Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1363 Not a Dragon Lady, but a Human

Looking at the yellowed sea surface around him, Zheng Qiu couldn't help rubbing his temples.

This is really a headache, how should I return to Yunxiu Continent?

He didn't bring the finished teleportation array with him, nor did he bring the materials for arranging the teleportation array.

He felt that maybe he should try the magic of shrinking the ground to an inch. His own strength is no longer comparable, and he may have the ability to support the spell to reach the Yunxiu Continent.

Thinking of this, he spread a layer of sedge on the reef, then sat cross-legged and looked up at the sky.

Meditate and calm the mind, cast spiritual power to the sky, and continue to spread to higher places.

As long as the spiritual power can reach the Yunxiu Continent and perceive the power of heaven and earth in the Yunxiu Continent, half of the success of shrinking the ground to an inch will be achieved.

After half an hour, after an hour, Zheng Qiu gradually felt a little dizzy.

A kind of sleepiness, a kind of tiredness, began to emerge like a tide.

He knew that this was a sign of excessive consumption of mental power.

So far, in my mind, Yunxiu Continent is still a giant green screen.

The spiritual power has not really arrived, and is still traveling through the deep space of the universe.

"Hey, the distance between Yunxiu Continent and Boundless Tianhe has increased too much, and it seems impossible to shrink it into an inch."

Zheng Qiu shook his head and sighed, Shi Shi withdrew his mental power to adjust his breath, and gave up the method of using the method of shrinking the ground to inch to shuttle through the body.

If you can't solve the problem head-on, then take a detour and solve it in another way.

"Take a break and go to the Crystal Sea to have a look. There must be a teleportation array in the Dragon Clan."

Zheng Qiu took out a small amount of calming orchids, arranged them in a circle around his body, and used the fragrance of the flowers to help his mental strength recover.

When Zheng Qiu closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, two heads quietly appeared on the yellow-gray water in the distance.

These two heads are covered with scales, with yellow eyes inlaid, and the part exposed to the water is as big as half a horse.

And above the two heads, there are a pair of long horns.

The long horns are sharp and forked, like two branches with sharp knives.

These two pairs of long horns,

It shows the identity of the two heads, it is Jiao.

These are two Jiaos living in the boiling sea.

Different from other sea areas of the Boundless Tianhe, the Boiling Sea is a trace of war left after the attack of the God Lord.

This place was infected by the God Lord's destructive divine power, and the terrain changed a lot.

When the war broke out, the seabed was blasted away by a majestic force, exposing the lava layer deep in the planet.

Under the blessing of the remaining divine power, the molten magma has never cooled down for thousands of years, cooking seawater all the time.

As a result, the seawater boiled continuously, and the sulfur gas overflowing from the lava turned the water into a strong acid.

All the creatures in the sea are dead, and this place is empty, completely dead.

But in the boiling sea, there is another living thing.

They accepted the power of the divine lord and became the pawns of the divine lord left in the boundless Tianhe.

These guys are dragons, but they are defectors among the dragon clan, and the dragon clan no longer recognizes their identities.

And these rebel dragons have been active here for thousands of years, constantly cultivating their own power.

Just like that, Jiao appeared in the boiling sea.

No one knows how the rebellious dragon got Jiao into the boiling sea and kept Jiao alive.

Now, the dragon's head protruding quietly from the water is the masterpiece of the boiling sea rebelling against the dragon.

The intelligence of these two dragons is complete, and there is almost no difference between the dragons in the normal sea area.

The only difference is that their scales are bumpy. Appears to be heavily acidified by seawater.

However, the acid etching only stayed on the surface of the scales and did not go deep. It seemed that something blocked the acid etching effect.

The two dragons were hiding on the surface of the sea and watching for a long time at the figure on the reef.

One of them lowered his voice and said in Jiao language: "Didn't your lord say that you want to get a silver dragon woman here? Why is she a man?"

The other dragon was also puzzled: "And that man seems to be human!"

"Did the adults make a mistake and throw humans into the teleportation array to get here?"

"Are you doubting Master Xugu's ability?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

"It's fine if it's not. Master Xugu said that he will set up traps, as long as a silver dragon woman uses dragon spells, she will be caught."

"Then what do we do now, bring this human back?"

What to do with it back home, if this trivial matter can't be solved, the adults will definitely be angry. It's just humans, little bugs, just kill them. "

As a result, the two Jiaos submerged in the water and approached sneakily from underwater.

After Zheng Qiu of Qian Yunzong in Yunxiu Continent left, Zi Lin summoned the elders through the sound transmission jade tablet.

There are seven elders in the sect who can move.

The rest of the elders were unable to respond to retreating retreats or going out.

Among the seven elders, Zi Lin is the most reliable elder Ming Chengxi.

Compared with the other six, Elder Ming Chengxi has a lot of affairs under his jurisdiction, and he has always been an important figure in Qianyunzong.

Moreover, Elder Ming Chengxi watched Zi Lin grow up, and he was very supportive of Zi Lin's appointment as suzerain.

After summoning the elders, Zi Lin and Li Mojian explained everything about the bones.

In the end, Zi Lin suggested: "The real body of Xugu is nine out of ten dragons, whose attack power far surpasses that of ordinary god-level practitioners.

Zongmen must activate the mountain defense formation to protect important mountain peaks, just in case. "

The elders looked at each other, they understood what the suzerain meant, but if they really wanted to activate the mountain defense formation, there were still some difficulties ahead of them.

Ming Chengxi communicated with the other six people, and then expressed his position on behalf of the elders.

"Sovereign, once the mountain defense formation is activated, the Qianyun Sect will be in a semi-closed state.

Right now, all sects and sects have divine realms lying on the Yingke Peak, and there are a large number of visitors every day.

If the sect is sealed, it may arouse the suspicion of other sects, and it will not be clear at that time. "

Li Mojian's brows twitched slightly, and she retorted: "The elder's words are wrong.

I have fought against that phantom bone, he is very strong, definitely has an attack power above the divine realm.

If such a strong enemy is placed in the sect, even if it can be defeated in the end, it will cause heavy losses. "

Elder Ming Chengxi looked embarrassed, and what Li Mojian said was not unreasonable.

May I ask if there is a sect, would it let an enemy in the divine realm enter the door?

Absolutely not!

So Ming Chengxi looked at Mingkong Zilin, bowed his hands and said: "Sovereign, both the pros and cons of this matter are justified, it's better for you to decide."


Zilin couldn't help scratching her head, messing up her braid.

Should I give the order according to my original idea, or follow the advice of Elder Ming Chengxi?

After thinking for a while, Zilin gritted her teeth and decided: "I'm sure, activate the mountain guard formation, seal the sect!

Elders, please draft a notice and post it on the side of the main road where you join the sect, and then send some disciples to explain the situation to visitors from various sects. "

Seeing that the suzerain had made up his mind, Ming Chengxi and the other six elders did not refuse, and embraced the order one after another.

Two hours later, a layer of black and white clouds rose from the peaks of Qianyunzong.

The clouds stretched and thinned, covering the mountain peaks little by little, like a layer of transparent gauze with black and white luster.

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