Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 35 Traveling through the sect to see miraculous achievements

"It's our Qian Yunzong who asked you to find someone?" Zheng Qiu's answer was unexpected by the young man. He thought for a while and then asked, "Then please tell me who asked you to come to Yunzong. And who are you looking for here?"

"Uh, I don't know who it is, anyway they asked me to find someone named Ming Zong."

Hearing Zheng Qiu's words, a trace of anger flashed across the young man's face, but it was only for a moment. Before the trace of anger could be expressed, it was replaced by a warm smile.

The young man shook his head slightly: "My Qianyun Sect has only one elder named Ming Zong. You can't tell who invited you here, and there is no letter of invitation. I can't let you in."

"Yes, I have something." Zheng Qiu unbuttoned his short jacket, took out a rough cloth bag from his bosom, and handed it along with it. The young man took the cloth bag and opened it, and was stunned.

Inside the cloth bag is a piece of white jade, this shape, this pattern, Qian Yunzong is very familiar with it. He took out the jade piece and lifted it up, carefully observing the patterns on it to the sky, it was just a cloud symbol.

But he was still a little worried, for fear that he might be wrong. So he confirmed to Zheng Qiu again: "This, uh... this distinguished guest, who gave you this cloud talisman? If you can't tell the name, can you describe the appearance of that person?"

Zheng Qiu stroked his chin and tilted his head to recall. When he described that senior brother, the young man was full of doubts, but when he mentioned the girl, after a few words, the young man showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

The young man quickly put the cloud talisman back into Zheng Qiu's hand, walked to Zheng Qiu's side and supported the back of the wheelchair: "I'll take you to Elder Ming Zong right now, just use the wheelchair to push it."

Zheng Qiu looked at the small stone house next to the mountain gate, and asked, "If you take us there, isn't there no one here?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just a little time, there will be no problem."

The road of Qianyunzong is very easy to walk. It is all paved with stone bricks. There are no steps up and down the mountain, and it is a gentle slope. In some steep places, there are huge flat stone platforms floating. These stone platforms float up and down automatically, connecting the interrupted roads.

After standing on the stone platform, Zheng Qiu saw that there was also a green stone in the center of the stone platform.

Discovering that Zheng Qiu was studying Shitai, the young man enthusiastically introduced it to him.

The young man said that these stone platforms are called dry cloud ladders. In the Qianyun sect, they replaced the stairs, and even in the buildings, they used smaller dry cloud ladders to go up and down the stairs. Now the only place with stairs in Qianyunzong is the Wentian Pavilion preserved by Jianzong thousands of years ago.

Take the left side of this branch road, and the right side of the other branch road, take the dry ladder to the top of the mountain for a while, and take the dry ladder to the mountainside for a while.

Turning around, Zheng Qiu found himself lost. Looking ahead, there were also woods and gray buildings, and looking behind, it was similar, and he didn't know where he was at all. So he stepped up his steps and walked to the side of the young man, for fear that he would lose track of him.

Turning around another intersection, Zheng Qiu found a building on the side of the road under construction. The wall of the building was only two feet long, and a dozen men and women in blue-striped white robes floated in the air, forming a circle to increase the height of the wall. There are piles of gravel next to the building below, also forming a circle.

I saw those people making complicated handprints with both hands, chanting words, and suddenly stretched out their hands to grab the pile of rubble. Crashing, a large pile of rubble was attracted and floated in front of them. Then they opened and closed their hands, sometimes clenched and sometimes loosened, following their movements, the gravel was no longer solid, but turned into something soft like dough.

Gradually, these gravel doughs gathered together to form a regular-shaped stone slab, and then the stone slab floated to the building and was firmly buckled on the gap in the wall.

Wow, that's amazing, how is this done? Zheng Qiu immediately went to pull the young man's robe and asked him about it.

The young man was no stranger to such a scene. He told Zheng Qiu that Qian Yunzong also used wood, bricks and tiles to build palaces and buildings in the early days of Jianzong.

But more than 600 years ago, that is, a hundred years after the invention of Tianzhou, Qian Yunzong collected a book, which recorded a strange method called "Shi Tinghua Twenty-Eight Methods".

This technique is quite difficult to learn, coupled with its slow performance and lack of attack power, Zongli was not optimistic about it at first. Later, an elder studied the usage, that is, he used "Shi Tinghua Twenty-Eight Methods" to build a house.

Not to mention, this technique is really good for building a house. It can mix stones together and knead them into any shape, and the kneaded stones are stronger.

But "Shi Tinghua Twenty-eight Methods" still has shortcomings that cannot be avoided, that is, only people with roots of earth and stone can learn all of this method, and others can only learn the first three methods.

Up to now, all the buildings of Qianyunzong except Wentian Pavilion have been replaced by stones.

Zheng Qiu nodded to show that he understood, and soon he thought of a new question: "I saw the square where the Tianzhou stopped, and the houses there, all covered with a layer of iron sheet. Is there also a method of controlling iron? ?”

"Your guest really has good eyesight. Qian Yunzong has such a practice called \u003cEleven Curse of Tie Obedience\u003e."

"It really does exist! Why is this name so similar to that Shi Tinghua's skill?"

"Yes, even the content of this exercise is very similar to \u003cShi Tinghua's Twenty-eight Methods\u003e. The elder suspects that the two exercises were created by the same person. Unfortunately, the \u003cTie Tingming Eleven Curses\u003e is not complete. Only The first five mantras can only be used to strengthen the stone surface. The easy-to-damage places like Tianzhou Square will be strengthened with this method."

Just chatting and walking like this, after a while, they came to a mountain peak.

The mountain is not so steep, but low and flat, similar to steamed buns. The mountain was dug into layers of terraced fields, and each layer has a different color and color, which seems to be different types of plants. At the very top of Mantou Mountain, there is also a big nail pierced, a gray square building twenty feet high.

As soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, the young man stopped. He walked up to Zheng Qiu and the others and bowed with a smile: "This is Elder Ming Zong's Fangcao Peak. Elder Ming Zong's mood fluctuates from time to time. Please invite a few distinguished guests. Wait here."

Then he stretched out his hand to Zheng Qiu: "Your honored guest, please lend me the cloud talisman temporarily so that I can explain the situation to Elder Ming Zong, and ask him to come out to see you."

Zheng Qiu took out the cloud symbol and handed it over. After receiving it, the young man said, "Wait a minute, I'll be right back."

As the voice fell, a reddish brilliance suddenly burst out from the young man's body. Peng, a wave of air exploded under his feet, and the stone bricks blown by the diffused air creaked. Immediately afterwards, the young man's body soared into the air, and with a long stream of light, it moved towards the tall building at the top of Fangcao Peak.

The three of Zheng Qiu looked at each other in dismay. The young man had walked so many roads with them, but in fact he could fly.

The expression on Yunyou's face was quite strange, it was impossible to tell whether she was laughing or crying, whether she was happy or sad. After a long time, she finally said to herself: "This person is actually at the qi level, no, no, how could the qi level be so fast."

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