Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1401 Careless Conspiracy Overheard

"How can it be so troublesome, a bunch of human cultivators, just little bugs.

Just rush in, kill one when you see one, and save the bone is a piece of cake. "

"You'd better use your brains, Xu Gu is not defeated, but captured alive.

Do you understand that it can only be done if the strength of the two parties differs to a certain extent.

Qian Yunzong's strength is certainly not as simple as it appears on the surface, and he must be meticulous in his work. "

The man who spoke, the armor of his robe was slightly red.

And the figure is also slightly larger than the other person.

It can be seen that the status of this dragon is higher than that of the other, and its thinking is more meticulous.

He drank the tea in the cup, felt bad taste and vomited on the ground.

Then he continued, "Don't be impatient.

I have already used the flying fish spell to put on my vortex eyes, and went to Qianyunzong to observe the situation, and I will be back in a while.

At that time, we will know the alert situation of Qian Yunzong. "

The two sat in the private room, and after a while, they asked the teahouse waiter to add water, pretending to be drinking tea.

In fact, how could the two dragons drink ordinary human tea, which is no different from smelly hay in their eyes.

After sitting for an entire hour and a half, a misty thin cloud flew in the sky outside.

Bo Yun flew to the top of the teahouse, and suddenly dissipated, and a small blue fish the size of a palm fell inside.

The man stretched out his hand out of the window, and the small fish fell into his palm accurately.

Crush the small fish and turn it into a blue water-attribute force of heaven and earth that dissipates, and a translucent bead falls out of it.

The beads are blue and white in which the colors swirl like a vortex.

The center of the vortex is dark and deep, like a pupil, swallowing the light from the outside world.

The man wiped the surface of the bead with his other hand, and the pattern of the swirl eyes began to rotate in reverse, reflecting a series of pictures.

The picture isn't particularly sharp, but there's a lot recorded.

Judging from the screen,

After the Flying Fish Curse arrived at Qianyun Sect, it kept circling outside the sect.

Every time you try to enter, there is an invisible force that quickly sucks the power of heaven and earth in the Flying Fish Curse.

"Qian Yunzong should have arranged a formation to guard the mountain, and the Flying Fish Curse cannot fly in.

If we force our way in, we will definitely touch the formation and be discovered by human cultivators. "

"I don't believe that this formation is seamless, maybe you can get in if you go around it."

"The Flying Fish Curse has been tried from every angle, only on the main road of Qianyunzong's main entrance, there is no mountain guard formation.

But that is the main entrance, and there are many human beings guarding it, so it is not easy to enter. "

"This won't work, and that won't work either!

Can our Dragon Clan not handle mere human beings? "

Realizing that his tone was a bit harsh, the lower-status dragon hurriedly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I, I didn't lose my temper on purpose, I was impulsive."

"Next time, pay attention, we are doing things for God, we must be serious."

The higher-status dragon rubbed his chin in thought, then took out a booklet from his waist.

The booklet is a common sense book that is sold everywhere in Yunxiu Continent. It is called "Records of Yunxiu Continent", and it contains brief introductions of most famous sects.

He said while flipping through "Cloud Sleeve Continent Notes" for reference.

"Xu Gu is too anxious, Qianyun Sect is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the founder is likely to have experienced the battle of gods.

This is a hard bone, not easy to chew on, even us dragons are the same.

Since Qian Yunzong has sent away all the unconscious targets, then we will pick other sects and find weaker sects. "

Soon, the man stopped turning the page and began to carefully examine the content on the page.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "This Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts looks good, it was built in a short period of time, and its background must be shallow.

Their previous Hall Master had just died, and they were replaced by a younger one, whose level must not be very good. "

"Is there such a good thing? Let me see."

After some careful reading, the applause sounded.

"Interesting, this Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts actually uses control of wild beasts as a sect's unique skill in cultivation.

Not only can it enhance the ability of the beast, but it can also lead the beast to fight side by side.

From the looks of it, the human beings in the Hall of Beasts are not very strong, so they are indeed good targets. "

"That's right, you need to control wild beasts to fight side by side, and the method of controlling wild beasts is also a special skill for cultivation.

It shows that half of the fighting power of the human beings in the Hall of Beasts is on the beasts.

According to the news we got before, there are also comatose people in this hall of beasts.

Originally lying in Qianyunzong, he should be sent back now.

If we can destroy the Hall of Beasts, we will kill two birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone.

Not only wiped out the resistance force of Yunxiu Continent, but also completed the revelation given by the God Lord, and killed the unconscious people. "

"I'm worried that the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts also has a mountain defense formation. Can a strong attack do it?"

"Of course not.

In this way, I will pretend to be a cultivator, and you will change into a spirit beast.

I found a rare spirit beast under the pretext that I hope to go up to the mountain to learn art, and use this method to sneak in.

Once inside, look for an opportunity to attack. "

The two dragons of the boiling sea are discussing happily.

But they didn't know that someone had pasted a miniature note paper on the wall outside the private room.

The talisman paper is only as wide as a thumb and less than two inches long, and it is pasted on the backlight of the wall and the door frame.

At the same time, in the back kitchen of the teahouse, a cultivator dressed as a waiter in the teahouse was holding a trumpet-shaped ritual instrument to play the dialogue.

This person is an official disciple of Qian Yunzong.

After the sect was invaded by the black dragon bone, it stepped up its defenses.

Jinhong Supreme, Li Mojian, had discovered a false bone in a town near the Zongmen before.

Therefore, Qianyunzong included the surrounding villages and towns in the alert range.

Each village and town is assigned two to four disciples to be stationed according to the size of the resident population.

Always pay attention to the orientation of the village and town force personnel, and observe whether there are any suspicious guys.

This time, the two new dragons were wearing black-bottomed robes with armor, and their heads were covered in hoods.

Such a weird shape, any disciple of Qianyun Sect who is not blind or a normal person can notice it.

So the disciple secretly followed to the teahouse, and after revealing his identity to the shopkeeper, he pretended to be a shop assistant.

He was careful not to go directly to the private room to deliver tea.

If the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, his identity as a cultivator will be easily exposed in close contact.

Therefore, he chose to take advantage of the cleaning of the corridor, and pasted a miniature note on the outer wall of the private room to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two inside.

Hearing this, he was startled.

It turned out that the two weird men were really with Xu Gu, and they were probably also dragons.

The disciple slipped out of the teahouse without saying a word, flew back to the sect with Guangfei, and reported the matter to the elder Mingding on duty.

In less than half an hour, the news spread to Tanyun Tower and reached the ears of the Sovereign.

Clap, clap, Mingkong Zilin slapped the desk hard, blushing and cursing angrily.

"Bastard bug, when we dry Yunzong what is it, the back garden?

Come when you want, leave when you want.

You actually dare to conspire in front of my house, do you think that I, Galaxy Supreme, is a dead man! "

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