Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 57 Fighting across the river to find a girl

In the sky above Jingpu Cliff, colorful brilliance shone, and air waves of various colors swayed and splashed, completely tearing up the original long snake-shaped water vapor. Another burst of bright light flashed, and there was a crisp sound from the sky. The water-breaking dragon's tooth was hit by the aftermath of several masters, and it fell to the river in a circle.

This fall was terrible. The cultivators who were fighting on the ground suddenly found an opportunity to fight for the dragon's teeth, and rushed to the river like crazy.

The magic soldiers were right in front of them, and the major sects no longer had the leisure to maintain the formation, and each sect's own masters took the lead, attacking the center of the river in a swarm. Weapons criss-crossed and flying across the river, every inch of the hundred-foot-wide river was fighting.

The people in the outer circle struggled to kill inward, the people on the inner side continued to rush towards the center while blocking the attack from the outer side, and the practitioners flying in the sky, relying on their high cultivation level, went straight to the position where the water-breaking dragon tooth was.

A voice came from the center: "I got it, take it..."

It was a cultivator who touched the water-breaking dragon's tooth that was shining white. He was ecstatic in his heart and couldn't help shouting. But before he finished yelling, he killed another person beside him, raised his knife and fell him directly into the river.

Elder Ming Zong didn't have the heart to snatch Shuilongya, he just wanted to find Mingkong Zilin now. All the cultivators in Jingpuya looked in the direction of Longya, it was a good time for him to cross the river.

Elder Ming Zong didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped onto the river, tapped his feet, and ran to the other side of the river stepping on the waves. He didn't cross the river directly from the place where the broken water dragon's tooth fell, but made a big circle on purpose to avoid the fighting crowd.

It went well at first, and no one noticed him, but when he approached the middle of the river, a red-eyed practitioner stopped him.

It was a tall, burly, shirtless man with a black iron chain wrapped around his waist, holding a long-handled sledgehammer, and smashed his head and face with strange screams.

Looking at the posture of this attack, Elder Ming Zong knew that this person was practicing a vigorous type of skill. Judging from the halo on the hammer, this person's realm was not high, and he was at the top of the sky.

Now I don't have the time to fight with him, so I just take the hammer head-on, and just knock him over. After making up his mind, Elder Ming Zong raised his palm to face the sledgehammer.

Bang... The big man jumped up in shock, his arms shaking like sugar sieves.

The big man had an expression of disbelief on his face. His hammer didn't seem to hit the palm of his hand, but more like hitting a big iron Tuo. The violent shock made his head clear. He knew that he had hit the iron plate, and he grabbed the sledgehammer and wanted to back up.

But it was too late, the old man in front of him slapped him in the face, and the big man raised his hammer to resist, but the hammer hit his face with great force, and he was thrown into the river with the hammer.

Elder Ming Zong held back his strength, knowing that this blow would at most make him faint, but not kill him. As for whether he would be killed by someone else, it would depend on the luck of the big man.

However, he was unlucky and ran into a red-eyed practitioner blocking the way. Elder Ming Zong sighed, he didn't stop when he wanted to take a detour to cross the river.

Bang, bang, bang, the weapons hit his palms, making the sound of gold and iron clanging, and the flames and air waves that came from afar were blocked by him. These outside cultivators are not of high realm, and fighting around outside is also holding the mentality of two tigers competing for cheap.

Elder Ming Zong took a step forward, turned his body, his hands danced wildly, slap, slap, slap, slap, and every time a slap fell, one person was slapped into the water by him.

Most of the people who got slapped fell into the water and disappeared. Occasionally, a few people with higher cultivation bases could surface in a daze, but from the beginning to the end, no one could resist the slap.

Opening the path with both palms, stepping on the waves, Elder Ming Zong soon reached the other side of the river. As soon as he landed, he rushed into the woods and called Mingkong Zilin's name at the top of his voice.

"Girl! Zilin girl! Where are you?" He poured energy into his voice to make it more penetrating.

Check out the situation below.

"Old man Mingzong, I'm here!" Not long after, Mingkong Zilin's voice came from the front right.

Found it, Elder Ming Zong heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly searched for the sound. Mingkong Zilin's voice came from under a big fallen tree, Ming Zong couldn't help feeling nervous when he saw the big tree, could it be that the girl was crushed under the tree?

He quickly lifted the big tree and found a big hole in the ground under the tree. The big hole was dark and he couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Girl, girl, are you in there? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." A small gray head protruded from inside, and Mingkong Zilin crawled out of the big hole with the dirt.

At this time, Mingkong Zilin's whole body was covered with mud, her hair and clothes were all stuck together by the wet mud, she was like a clay statue without paint.

The clay statue blinked and asked: "Old man Ming Zong, I am Mingkong Zilin, don't you recognize me?" She raised her hand and wiped the mud on Elder Ming Zong's face.

Elder Ming Zong stopped her hand and wiped her cheek with his sleeve: "Don't mess around, girl, did you make this hole?"

Mingkong Zilin nodded: "That's right, my cultivation base is low, so I can only hide in holes."

She lifted the hem of the clothes and added: "Although it's a bit dirty like this."

Mingkong Zilin's answer made Elder Ming Zong smile, he touched Zilin's forehead and praised: "You are so smart, you know how to put your face down at critical moments."

He picked up Mingkong Zilin and flew out, while raising his hand to give her a chestnut on the head: "Did you forget what I said before departure? I told you to be obedient, obedient, and let me run around..."

Mingkong Zilin covered her head: "Bad old man, you praised me just now, and beat me in a blink of an eye, bad old man."

Now that Ming Kong Zi Lin was found, Elder Ming Zong was not in a hurry. He flew close to the junction of the forest and the river bank for a long distance before crossing the river.

The sound of killing still shook the sky in the distance, and it was full of brilliance colliding with different energy forces, and there were practitioners flying past in a hurry, rushing from all directions to join the battle.

Holding Mingkong Zilin back to the place where Qianyunzong set up a stall, Elder Ming Zong saw the scene in the open space, and immediately raised his hand to cover the girl's eyes.

The open space here is also bright red, with hundreds of people lying here and there, and broken soldiers and knives can be seen everywhere. The long table that Qian Yunzong set up his stall had long since been overturned and smashed, and the hanging signboards were also turned into pieces of wood. Even the round house built by Shi Obedient was broken into piles of rubble.

At this time, there was no one else in the open space, only Ming Chengxi was waiting in front of the pile of rocks, walking back and forth anxiously.

"Ming Chengxi, I'm back." Elder Ming Zong fell to the ground and put down Mingkong Zilin.

Ming Chengxi stared at the little clay figurine in front of him with wide eyes, and quickly realized: "Oh, my God, baby Zilin!"

He rushed forward, ignoring Mingkong Zilin's body covered in mud, and picked her up: "Oh my God, I scared my uncle to death, I scared my uncle to death..."

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