Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 56: Dragon Fang Appears in the Sky

After thinking for a while, Ming Zong suggested: "Right now we can only let the disciples hide in the house, you and I guard the door, even if people from the top ten sects ask, we can confess."

"Okay, that's all."

Ming Zong and Ming Chengxi separately informed the disciples of Qianyun Sect who were still busy, urging them to hide in the round house as soon as possible. At the same time, they also asked the disciples to move the box containing the money bag into the house.

When all the disciples entered the room, Ming Chengxi stood at the door and counted them one by one, one, two, three... twenty, twenty one... Suddenly, his eyelids twitched violently, and there was a familiar figure missing from the disciples. Kong Zilin.

He hurriedly told Ming Zong: "Ming Zong, it's bad, it's bad, Zi Lin is not inside! Have you seen it?"

"What! Zi Lin isn't here?" Ming Zong pressed Ming Chengxi's shoulder and pushed him towards the round house, "Look after the disciples, I'll look for them right away."

After finishing speaking, Elder Ming Zong left the open space like flying, and got into the woods by the river bank,

Jumping onto a tall tree, Elder Ming Zong rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong and dark arms. On the position of his upper arm, there is a pitch-black ring, and the other arm has the same ring.

Elder Ming Zong fumbled on the ring for a while, and with a snap, the ring broke into two pieces with a crisp sound. Then he untied the other ring and threw the broken piece into the bushes.

Elder Ming Zong moved his limbs slightly, raised his head and took a deep breath. This breath was so long that it seemed that it would never be able to fill his chest. After a long time, he let out a long breath, and there was a slight buzzing sound where the air flow passed.

"Mao girl, Mao girl, where did you go?" Elder Ming Zong muttered softly, slowly floated up from the tree trunk, and flew to the river bank.

Surprisingly, Elder Ming Zong didn't show any brilliance, as if there was an invisible rope in the sky, lifting him.

Elder Ming Zong did not fly directly over the river bank, but flew close to the forest on the river bank, using the branches and leaves of the treetops to cover his figure, trying not to attract the attention of the practitioners below. Flying all the way forward, his eyes swept across the crowd, but he never saw Mingkong Zilin's shadow.

"Strange, where did this girl go?" Elder Ming Zong muttered to himself, subconsciously raised his head to look across the river. etc! Between the treetops on the opposite bank, a small lavender dot was reflected in his pupils, and intuitively, he determined that this small dot was Mingkong Zilin.

Elder Ming Zong calmly breathed, tightly closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them suddenly. The pupils of the eyes lighted up with an earthy yellow shimmer, like fireflies in the dark. As the pupils lighted up, the scene on the other side of the river gradually became clearer, and the distance seemed to be tens of feet closer.

Sure enough, the lavender dot was Mingkong Zilin, who was hiding in the treetops, adjusting her position to observe the river bank from time to time.

"When did this little girl run to the other side? It's really worrying." Elder Ming Zong complained while looking for a place to cross the river.

Woo...the dragon roared again on the river, and immediately after that, a large cloud of white water vapor rose from the bottom of the waterfall cliff. The water vapor is thick and solid, continuous, forming a long snake hundreds of feet straight into the sky.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the soaring water vapor, and saw that the water vapor rose to the clouds and spread in all directions in an instant, forming water clouds that covered the sky and the sun, and the entire Jingpu Cliff changed from daytime to evening directly.

Kacha, dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, and then a thunderclap woke up the practitioners who were watching.

"Dragon Tooth is about to be born!"

"Quickly activate the formation!"

"Take out the magic weapons and weapons!"

"Stay on the river bank, if anyone approaches, shoot and kill!"

The voices of the commanders of various sects kept ringing in the crowd, and the colorful halos were lit up in patches, and a gust of wind blew over the river bank, blowing the flags of various sects and hunting. The wind blew on him, and Elder Ming Zong couldn't help shivering. This was the killing intent, the collective killing intent of thousands of practitioners on the river bank.

Boom... Accompanied by a flash of lightning, the entire Shocking Waterfall Cliff shook, and then the waterfall stopped flowing, and the Baizhang River was swept back upstream by an invisible force.

The water on the cliff disappears, revealing the true face of the cliff. There is no grass on the cliff, and the black rocks are tightly embedded like fish scales. At this time, white water vapor is constantly ejected from the cracks in the rocks and merged into the long snake that soars into the sky.

Bang, a loud noise suddenly exploded on the cliff, most of the cliff turned into rubble and splashed everywhere, and a huge air wave visible to the naked eye rushed to the river bank from the location where the cliff exploded. Where the air waves passed, mud and rocks flew and trees were uprooted.

The colorful halos on the river bank became brighter and brighter, and some of them were connected into patterns, obviously using formations to resist strong winds.



One after another, the poor wretches who couldn't withstand the strong wind were blown away, dancing and flying into the distance.

When the air wave hit, Elder Ming Zong fell from the treetops to the ground immediately. He spread his feet and stepped heavily into the soil.

As soon as the posture was set, the air wave arrived, and the strong wind swept by. Elder Ming Zong remained motionless like a nail nailed to the ground. Suddenly, there was a big tree as thick as two people hugging each other in front of them. It was pulled out of the soil by the strong wind and hit straight.

Elder Ming Zong didn't dodge, he shouted loudly, a dazzling khaki spot appeared between his brows, and then he punched forward with both fists.

Bang, first there was a sound, and where the two fists intersected with the trunk, a dazzling brilliance burst out, and then, the whole tree shattered, and wood chips mixed with sand flew to the sides.

Just as Elder Ming Zong smashed the big tree, he bumped into two more, but without any fear, he changed his fist into a palm, aiming at the gap between the two trees and hitting them.


The two big trees were shot to the left and right, and they were broken simultaneously in the air.

Bang bang, bang bang, smashing seven big trees in a row, the blast finally passed. Elder Ming Zong hurriedly jumped out of the woods and looked across the river to find Ming Kong Zilin. The last time I saw her just now, she was still in the woods, and the wave of Duan Shui Long Ya's birth was so strong that she didn't know if she would be able to carry it through at a state of brilliance.

And at the place where the cliff exploded, something shining with white light flew out. The thing circled around the edge of the cliff, and slowly flew towards the sky along the rising water vapor.

Dragon tooth! Cut off the dragon's teeth!

Every practitioner present realized that this was the goal of their trip.

Huh, huh, huh, hundreds of streams of light rising from the river bank, chasing the sky, these are solitary practice.

"Whoever gets in the way dies!" More than a dozen streamers gathered into a group and flew into the sky in formation. This is an organized sect.

"Kill!" There were shouts of killing all over the sky, people kept falling in the sky, and the formations of the Great Sect on the ground turned like a millstone, and the places near the millstone were all red.

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