Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1343 Successfully Killing General Chen

The consciousness of the star god is very easy to find.

As long as Mo Junrong followed the direction of the heat flow and searched into the sea of ​​​​qi, he soon found a cloud of gray smoke wrapped in red light.

That's right, Gray Smoke is the consciousness aggregate of the God of Stars.

But due to the outer layer of gray smoke, there is a red light covering it, forming an eggshell-like protective layer.

Mo Junrong hit him several times with his own thoughts, but was blocked out.

"You didn't come out, did you! Well, don't blame me for being rude."

Mo Junrong quickly gathered his spiritual power, and then hit the red light eggshell like a cannonball.

Those red lights are naturally the fire of glory, Mo Junrong is not afraid of the impact of death, and really tore a hole on the surface of the fire of glory.

A strong burning sensation filled Mo Junrong's mind, it was a pain from the bottom of his heart, which almost made him faint.

The fire of glory ignited Mo Junrong's consciousness from the outer layer, and eroded inward continuously, trying to completely burn his spirit.

But his connection with Yunxiu Continent takes effect at this moment.

Pain is fleeting, transferred across the world.

Including the erosive effect of the flame of glory, it was also blocked by the power of the world and could not continue to spread.

In this way, relying on the effect of his own longevity with the world, Mo Junrong slammed his spiritual consciousness against the gray smoke.

Then, with a loud shout, he exploded his spirit wildly.

There was a muffled thunder in the body, and a wisp of faint blue smoke escaped from Mo Junrong's mouth and nose.

This is completely a way of killing each other, the spirit collides with each other, and consumes each other in a mutually neutral way.

General Chen's spiritual power is very strong, even if he loses the support of his body, even if he was cut off by Ge Wuqing before.

The thoughts he possessed were still ten thousand times stronger than Mo Junrong's.

Mo Junrong's self-explosion impact this time only neutralized one ten thousandth of General Chen's mental power, causing almost no damage.

As for Mo Junrong himself, it seemed that he had been hit with a sap, and it took him half a stick of incense to wake up in a coma.

After waking up,

He concentrated again for the first time, and continued to attack the God of Stars.

This time, the situation is much better than the previous one.

The collision neutralized a small part of the spiritual power of the God of Stars again, but this time Mo Junrong did not faint, and returned to normal after a little adjustment.

Time and time again, like a moth to a flame, he used his spiritual consciousness to grab the God of Stars.

Relying on the support of the world of Yunxiu Continent, he spent the power of the God of Stars in an almost rogue way.

General Chen knew Mo Junrong's plan, so of course he wouldn't just let himself be worn down to death.

The only way is to speed up the spread of the fire of glory, control Mo Junrong's whole body, and invade Mo Junrong's brain.

In this way, there is a chance to make Mo Junrong become drowsy and lose his aggressive mental power.

Thus, the two sides launched a tug-of-war. General Chen wanted to delay time, but Mo Junrong wanted to save time.

Looking from the outside at this moment, Mo Junrong's body seemed to be stuffed with a series of firecrackers, crackling non-stop.

Wisps of green smoke overflowed from the mouth and nose, mixed with hot air, like an alchemy furnace.

Time passed by little by little, but when the sky gradually turned dark, the sound of explosions in Mo Junrong's body began to lessen.

After repeated blows, finally, General Chen's wisp of gray smoke was left with only a tiny speck the size of a sesame seed.

Mo Junrong didn't know how many times he shattered his spirit, and he didn't know how many times he was hit.

In the end, he was a little numb, just repeating the process mechanically.

General Chen's spiritual consciousness has been reduced to the limit and is already on the verge of being wiped out.

At this point, General Chen's thinking has long been muddled, unable to make a normal judgment.

The complex emotions also disappeared, leaving only the feeling of inexplicable irritation.

"Hahahaha, never imagined that the so-called God of Stars will also become a stepping stone for me, Mo Junrong!"

Staring at the weak gray smoke that could no longer see its form, Mo Junrong was extremely excited.

He laughed repeatedly, and then, as before, slammed his consciousness into it.

There was an explosion, and as the silvery spiritual light exploded, the gray smoke completely dissipated.

Soon, the exploded spiritual power re-condensed to form Mo Junrong's appearance.

At this moment, the disobedient crimson flames in his body began to calm down.

A series of information came from the flames, flooding into my mind, it was the memory fragments left by General Chen.

It was only then that Mo Junrong realized that the power of scarlet was called the flame of glory.

The true identity of the God of Stars is a hell demon with the word Chen Xing in his name.

Then, he learned about the Divine Master, mainly the Divine Master's plan to conquer the Yunxiu Continent.

Due to the broken memory, Mo Junrong has limited information.

He searched for a long time, but he couldn't find the contact information between General Chen and the Chihun army, and he didn't know how many Chihuns under General Chen's command.

The memory fragments only show that General Chen has a large number of blazing souls, and most of them are on a planet called Ah Mingxing.

After some memory reading, Mo Junrong mastered the method of controlling the flame of glory, and began to use this method to repair the damage to his body.

The repair speed of the Flame of Glory is much faster than using one's own connection with Yunxiu Continent to repair the physical body.

The sun sets over the mountains and night falls. Mo Junrong's scorched and scarred body finally returned to its original state.

He stood up slowly, twisted his limbs and neck, and made a bone-coughing sound.

Looking around at the mountains and forests shrouded in darkness, Mo Junrong thought for a while and came up with a new idea.

"Zheng Qiu, Demon Slayer Zhengqi, and sects under heaven, just wait and see!

I, Mo Junrong, will trample everyone under their feet sooner or later. "

The rustling branches and leaves were disturbed, and his figure disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind only a set of scorched sackcloth.

In the deep universe filled with stars, there is a red light that seems to be on the burning planet all the time.

The lava lake was surging, and a half-human, half-dragon radiant figure emerged from it.

The figure looked up at the sky, as if observing something.

A moment later, a circle of strong mental shock spread outward, instantly emptying the entire lava lake.

The spiritual shock is like a never-ending gust of wind, sweeping along the surface and spreading to the entire planet.

In a certain valley on the planet, after a mental shock swept across, two scythes emerged from the cave.

These two scythes have the same shape as other scythes, with huge lizard-like bones, standing and walking on their hind legs, and two huge sickle-like bone blades on their forearms.

But the flames of glory in the eye sockets of these two scythes are far brighter than normal scythes.

Still beating non-stop, shining with the light of wisdom.

One of them looked up at the spiritual impact spreading across the planet, lowered its own fluctuations and communicated with its companions.

"Chen is dead, he has so many schemes, but he didn't win the Yunxiu Continent!"

The other scythe replied: "The Yunxiu Continent is an unlucky place, Bare Dekun died there, and Chen also died there.

I don't know what's so good about Yunxiu Continent, but the God Lord must keep an eye on that broken place? "

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