating deeply.

But his movements were a bit slower, and the thickness of the muscles in his chest was not as thick as that of his limbs, so the power of the flames had penetrated into his lungs.

If he wanted to save himself, he had to cut open his chest, and seized the time to remove the burned lung.

He raised the dagger to his chest, took a deep breath and prepared to stab it in.

However, something strange happened.

After inhaling, there was no burning sensation in the chest, and it seemed that the lungs were not damaged.

Looking down again, the flesh wound on the right side of the chest actually started to heal.

How could this happen, I didn't do anything!

Mo Junrong turned over to avoid another attack from Blazing Soul, quickly gathered his spiritual consciousness, and roughly scanned the internal situation of his body.

He found that a scalding hot current rose from the sea of ​​qi, spread all over the body along the meridians, and finally converged to the chest.

And the erosive flame power just now was actually attracted by the heat flow, transformed into a part of the heat flow and flowed into the body.

This is... Mo Junrong remembered that the heat contained in the sea of ​​qi was a fiery red power.

This power comes from the god of the stars, and it is injected into his body to control himself.

Of course, this red power is also beneficial, through which it can quickly restore energy and the power of heaven and earth.

Now it seems that the heat flow that God of Stars injects into his body is from the same source as the flame that injects into Blazing Soul's body.

In other words, the God of Stars regards himself as a living blazing soul.

"Hmph, I, Mo Junrong, am not anyone's puppet!"

Mo Junrong cursed secretly in his heart, raised his sword fingers with both hands, and poked at the skull of Blazing Soul.

Now that he knew that the flames of the blazing soul could not hurt him, he let go of his scruples and smashed the bones of the blazing soul with the most direct means.

After a crackling sound, the two blazing souls were all dismantled into parts.

Mo Junrong's whole body was bathed in red light, which drove away all the flames on the body of Blazing Soul, and absorbed them all into his body.

"Hahahaha, God of Stars, you can't think of it, the means used to control me actually made me a success!"

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