Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 700: Dragon Knows the Location in Dreamland

As soon as Mr. Yuchen opened his mouth, Yunyou recognized the identity of the other party from the voice.

This person is actually Zhenjiu, and the word Yuchen is just taking Zhen apart and reading it apart.

When returning from the boundless Tianhe that day, the transmission channel was broken, and the people inside were sent to different places, so they lost contact.

How did Zhenjiu come to Great Desolation and Lonely City? He deliberately disguised himself and used some method to persuade Lin Minghao to deal with the Demon Execution righteously.

Although I don't know what happened, Zhenjiu is also being hunted down by Zhumo Zhengqi now, and he and Yunyou are grasshoppers on the same rope.

What he is doing now is also to turn the situation around, so that he will no longer be chased all over the world by the demon-killing righteousness.

But Yun You couldn't figure out what the Zhenjiu Refreshing Soldier was doing. Could it be that he wanted to use the water-breaking dragon tooth in his hand to break up the demon-killing righteousness?

If he used the water-breaking dragon tooth, then Zhenjiu's identity would be exposed, and Lin Minghao might turn his face immediately.

At this time, Lin Minghao, the city lord, didn't know that Yunyou had already recognized Mr. Yuchen's identity, so he still asked curiously.

"Sir, with a magic weapon, can we achieve the purpose of dismantling the demon-slaying righteousness?"

The bald counselor nodded and said: "That's right, the magic weapon has an extraordinary allure.

Just give other sects a chance to get the magic weapon, and under the guidance of this kind of thing, they will fight first by themselves. "

Lin Minghao thought for a moment, and pondered: "This plan is indeed feasible.

With the magic soldiers in front of them, those sects would not care about the interests of killing demons and righteousness, and there would definitely be competition.

But Wuwang Calamity is in the hands of Ge Wuqing, we can't get it; the broken water dragon tooth is in the hands of a man named Zhenjiu, and its whereabouts are unknown now.

Neither of these two magic weapons can be used. Do you want to find a third magic weapon, sir? "

Mr. Yuchen, who is actually Zhenjiu, explained: "The city lord is really wise.

That's right, only by using the third magic weapon can we dismantle the demon-slaying righteousness. "

Zhenjiu put on a show, walked to the middle of the hall with a limp, waved his hands and radiated vigor and light, making gestures to strengthen his persuasion.

He told Yunyou and Lin Minghao,

Thousands of years ago, the divine soldiers were hidden in the four corners of Yunxiu Continent and buried in specific locations.

Before the birth, the magic weapon will be in a dormant state, and it needs a strong force to wake up in advance.

The power required for awakening is not a big problem. A supreme being in the divine realm like Lin Minghao has the ability to gather enough power of heaven and earth to awaken the divine soldiers.

Therefore, the most difficult point is to search for the burial place of the divine weapon.

These words made Lin Minghao very excited, and he eagerly asked the counselor how to find the location of the divine weapon.

How could Zhenjiu say that, so he rambled around, saying that locating the magic weapon had to go through a secret method, and this kind of secret method was only known to him.

Seeing that there was no result from the questioning, Lin Minghao had no choice but to give up and continue to show kindness to Yunyou.

With Zhenjiu secretly helping here, Yunyou stopped worrying and nodded in agreement to the city lord's invitation.

Lin Minghao was very satisfied, he waved his hand and said, "Very good, with Yunyou's help, the chances of winning against Wen Jianzong will increase by one more point.

Mr. Yuchen, please use the secret method as soon as possible to find out the whereabouts of the third magic weapon.

Once I found the location, I led the commanders with the highest cultivation bases and rushed over to wake up the divine soldiers. "

The three discussed back and forth, and finalized the plan to find the third divine weapon and awaken the divine weapon from head to toe.

Lin Minghao ordered the person in charge to set aside a room for Yunyou to rest in the palace, so as to prevent Yunyou from being discovered by demon-killing righteous people outside.

For Mr. Yuchen, the person in charge will respond to his requests and help him complete the secret method as soon as possible.

Back in the room, Mr. Yuchen locked the stone door and looked out from the window.

After confirming that no one was following him, he closed the window and stretched his limbs, throwing the bull's head wooden crutch to the corner.

Then, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and dozed off.

With the cultivation base of Zhenjiu False God Realm, he no longer needs sleep.

In fact, he fell asleep in broad daylight just to find the location of the divine soldier.

The reason for all this came from the broken water dragon tooth in Zhenjiu's hand.

The water-breaking dragon tooth is different from the other three magic weapons. It is made of the bones of young dragons.

The spirit of the young dragon that died unexpectedly was injected into the divine weapon during the process of forging.

The creation of the water-breaking dragon tooth was a miracle, the young dragon's soul was completely injected into the long knife without any damage.

And the soul remains active, with complete and clear consciousness.

In other words, Broken Water Longya is a room, and a young dragon lives in the room.

As a living divine weapon, Duanshuilongya has the ability to communicate with its master after being hidden in Zhenjiu's arm bone.

However, due to the suppression of the shell of the magic weapon, and the power that the young dragon can mobilize is limited.

So it can only use the dream to connect Zhenjiu's mind while Zhenjiu is asleep, and communicate with Zhenjiu in the dream.

It told Zhenjiu that thousands of years ago, Duan Shui Long Ya was buried in the earth together with other divine soldiers to seal it up, and used it as an array to suppress the treacherous spirit of Yunxiu.

Before the four divine soldiers were separated, it had seen a map with the exact location where the divine soldiers were buried.

The young dragon's soul power is relatively weak, and it is impossible to remember everything at once.

The process of remembering is more like drawing lots in a box full of colored balls. Whether you can catch what you want depends entirely on luck.

Therefore, during this period of time, Zhenjiu worked hard to sleep every day to help Longhun recall the past.

No, Zhenjiu had only slept for two sticks of incense, and the soul of the young dragon in the water-breaking dragon's tooth got in touch with the master of the divine weapon.

In Zhenjiu's empty dreamland, a vast ocean suddenly appeared.

Then a light golden dragon head with a width of one foot and eight inches emerged from the sea water, squinting its eyes and grinning.

This is a smile, but when the dragons smile, they reveal a large circle of sharp and shiny teeth, and humans can't feel the beauty of the smile at all.

Chong Zhenjiu smiled for a moment, and Dragon Soul began to recall the past.

The vast ocean in the dream changes rapidly, towering mountains, and practitioners come and go.

These pictures continuously flashed across the sea surface, and the sea surface was like a magical tool for playing images, reflecting the contents recalled by the Dragon Soul.

A lot of time passed, just when Zhenjiu thought that this memory was about to return in vain.

The picture of the sea turned into a wide hall, the view of the hall was somewhat blurred, but there were many people standing inside.

The broken water dragon tooth is placed on a silver-gray bracket, and the perspective is also from this position.

Under the bracket, there was a map with four arrows drawn on it, one of which pointed to a large white-washed mountain range.

In the dream, the young dragon's soul sang cheerfully, and shouted excitedly: "I found it, I found this memory.

Master, have you seen it? This is where the magic weapon is sealed. "

Zhenjiu carefully watched the picture reflected in the sea, then violently vibrated the meridians of his body, using the impact of energy to wake himself up from sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhen Jiu jumped up from the bed and ran to the desk frantically. he

Grab the pen and paper, and copy the map based on the content recorded in the dream just now.

(Thanks to hspansheng for the monthly pass o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

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