Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1344 God Lord Sent Out With The Army

The first scythe shrank its neck and looked up at the sky for a moment before continuing to release its mental fluctuations.

"You don't want to live? You offended the God Lord before, and God ordered us to be scythe demons for a few years. That is already a gift. If the God Lord knew about it, how dare you talk about it behind your back. I don't need to explain what will happen next." The second scythe also felt scared, shrank its neck and hid in the cave.

"You're right. The Almighty wanted to lead the army himself, and didn't appoint a general. We don't need to get involved in this matter, just accept the punishment here honestly." In fact, these two scythes are not real scythes.

They turned out to be generals under the command of the God Lord, but they were punished for provoking the God Lord's anger verbally. In the next few decades, their spiritual consciousness must be stored in the scythe demon, and do what the scythe demon should do.

After the punishment is over, they can return to their original body and continue to be generals. Although the sickle demon is much stronger than the blazing soul, it is also easy to be destroyed in fierce battles.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the two of them moved to the place where the God Lord was stationed and did some basic work here.

The mental shock that swept across the surface of the planet just now was the order of the divine master. Order to summon all the troops on the planet, gather to prepare to land on Meteor, and open the God's Eye channel to go to Yunxiu Continent.

God mainly used the strongest means to conquer Yunxiu Continent as he did two thousand years ago. Soon, flames gathered in the sky, like bolides flying upside down, flying deep into the universe.

The two generals who turned into sickle demons hid at the edge of the cave and looked up at this scene. It was also the first time for them to attack Yunxiu Continent on such a large scale.

Only a few generals experienced the great battle two thousand years ago, such as Bared Kun and Chen. They became generals less than 1,500 years ago, and they only heard about the great battle from the older generation of generals.

At the beginning, the God Lord was so aggressive that he led his troops to attack the Yunxiu Continent. But the Divine Lord was too anxious and his troops were insufficient.

Humans and dragons discovered this weakness, and started a protracted war with the gods, stalling for time. In the end, the Almighty had to retreat because his troops were exhausted.

After the retreat, the divine master repeatedly deduced the battle process and found the reason for his failure. So, from then on, the Almighty began to increase the number of generals.

And developed a living weapon with extremely fast manufacturing speed and extremely easy to obtain raw materials, Blazing Soul. All generals are required to create blazing souls, and add a large amount to their respective troops.

In less than two hundred years, the blazing soul replaced the original living weapon and became the main body of the God Lord's army. Relying on the Blazing Soul, the Divine Master occupied one planet after another, and then distributed them to the generals to govern.


Just like two thousand years ago, the Almighty himself went out to fight. But this time, the Divine Lord's army is vast and has an overwhelming numerical advantage.

It is impossible for a dilapidated Yunxiu Continent to resist, and the result is already doomed. On the outskirts of the red planet, huge boulders with a diameter of more than 100,000 feet converged from all directions with fire.

The boulder was black, with a charcoal glow here and there on its surface. Countless blazing soul light spots poured into the boulder like a river flowing into the sea, filling up the interstellar troop carrier.

These black and red boulders are the landing meteors. There are big and small ones, the largest ones belong to the large-scale landing meteors, there are more than 30 meteors here alone.

Each one can store five million blazing souls. There are tens of thousands of soul mothers used to make blazing souls.

And those boulders with a volume similar to mountain peaks are medium-sized landing meteors. Each one can store 100,000 to 300,000 finished fiery souls, and nearly a thousand soul mothers.

A general under the command of the Almighty, who often uses medium-sized landing meteors. This kind of landing meteor transports enough troops and moves faster and more flexibly.

You don't need to use the eyes of God to open the channel, and you can reach your destination by flying slowly in space. When Baled Kun destroyed the Guangxin Sect, he used a medium-sized landing meteor.

The troops brought by that single troop carrier alone caused great trouble to Yunxiu Continent. Only after human beings paid a heavy price did they defeat Bared Kun and kill the released Blazing Soul and Sickle Demon.

And here, the number of medium-sized landing meteors suspended in space has exceeded two hundred. And this number is still increasing.

In addition to the above two types, there is also a small landing meteor, which is only as big as a single-story building. But this time, the Divine Lord's army is vast and has an overwhelming numerical advantage.

It is impossible for a dilapidated Yunxiu Continent to resist, and the result is already doomed. On the outskirts of the red planet, huge boulders with a diameter of more than 100,000 feet converged from all directions with fire.

The boulder was black, with a charcoal glow here and there on its surface. Countless blazing soul light spots poured into the boulder like a river flowing into the sea, filling up the interstellar troop carrier.

These black and red boulders are the landing meteors. There are big and small ones, the largest ones belong to the large-scale landing meteors, there are more than 30 meteors here alone.

Each one can store five million blazing souls. There are tens of thousands of soul mothers used to make blazing souls.

And those boulders with a volume similar to mountain peaks are medium-sized landing meteors. Each one can store 100,000 to 300,000 finished fiery souls, and nearly a thousand soul mothers.

A general under the command of the Almighty, who often uses medium-sized landing meteors. This kind of landing meteor transports enough troops and moves faster and more flexibly.

You don't need to use the eyes of God to open the channel, and you can reach your destination by flying slowly in space. When Baled Kun destroyed the Guangxin Sect, he used a medium-sized landing meteor.

The troops brought by that single troop carrier alone caused great trouble to Yunxiu Continent. Only after human beings paid a heavy price did they defeat Bared Kun and kill the released Blazing Soul and Sickle Demon.

And here, the number of medium-sized landing meteors suspended in space has exceeded two hundred. And this number is still increasing.

In addition to the above two types, there is also a small landing meteor, which is only as big as a single-story building. But this time, the Divine Lord's army is vast and has an overwhelming numerical advantage.

It is impossible for a dilapidated Yunxiu Continent to resist, and the result is already doomed. On the outskirts of the red planet, huge boulders with a diameter of more than 100,000 feet converged from all directions with fire.

The boulder was black, with a charcoal glow here and there on its surface. Countless blazing soul light spots poured into the boulder like a river flowing into the sea, filling up the interstellar troop carrier.

These black and red boulders are the landing meteors. There are big and small ones, the largest ones belong to the large-scale landing meteors, there are more than 30 meteors here alone.

Each one can store five million blazing souls. There are tens of thousands of soul mothers used to make blazing souls.

And those boulders with a volume similar to mountain peaks are medium-sized landing meteors. Each one can store 100,000 to 300,000 finished fiery souls, and nearly a thousand soul mothers.

A general under the command of the Almighty, who often uses medium-sized landing meteors. This kind of landing meteor transports enough troops and moves faster and more flexibly.

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