Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1362 Arriving at the Boiling Sea by Mistake

Shrink the ground into an inch spell, locate the power of heaven and earth in the two places, and then use the power of heaven and earth as a bridge to transport the caster there.

This speed is almost equal to the transmission speed of the power of heaven and earth, which is the speed of the spread of natural power.

And among the things that exist naturally, what is the fastest aggregate of the power of heaven and earth?

Light of course!

However, to achieve the true speed of light, the requirements for the caster are too high, and the power consumed reaches an incalculable number.

Therefore, the speed at which the ground shrinking spell can be cast normally is equivalent to the speed at which the lightning arc spreads.

This speed is slower than the true speed of light, more biased towards electric current transmission, but faster than any flight method.

In the process of casting "shrinking the ground into an inch", the caster will be enveloped by the power of heaven and earth, entering a state of high degree of integration with nature.

At this time, the caster can travel long distances through the channel created by the spell.

The scene of passing through the channel is very similar to using the teleportation array.

A world made entirely of light, with colorful oceans above, below, left, and right.

The light continues to move backwards, which means the caster is moving forward.

In fact, these rays of light are all kinds of things in reality, but they are only presented in the form of the original power of heaven and earth.

The reason why I can't see clearly, but only see endless light, is because the caster moves too fast inside.

At this time, Zheng Qiu was rushing forward in the ocean of light like he had done hundreds of times before.

According to the distance between Qianyunzong and Lingcui Mountain, it would take a little more than two sticks of incense to arrive with the magic of shrinking the ground to an inch.

In order to arrive at Lingcui Mountain earlier, Zheng Qiu deliberately increased the release of energy to speed up the spell.

However, after about half a stick of incense, the surrounding world suddenly flickered violently.

Zheng Qiu was startled, and immediately turned his head to look around.

What's going on, why is the surrounding scene flickering?

He knew these seas of light, representing the power of heaven and earth in all things.

I just move too fast,

Only then did the light become one piece and interweave into a sea of ​​light.

The only explanation for the sudden flickering just now is that I passed through a place without the power of heaven and earth.

This is strange, where is there no power of heaven and earth?

Zheng Qiu felt confused, completely unaware of what happened.

After another three sticks of incense time, a gap appeared in the ocean of light ahead.

"Finally arrived at Lingcui Mountain.

This time seems to be a bit longer, I obviously accelerated with all my strength, how could it be slow. really weird! "

Zheng Qiu muttered, jumped out of the gap, and appeared from the white light rift.

But when he saw the surrounding scene, he was dumbfounded.

He was standing on a small island less than five feet in diameter, surrounded by endless water, with no land in sight.

No, the island under my feet is too small, not a single blade of grass can grow.

The rocks with pits and pits on the surface are full of acid erosion marks and can only be counted as reefs.

The sky was a little dark, and thick clouds piled up and accumulated, obscuring the light cast on the clouds.

Zheng Qiu didn't know whether it was day or night here, and there was no reference around him that could distinguish north from south.

He walked to the edge of the reef and looked down at the water.

The surface of the water is grayish-yellow, bubbling and bubbling, as if it had been boiled.

The thick water vapor, with the bubbles rising, forms a thick fog on the sea surface.

The dense fog is very pungent and has a sour smell, probably related to the water quality here.

Zheng Qiuyong took out a blank piece of paper, drew the whirlwind spell in the Sifang Tianji spell, and then cast it forward.

"The heavens are in all directions, and the gods have orders.

The air is condensed in the body, the wind rises from the mind, whistling through the sky and breaking through all dharmas, opening the way to the sky without hindrance. "

This Whirlwind Curse is the Qianyun Sect's spell. The formula is relatively long, but its power is not bad.

When the mantra was finished, the paper instantly turned into green smoke.

Zheng Qiu's energy was taken away a little, forming a whirlwind at the end of his hand, which was as tall as a person, and was blown forward leisurely.

The speed of the whirlwind is not fast, but it is enough to blow away the thick fog on the water surface, revealing a long open space.

As the whirlwind drifted farther and farther, Zheng Qiu discovered that the water surface was all here, all the way to the horizon.

No wonder there is no land in sight, there is no land here at all.

Zheng Qiu squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch the surface of the water.

There was a hot feeling from the fingertips, and a slight tingling sensation of being corroded by acid.

You know, Zheng Qiu's body has been strengthened by the blood essence of the dragon clan, and the surface is protected by the golden dragon seal.

The defense was close to the scales of a real dragon, and he couldn't even feel ordinary heat or corrosion damage.

It can be noticed now, indicating that the temperature of the water here is very high, and it is indeed boiling.

The acidity of the water is also extremely strong, and it is estimated that fine steel will not last long.

In this way, the thick fog around is actually the hot steam after the acid water boils.

Seeing such a scene, Zheng Qiu couldn't help thinking of a place name, Boiling Sea.

Could it be that this is not the Yunxiu Continent, but the boiling sea of ​​boundless Tianhe?

"Damn, why did I come to Boundless Tianhe?"

He couldn't help yelling, raised his foot and chopped it hard.

This time, he stomped half of the reef and rolled into the water with a crash.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiu took two steps back helplessly, and recited a couple of calming formulas to calm down his emotions.

He began to recall the scene where he had used Shrink to Inch just now, thinking about what went wrong.

On the Yunxiu Continent, the galaxy is reversed once in a hundred years.

Only then are the two planets closest to each other.

At that time, Qingyue took herself to forcibly shrink the ground to an inch, and made a leap between planets.

The whole process takes at least an hour, or even longer.

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