The few remaining elders of Wen Jianzong in the area of ​​the dragon-slaying sword platform did not know what Lin Minghao meant by falling to the edge of the platform.

But just in case, follow along.

Lin Minghao landed on the sword platform, his toes lightly touched the rocky platform, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to make a false move.

On the edge of the platform, a steel long sword dropped by a disciple of Wen Jianzong was rolled up by Qi Jin and fell into his hand.

His figure didn't stop on the sword platform, but turned over and jumped off the sword platform, falling into the deep basin below.

In the basin below Zhanlongjiantai, the trees are lush and lush, like a green carpet, thick and heavy.

Seeing Lin Minghao heading towards the forest, these elders immediately understood that he wanted to escape.

So he accelerated to chase down, and kept waving the sword light and sword shadow, trying to slow down Lin Minghao's speed.

Seeing the elders chasing after him, a stern look flashed in Lin Minghao's eyes, he turned up suddenly, and stabbed three consecutive flame-killing long-sky swords.

This sudden attack made several Wen Jianzong elders have no time to react. No one expected that a person who was running away in a hurry would dare to fight back.

They couldn't stop their flying speed, so they could only hastily resist with their horizontal swords.

Try hard to inject Qi Jin and the power of heaven and earth into the sword body, hoping to catch the Flame Killing Sky Sword.

Dangdang, there were three crisp sounds in succession, and the long swords of the three elders snapped.

The flame light belt emitting thick black smoke streaked across the bodies of the three people, bringing out scorched blood in the air.

The three elders screamed repeatedly, turned around and flew upwards, trying to hide on the dragon-slaying sword stage.

But their figures were staggering in the air, as if they would fall at any moment.

The remaining two uninjured Wen Jianzong elders glanced at the direction where Lin Minghao fell, and finally turned back to help the injured and help them fly up to the sword platform.

Lin Minghao thrust out the Flame Killing Sky Sword, deliberately avoiding the vital points of those three people. Only the wounded will drag more people down, and he knows this very well.

Sure enough, the remaining two elders of Wen Jianzong returned to help the injured, and Lin Minghao saw a rare opportunity to escape.

He speeded up his descent, and rushed into the dense forest in the basin with a whoosh, and then hid the light of the power of heaven and earth on his body, allowing the dense branches and leaves to cover him.

But this is only the first step, the basin is still within the range of Wen Jianzong's sect.

When Blade Hua came back, all the elders would definitely launch a blanket search, and sooner or later they would be found.

Glancing at the fine steel long sword in his hand, Lin Minghao picked up the weapon specially just now, not only to use the Flame Killing Sky Sword attack, but also to use a unique sword technique of Wen Jianzong.

This kind of swordsmanship is called Earth Walking Sword, and it is one of the escape-style swordsmanship developed by Wen Jianzong in order to enrich the types of swordsmanship.

As the name suggests, the Earth Walking Sword can travel underground. Although the name sounds good, it is actually digging holes with swordsmanship.

Therefore, after using the ground sword, the whole person is like a radish that has just been pulled out of the ground, covered in mud.

It is an extremely basic sword technique that few people are willing to use.

But Lin Minghao couldn't care about his image right now, Yanlong Poshajian couldn't hold on to Renhua for long, so he had to leave quickly.

He injected energy into the steel blade,

Let the long sword become stronger, and then quickly shake the wrist, shaking the long sword into a continuously fluctuating big awl.

Aim the tip of the awl at the ground and plunge down hard.

The mud splashed up and splashed, touching Lin Minghao's clothes and cheeks.

But he didn't care, and continued to shake the sword to quickly dig up the soil. In the blink of an eye, a hole more than two feet wide appeared on the ground, and the soft soil kept rolling down into it.

Lin Minghao raised his head and identified the direction of the Dragon Slaying Sword Platform above the basin.

Then he took a deep breath, held his mouth and nose, drilled into the soil hole, and continued to dig down.

After a stick of incense, Sha Nian Supreme Ren Hua took a group of elders and flew to the sky above the Dragon Slaying Sword Stage.

At first glance, he saw the three injured people on the sword platform, so he asked anxiously, "Where's Lin Minghao?"

The three injured elders were still crying out in pain, while the two uninjured ones replied: "Sect Master, Lin Minghao hid in the basin under the sword platform.

He hid in the woods, and we dared not pursue him. "

Hearing this answer, Ren Hua heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin Minghao didn't fly away, and he would always find him hiding in the woods.

He turned his head and called a female elder, and ordered: "Go and see the three of them.

If you can move, take it back to heal, what does it look like to yell here. "

Then he said to the other elders: "The basin under the sword platform is too big, there is no formation in Zongli to completely cover it.

Everyone formed a circle along the edge of the basin, and searched towards the center together, paying attention to running the exercises at all times, and be careful of Lin Minghao's sneak attack. "

Under the command of Yan Hua, the elders of Wen Jianzong flew to the edge of the basin, where it meets the five peaks, and then began to search carefully.

They didn't fall to the ground, but were suspended at the height of the treetops, so that the elders could look at each other from a distance and have a care.

Wen Jianzong is a big sect, in addition to occupying a large number of mountains, there are many large and small villages near the sect.

These villages are attached to Wen Jianzong, and there are ordinary people in the villages, as well as low-level practitioners.

These villages provided Wen Jianzong with a variety of living utensils, as well as artisans for repairing temples and laying stones and paving roads, and they were also the source of Wen Jianzong's new disciples.

In a large yard in a village, there are more than 50 fat and strong pigs raised in a large circle surrounded by wooden fences.

They are now surrounding the feeding trough, munching and munching, which is a fragrance.

At this time, there was a sudden vibration under the feed trough, and then the wooden trough exploded like fireworks, and broken wood chips flew everywhere.

The fat pigs were frightened and fled in all directions, screaming and hiding on the other side of the pigsty.

A pig was running slowly, and was pierced by the blasted wood chips. There were several holes in its body, and it was so painful that it ran wildly in circles.

At the place where the wooden trough was broken, the soil on the ground was lifted up rapidly, and then a clay puppet jumped out of the soil.

The clay puppet had a handsome hand and wiped his face, revealing his mouth and nose.

Then he let out a foul breath and took another deep breath.

"Cough, cough, cough! Vomit..."

The pigsty was full of the stench of pig manure and the strange sour smell of the feed. Suddenly smelling such air, the clay figurine was choked and retched.

He raised his hand to wipe the mud off his eyes, opened his eyelids and observed what was in front of him.

After discovering that this was a pigsty, the clay figurine ran away quickly to avoid the strong smell of dung.

This clay figurine is exactly Lin Minghao who escaped from digging a hole through the ground sword technique.

The speed of the Earth Walking Sword's digging was not fast, and Lin Minghao dug under the ground for nearly half an hour.

Relying on the method of holding his breath, he can stay for such a long time by consuming a lot of energy in his body and the power of heaven and earth.

Lin Minghao waited until he couldn't hold back anymore, then he dug up and got out of the ground, but he ran into the pigsty as soon as he came out.

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