"Master, master! We're here, we're here!" Zheng Qiu jumped up from the straw mat to pull the master who was still dozing off.

"Ah? Are you at Qianyunzong?" The master raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks to drive the drowsiness out of his head. Zheng Qiu couldn't wait to run behind Yunyou to push the wheelchair, and while walking into the hall, he turned around and urged: "Master, hurry up, hurry up!"

Leaving Tianzhou along the ramp, the place where you land is a huge square. The square is paved with stone slabs covered with a thin gray iron sheet.

The sky boat they were sitting on was also supported by the boat platform, but the boat platform here is not made of stone pillars, but iron. Zheng Qiu looked up and looked around. There were more than 20 boat platforms in the square, and there were no fewer than six large and small boats parked there.

There are many practitioners in the square, some of them are walking, some of them are flying. Following the direction of these people, Zheng Qiu and the others came to the side of the square.

Looking into the distance, his eyes flashed with brilliance, wow, Qian Yunzong, this is Qian Yunzong! In front is a stretch of mountains, green and ancient, stretching from the line of sight to the distant horizon, and there are countless peaks.

These peaks are high or low, large and small, and have different shapes. Some peaks have smooth tops, others are missing half of one side, and some are completely tilted to one side.

From a distance, the buildings of Qianyunzong are all gray. Some of these gray buildings are like square pillars, some are like barrels, and they are densely covered on the mountain peak like stars. Some of the pillars are very tall, straight into the sky, it looks like a long nail has been driven into the mountain peak.

Seeing these mountain peaks with obvious artificial traces, those regular gray buildings, and those old and huge trees, Zheng Qiu couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart. The Qianyun Sect, which is rooted in this mountain, is so out of tune with the environment here, so uncoordinated.

Zheng Qiu lowered his head and looked down. Like the post station when he set off, the square he was in was also a flattened mountain. Only now the mountain is bigger and flatter. On the left side of the square, there is a road paved with small stone bricks, extending to the center of Qianyunzong.

Zheng Qiu was not in a hurry to go to Zongli, the first thing he thought of was to fill his stomach.

"Master, let's go find something to eat." He counted on his fingers, "Lunch, dinner, breakfast, from noon yesterday to now, there are three meals that have not been eaten."

The master looked around the square, and found that there was also a round building at the corner of the square, which was exactly the same as the house in the station: "My dear apprentice, that one is the same as the station, maybe it also has a restaurant."

"Great, master, let's go and have a look!" Zheng Qiu pushed on the wheelchair and ran over at a fast pace.

The round house is also built of stones, but like the ground of the square, the walls of the house are also covered with a thin layer of iron. Running into the gate, Zheng Qiu's footsteps stopped.

The inside is different from the station, the whole round house is a hall. There are many tables and chairs in the hall, and a huge wooden sign over two feet high hangs on the innermost wall.

At this time, the hall was full of people, not to mention there were no chairs to sit on, and there was no space to push a wheelchair in. What's happening here? Zheng Qiu had never seen so many practitioners, and there were still question marks in his head.

At this time, Zheng Qiu saw from a distance a middle-aged man with a long beard flying up in front of the big wooden sign. The man was wearing clothes with green clouds pattern on a white background.

The man took out three rolls of paper full of things and pasted them on the wooden sign one by one. As soon as these papers were pasted up, the cultivators in the hall suddenly became lively. They crowded in front of the wooden sign, discussing noisyly while reading the words on the paper.

The crowd leaned in, and the gate was no longer so crowded. A row of wooden frames by the wall caught Zheng Qiu's eyes tightly. He grinned happily and ran over excitedly. Like the restaurant in the post station, there are fruits and vegetables on the wooden shelves, but the amount here is more, not on plates, but on wooden barrels.

Zheng Qiu looked back at the hall,

There was no place to sit, so he took off the jacket of his short jacket, tied the cuffs and collar tightly, picked up the wooden bucket and poured the fruit into the waist of the clothes.

While pouring the fruit, the voices of the crowd in the hall reached Zheng Qiu's ears.

"What's going on? Why can't my sky boat set off yet?"

"It's not just you, the three ships here haven't set off yet."

"Qian Yunzong, what are you doing? Tianzhou has been here for two months, and I can fly there by myself."

"My ship has not set off for almost three months."

"Is the sky boat broken?"

"If it breaks down, you can replace it with the Tianzhou. It's definitely not the Tianzhou's fault."

"Do any of you know what's going on?"

"I heard that there are sects fighting on the route of the three heavenly boats. Could this be the reason?"

"How many sects can there be in Yunxiu, and fighting will hit the cloud, don't be kidding."

"I've also heard that there seems to be Ink Shadow Valley involved."

"Moying Valley, the top ten sects, no wonder..."

"Zheng Qiu, enough is enough, enough is enough, don't let others see the joke." Yunyou stopped Zheng Qiu from continuing to pour fruit.

"Okay, okay." Zheng Qiu put the barrel back, tied up the waist of his clothes, looked around, saw that everyone was talking about the brand, he put his hand into the barrel and took another fruit. Putting the fruit in his mouth, he picked up the clothes full of fruit and pushed Yunyou out of the round house.

Leaving the square, walking along the stone brick avenue towards Qianyunzong, Zheng Qiu and the other three took out fruits and gnawed on them as they walked. About half an hour later, the fruit in the clothes was eaten, and the gate of Qianyunzong also appeared in front of him.

On the left and right of the mountain gate are two iron pillars as thick as a man. A beam is supported horizontally on the iron pillar. Two chains are hung from the beam, and two large metal characters "Qian" and "Cloud" are tied respectively. Ding Ding Dang Dang, under the blowing of the mountain wind, the two large characters swayed and collided like wind chimes.

On the left side of the iron pillar is written: Qiankun accommodates distinguished guests from all directions; on the right iron pillar is written: Gathering clouds and accepting treasures from thousands of mountains.

Beside the mountain gate was a small stone hut with a square meter. Zheng Qiu and the other three stood in front of the mountain gate, and a young man came out of the stone hut. The clothes the young man wore were different from those on Tianzhou, and the cloud pattern on his chest was blue.

He smiled and nodded to Zheng Qiu and the others, appearing very warm and polite: "Welcome to Qian Yunzong. Why are you here? Are you here to buy exercises or to visit the sect? Please state your identity when purchasing exercises, and visit the sect." Please show the invitation at the door."

The sudden enthusiasm made Zheng Qiu very uncomfortable. The tone of this man's speech was like that of a vendor in the market, the kind who stands at the door of the shop all day long to sell.

Zheng Qiu avoided the young man's ardent gaze, thought for a while and replied, "Um, I'm here to find someone. No, no, it's you guys from Qian Yunzong who asked me to come here to find someone."

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