Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 69: Mind and Spirit Fusion Knowing 8 Realms

"Zheng Qiu...wake up...Zheng Qiu...wake up..." Guanghua's condensed silk thread pierced Zheng Qiu's eyebrows, while the sound wave from Master Mingzong's mouth swept the entire Fangcao Building.

Crash, clatter, wherever the sound waves passed, the flower pots were blown to pieces, the wooden frames collapsed one after another, and the herbs mixed with the soil were flying in the air, and the paste was everywhere.

Zheng Qiu was falling into a deep sleep when suddenly, a dazzling light flashed in front of his eyes. The light was so dazzling that he closed his eyes and turned his head to avoid it, but found that he couldn't avoid it no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, a loud noise exploded in the light: "Zheng Qiu, wake up!"

Rumbling, every word rolled over like thunder, shaking the entire space to pieces.

"Master, it's the voice of the master, the master is calling me."

Zheng Qiu opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he was floating in the meridian, and there was a light green mist in front of his eyes. Isn't this the "wood spirit" who wants to surrender? Why is it still here?

The master said to surrender it, and I can't give up halfway.

Zheng Qiu leaned over again and shouted into the fog: "Listen to my orders, listen to me..."

Strange things happened, and the same voice came from the other side of the fog: "Listen to my orders, listen to me..."

Zheng Qiu was stunned, what is the situation, why would the "wood spirit" learn from him? He turned his thoughts, wanting to back himself up a bit, hey, the mist also backed up. What about going in circles? Strangely, the fog also circled.

How could this happen? Zheng Qiu stared at the mist carefully, and his own shadow gradually appeared in the mist. As long as he moves, the figure in the mist will do the same.

The figure became clearer and clearer, and even the clothes on the figure could be seen clearly.

Wait, Zheng Qiu raised his right hand and waved it. He clearly saw that the figure raised his right hand too. This is wrong. If you look in the mirror and raise your right hand, the figure should raise your left hand.

A strange idea suddenly popped up in his head, that cloud of fog was himself, and the figure in the fog was himself seen from the perspective of the fog.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu immediately lowered his head to check his body, and sure enough, it was all light green, which was the perspective of the mist looking at itself. This result made Zheng Qiu very confused, so is it considered that he surrendered the "wood spirit" now, or did he say that the "wood spirit" became himself, or that he became the "wood spirit"?

Then he thought of another question, why did he suddenly have arms and legs? In the meridians, only one's own spirit is right, and the appearance of the body should not appear. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, forget it, don't think about it, let's just say he has surrendered.

He read the formula and slowly exited the state of introspection.

As soon as he exited the state of introspection, a strong sense of fatigue rushed into his mind, Zheng Qiu suddenly felt dizzy, rolled his eyes and collapsed limply on the ground.

Master Ming Zong squatted beside Zheng Qiu and patted his cheek, calling his name: "Zheng Qiu, apprentice, hello..."

Zheng Qiu managed to get out of the dizziness, turned his eyes to focus on Master Mingzong's face, and opened his mouth to answer.

"Master...Master..." His throat was dry and uncomfortable, and he had no strength, and he couldn't even utter a word after opening his mouth for a long time.

"You're dehydrated, I'll get you some salt water to drink."

Seeing that the apprentice was in a normal state of mind, Master Ming Zong finally let go of his dangling heart. He spread out the straw mat and put Zheng Qiuping on it to rest.

Zheng Qiu's recovery was quite fast, within two hours, he was able to sit up by himself, and after another hour, he became alive and kicking.

After recovering, Zheng Qiu told the master about the strange thing he discovered just now. After pondering for a while, the master felt that one possibility made the most sense.

When Zheng Qiu subdued the "wood spirit", he consumed too much energy, causing the "wood spirit" to bite back. And Master Ming Zong's shout interrupted the process of backlash again, but the backlash was unsuccessful, and the spirit of the "Wood Spirit" and Zheng Qiu merged together, only then did the perspective change.

"It's a good thing.

"Master Ming Zong held the pen holder in his hand, and brushed and corrected the content written on the booklet, "The result far exceeded my expectations. You must strengthen this integration, so that the wood spirit can completely become yourself." Hmm...the next steps of cultivation have to be changed, let me think about it..."

On the second day, Master Ming Zong took out a brand new booklet, which contained the newly revised practice method. Before starting to practice, the master took a wooden board and bound it with white paper, and then wrote the word "pneumatic tire" on the bottom of the white paper.

Knocking on the wooden board, Master Ming Zong said: "The practice of Yunxiu has definite realms. Although this set of practice methods has been modified, the foundation remains the same. Only by understanding the differences between realms can we know the direction of cultivation. This will greatly help you improve your cultivation."

While writing, master Mingzong told his disciples.

The cultivation of Yunxiu Continent is divided into eight realms, from bottom to top, they are Qi Embryo, Yu Qi, Condensed Qi, Qi Hua, Qi Yao, Transforming God, False God, and Divine Place.

Among them, in the three major realms of Huashen, Xushen, and Shenshou, there are also small realms. Huashen is divided into three levels, Xushen is divided into six turns, and Shenshen has nine heavens.

Master Mingzong crossed out the three words Huashen, Xushen, and Shensu with a brush, pointed at the remaining five realms and said: "The three realms above have nothing to do with you for the time being, and the following are what you should care about. .”

Pneumothorax refers to the process of cultivating energy in the meridians, while Yuqi refers to the process of controlling energy so that energy is like arms and fingers.

Zheng Qiu's current situation is very special, he does not have his own energy, but regards the "wood spirit" as energy. The "wood spirit" is not completely under Zheng Qiu's control, but only responds to what he thinks, just like a numb arm from sleep, which is obviously a part of the body, but it doesn't listen to it.

So Zheng Qiu is now between the two realms, he needs to practice in the air-born way to strengthen the "wood spirit", and he also needs to cultivate in the way of controlling the air to strengthen the control of the "wood spirit".

Swiping, Master Mingzong crossed out the words "inflatable tire" and "controlling qi", drew a circle on the condensed qi, and said in his mouth: "The condensed qi state is the third realm, and the most important thing here is to learn the method of condensing qi. "

The method of condensing Qi mentioned by Master Ming Zong is a method of consolidating and tempering the Qi energy that has been cultivated. This method is not only about consolidating Qi energy, but also contains a key point, absorption.

Absorption is to bring back the qi energy wandering around the body to the dantian and store it in the sea of ​​qi. If a cultivator is in an environment where the power of heaven and earth is strong, when he absorbs energy, he will bring the power of heaven and earth that his body touches into his dantian.

These absorbed powers of heaven and earth are the best additives for tempering Qi Jin. It can enhance the power of Qi Jin and let the attribute power in it be brought out.

Different kung fu methods have different ways of absorbing, and the effects are also high and low, but absorbing more power of heaven and earth is the common goal of all kung fu methods.

Master Ming Zong stopped writing and pointed to Zheng Qiu: "Apprentice, the wood spirit on your body is actually a kind of power of heaven and earth, so in the state of Qi Condensation, what you have to do is to guard the wood spirit in your body and not let it It spills out."

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