Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1342 The Fusion of Heaven and Earth Can't Be Killed

Mo Junrong frowned and understood instantly. The God of Stars has lost his body, and now he wants to snatch his own body, just like possessing the body of the Supreme Man of Destiny back then.

What a joke, how could I hand over my body. It is all false to say that it bestows the power of eternal life.

At the beginning, the God of Stars also promised Zuo Zhang Xingguan and the disciples of the Destiny Palace that he would return the body of the Supreme Destiny and bestow eternal life on the Supreme Destiny.

But now, the whereabouts of the Supreme Man of Heaven is unknown, and it is estimated that he has died long ago and cannot die again. With the lessons learned from the past, how could Mo Junrong repeat the same mistakes and obediently send out his body.

What's more, now the God of Stars is just a spiritual consciousness, illusory and unfixed. At any rate, I have become a supreme and powerful cultivator, and even more so in the body, there is no need to shrink back.

So, Mo Junrong vetoed sharply, and instead laughed at the God of Stars.

"Hahahaha, a lonely ghost also wants to take my body, Mo Junrong. Bah, dreaming! I advise you to get out honestly, lest you lose even the last bit of spiritual awareness." Mo Junrong said, Let the flame giant in front of him jump like a thunder, and the mental fluctuations transmitted are even more violent.

A gust of wind suddenly picked up, and red-hot lightning flashed across the dark clouds in the sky. On the black scorched earth, lava spewed out from where sparks flickered.

The scalding liquid droplets fell like raindrops, burning on the ground and making a sizzling sound, stirring up a large cloud of thick smoke. Mo Junrong didn't retreat a single step, he knew that this was a contest of spiritual will, and if he retreated, he would only be at a disadvantage.

General Chen saw that Mo Junrong didn't like this, so he stretched out his giant hand, and slapped Mo Junrong hard with the momentum of a mountain peak.

Since Mo Junrong is unwilling to take the initiative to submit, then use strong means to kill Mo Junrong's spirit. Accompanied by a loud rumbling noise, Mo Junrong's body was shattered like a clay sculpture when his palm hit the ground.

For a moment, Mo Junrong felt panic and despair. Without being able to use Qi Jin and the power of heaven and earth, he never thought that his spiritual consciousness would be so fragile.

With just one slap, he was smashed to pieces, without the slightest ability to resist. Mo Junrong waited for his consciousness to dissipate, waiting for the real death to come.

But a strange situation happened, even though his mental consciousness was broken, he was still very clear. The taste of death did not appear for a long time. On the contrary, the body fragments presented by the spirit began to be spliced ​​and repaired.

Strange thing, why is my spiritual consciousness so strong that it's okay to be shattered? Ahead, General Chen saw that Mo Junrong's mental body began to recover, and suddenly became more irritable.

The palm wrapped around the raging flames fell from the sky again.

Mo Junrong's unrecovered mental body was once again turned into mud.

This time, General Chen even used both hands to throw Mo Junrong's mental fragments in all directions. I hope that in this way, Mo Junrong's consciousness will be completely torn apart and wiped out.

However, even so, it still didn't work. After a while, Mo Junrong's mental fragments flew back one after another, and began to blend and shape like a puddle of soft mud.

General Chen was a little dazed, completely unaware of the result in front of him. Mo Junrong took advantage of the opportunity of recovering his mental body and looked up at the somewhat sluggish giant.

Soon, he figured it out, and ecstasy welled up from the bottom of his heart. At the beginning, the God of Stars used the method of embedding flowers and trees to replace Mo Junrong's spiritual consciousness with the spirituality of the divine weapon.

After success, I said a word. It is said that Mo Junrong can be the same age as Shanchuan. That is to say, he became a divine soldier and started to establish contact with Yunxiu Continent.

My own life is tied to the entire Yunxiu Continent. No matter what harm you suffer, you can let the whole world share it.

As long as the Yunxiu Continent is not destroyed, he will not die and will exist forever. That's it, that's it!

No wonder in Chentian Wonderland, he was besieged by allied cultivators, and he was fine after so many tricks. No wonder my body was injured, but I didn't feel any pain, and my mobility was not affected.

No wonder the God of Stars couldn't kill his spiritual consciousness no matter how he tried. Yes, the Yunxiu Continent is so big, no one can destroy the world in an instant.

It doesn't matter that the vegetation and creatures on the Shuang Continent are dead, the earth and sky still exist, and they can still save their lives.

"Hahahaha, unexpected, you created a monster with your own hands, an enemy that can never be killed! This is God, the true immortal god! Hahahaha..." Mo Junrong was so excited that he opened his arms to the God of Stars. Roaring, it doesn't matter if you attack casually.

Hearing Mo Junrong's ridicule, General Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly understood what he had missed. That's right, in order to create the most powerful warrior ever.

And let this warrior become his agent to control the planet. General Chen boldly used the Divine Ax of Destiny to help Mo Junrong establish a close connection with Yunxiu Continent, making the two almost one.

Unexpectedly, doing so has planted a hidden danger, and now he can't kill Mo Junrong. After a little thought, General Chen came up with another way.

In the spiritual world, he couldn't kill Mo Junrong, but Mo Junrong still had his own flame of glory in his body.

As long as he can mobilize the fire of glory, he can still control Mo Junrong's physical body. Then he worked hard with water, using the fire of glory to burn away Mo Junrong's spirit little by little, and at the same time replaced it with his own.

"Hahahaha, unexpected, you created a monster with your own hands, an enemy that can never be killed! This is God, the true immortal god! Hahahaha..." Mo Junrong was so excited that he opened his arms to the God of Stars. Roaring, it doesn't matter if you attack casually.

Hearing Mo Junrong's ridicule, General Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly understood what he had missed. That's right, in order to create the most powerful warrior ever.

And let this warrior become his agent to control the planet. General Chen boldly used the Divine Ax of Destiny to help Mo Junrong establish a close connection with Yunxiu Continent, making the two almost one.

Unexpectedly, doing so has planted a hidden danger, and now he can't kill Mo Junrong. After a little thought, General Chen came up with another way.

In the spiritual world, he couldn't kill Mo Junrong, but Mo Junrong still had his own flame of glory in his body.

As long as he can mobilize the fire of glory, he can still control Mo Junrong's physical body. Then he worked hard with water, using the fire of glory to burn away Mo Junrong's spirit little by little, and at the same time replaced it with his own.

In the spiritual world, he couldn't kill Mo Junrong, but Mo Junrong still had his own flame of glory in his body.

As long as he can mobilize the fire of glory, he can still control Mo Junrong's physical body. Then he worked hard with water, using the fire of glory to burn away Mo Junrong's spirit little by little, and at the same time replaced it with his own.

In the spiritual world, he couldn't kill Mo Junrong, but Mo Junrong still had his own flame of glory in his body.

As long as he can mobilize the fire of glory, he can still control Mo Junrong's physical body. Then he worked hard with water, using the fire of glory to burn away Mo Junrong's spirit little by little, and at the same time replaced it with his own.

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