Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1410 One slap out of trouble

Crack, a crisp sound resounded on the cheek.

Kanchi tilted his head, and his body flew out, fell to the ground and rolled three or five times.

The sudden slap knocked Kanchi's head in a daze, dispelling the oppression brought by the power of heaven and earth.

It was such a momentary interruption that Kanchi felt that the shackles on his mind were relieved a lot.

She was finally aware of her body, of her surroundings.

"Relax, reassure..."

She kept chanting silently in her heart, gathering her chaotic thoughts and concentrating.

Soon, the messy light in the field of vision dissipated, and the scene recovered little by little.

In the huge underground space, the spirit pulse of the power of heaven and earth surges above the head.

That's right, I managed to get out of trouble and returned to reality.

What came into view directly in front of him was a white robe.

The fabric is as smooth as water, without any stains, it is dry cloud weaving embroidery.

"Boss Zheng..."

Kanchi raised his head, looked at his figure but found that it was not Zheng Qiu.

A girl with silver-green hair and a pair of sharp horns on her forehead, isn't she Qingyue, the Dragon Girl.

Qingyue crossed her hips and looked down at Kanchi.

After a while, he reached out and waved his hand in front of Kanchi again.

"Why, are you still awake?

If you are not awake, then slap me again, and this time hit the other side. "

"Don't, don't, I'm already awake!"

Kanchi hurriedly got up to stop her. She still had a burning pain on her left cheek, and Qingyue's slap just now was really heavy.

If the right side is whipped again, I'm afraid the teeth will have to be knocked out.

Qingyue put down her hands in satisfaction, and lectured Kanchi with a straight face.

"Why are you so rude, didn't you see the barriers on it?

You still have the courage to go through it with your spirit to investigate, you are dead without me!

Hmph, rash, if it weren't for the arrangement of this layer of separation, the boss would have been able to set up the teleportation array a day in advance. "

Kanchi was very embarrassed, and repeatedly apologized and admitted his mistake.

She understood that Zheng Qiu had long known the danger of spiritual veins, so he deliberately set up a unique barrier.

Block the oppression, power, and the erosion of the soul brought by the power of heaven and earth at the upper level.

If there is no such barrier, I am afraid that everyone will be swallowed by the strong power of heaven and earth at the moment of teleportation.

Stupid stupid, crazy crazy.

Wait a minute, besides myself, there are fifty fellows coming over.

Thinking of this, Kanchi quickly turned around and ran to the cargo box, checking the messy guys in the cargo box.

Compared with Kanchi himself, the guys are in a much better situation.

The guys didn't bypass the barrier and received the influence of the spirit veins head-on, but were only affected by a little force falling from the barrier hole.

They are still conscious, and a few are in better condition, and they can still respond to Kanchi's questioning.

It's just that everyone is drunk like that,

It was difficult to control the body, limp as if the bones were pulled.

Kanchi recalled the commonly used prescriptions a little bit, and found out the formula medicinal materials to make Ningshen Nectar from the wooden box containing common medicinal materials.

Reassuring horse thorn, incense medicinal vine, and chrysanthemum.

Crush these herbs, and drop the mixed juice into the mouth of the buddy.

The undiluted concoction has a high concentration and should not be used in excess, just one drop per person.

After about three sticks of incense, the guys gradually recovered and twisted their bodies one by one to get up from the ground.

Kanchi immediately warned everyone: "Above our heads is the spirit vein of the earth, the source of the power of heaven and earth in the entire Yunxiu Continent.

Although there is only a short section, the power in it is so vast that it cannot be calculated.

Boss Zheng specially arranged security measures on it, but this measure can only protect cultivators above a certain level.

You must not look up, otherwise you will be like just now, your mind will not be able to control your body.

Also, if someone is accidentally tricked, you can give him Ningshen Manna.

The formula is reassuring horse thorn, incense medicinal vine, and chrysanthemum. "

As he said that, Kanchi pointed to the teleportation array under everyone's feet: "Everyone is the first batch to transfer here, so you must carefully write down what I just said.

Keep two guards around the teleportation array at all times, and notify every batch of people teleported from behind, and tell them the danger of the spiritual veins. "

When they were first affected by the strong force of heaven and earth, everyone felt instinctive fear, which was the fear of the body and consciousness being forcibly separated.

So this time, everyone attached great importance to Supervisor Kanchi's admonition, and tried their best to write down every word carefully.

To solve the problem of environmental adaptation, the next step is to move the cargo boxes out of the transmission array.

The guys worked together to lift the boxes and moved them out one by one. Qingyue waved her hand to guide: "This way, this way!

Have you seen that small stone house? Put it in the house first.

Never mind the furniture inside, it's all piled up, all piled up! "

Kanchi was puzzled: "Did Boss Zheng build that house?

Why move all the boxes in, there is a large open space here, just stack them up. "

Qingyue shook her head and vetoed: "No, the power of heaven and earth released by the spirit vein is too strong, which will interfere with the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials.

Hmm... It's okay to put tables and chairs outside. "

It turned out that Kanchi figured out the reason and asked the buddy to sort the boxes.

All the wooden boxes containing medicinal materials were moved into the stone house.

The iron boxes containing furniture and ores were stacked in the open space in front of the house.

During the transportation process, Kanchi couldn't bear his curiosity and asked Qingyue about the specific situation of the Lingmai Cave.

After the conversation, she realized that this huge underground space is located tens of thousands of feet below the Great Desolation.

And above this space, there is endless underground magma.

That is to say, the underground tunnel through which this spirit vein flows is buried under the lava deep in the earth's crust.

Qingyue also told Kanchi that she followed the direction of the spiritual vein and explored the distance of the tunnel.

The underground space they are in now is still the shallowest part of the spiritual vein, and the rest of the space is deeper and narrower than here.

Even some places have no air and are filled with sulfur gas, making it impossible for humans to survive.

At the same time, outside the Great Wilderness, in a town near Qianyunzong.

Two very tall men were sitting in a private room on the second floor of the teahouse talking.

They are all dressed in black robes, with many small pieces of armor embroidered on the surface of the robes, like an ultra-thin flexible armor.

Whether it's lifting a glass or turning your body.

The nails on the surface of the robe will rustle, which sounds uncomfortable.

There is also a large hood behind the neck of the robe, and the two men wear hoods even when they are sitting indoors.

The face is hidden in the shadow of the hood, looking very mysterious.

One of them looked out the window of the private room for a long time, then turned around and asked: "I heard that Qian Yunzong has sent away all those unconscious people, so why are we still sitting here?"

"Observe the alert situation of Qian Yunzong."

"What is there to observe in the alert situation?"

"Xu Gu is still imprisoned in Qianyun Sect.

If humanity's vigilance isn't tight, we have a chance to sneak in and get the bones out. "

Just as Zheng Qiu guessed before, the dragon who came to Yunxiu Continent to make troubles in the boiling sea is not just a weak one.

These two tall men, shrouded in black robes and cloaks, are also dragons of the boiling sea.

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