Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 701: Listening to Yunshan and Visiting the Excalibur

In less than two sticks of incense, Zhenjiu copied 80% to 90% of the map seen in the dream through memory.

Although it is not detailed, it can already identify the approximate position.

An arrow points to a wide waterfall and river, which represents the Shocking Waterfall Cliff, and it is the place where his own magic soldier, Breaking Water Dragon Fang, was born.

The second arrow points to a mountain range, among which dozens of peaks form a circle, surrounding the middle one like stars holding the moon.

If I remember correctly, this terrain is very similar to the location where Unexpected Calamity was born.

The mountain peak in the middle should be the battlefield where Ge Wuqing snatched the divine soldiers back then.

Zhenjiu moved his eyes and looked at the direction pointed by the two arrows behind, the third arrow pointed to the north side, and the fourth arrow pointed to the south side.

According to the marking on the map, the arrow position on the north side is also a mountain.

However, there are thousands of rivers running through the mountains, which makes this area rich in water vapor and often surrounded by clouds and mist.

There are only two weapons left that have not yet been born, the Mist of Yunshan and the Mandate of Heaven.

Judging from the name alone, the magical weapons hidden in this cloud-shrouded mountain must be the mist of the cloud mountain.

In this way, the south should be the destiny of the gods.

But when Zhenjiu saw the location pointed by the arrow in the south, his doubts were like layers of veils, trapping his excited mood.

To the south is an extremely wide and deep chasm, like a scar on the earth.

However, cultivators all over the world know that this location is one of the top ten sects, the site of Moying Valley.

It shouldn't be, how could the divine soldier's destiny be in the Dark Shadow Valley.

Could it be that thousands of years have passed, and no one in the Black Shadow Valley knew that they had hidden magic weapons?

Of course, there is also a possibility that Moyinggu has found the destiny, but it has not announced it to the outside world.

But Zhenjiu still had doubts in his heart, if Moying Valley found the Destiny, why had he never heard of the vision of the birth of a divine soldier there.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhenjiu stopped worrying about this issue.

The situation is very tense now,

There is not so much time to investigate the situation between Moyinggu and Shenbing Tianming.

It is necessary to find new magic soldiers as soon as possible and wake them up.

Using the vision at the time of birth to cause disputes among the various sects of killing demons and righteousness, and dismantling this huge and extraordinary force.

Since there is a problem with the position of Destiny, let's go to Yunshan Zhiwu.

Zhenjiu took out another blank sheet of paper, drew the position of the mist of Yunshan Mountain, and then mobilized his energy to grind the first map into powder.

After finishing all this, he disguised himself as a limp again, and went to see Lin Minghao as Mr. Yuchen.

Mr. Yuchen, the adviser, asked to see him again, and Lin Minghao seemed very happy, because it meant that he had a chance to find a new soldier.

Mr. Yuchen respectfully handed the sketch he drew to Lin Minghao, and introduced it.

"City Master, this is a mountain with abundant water vapor.

Located on the north side of Yunxiu Continent, the Mist of Yunshan, the magic weapon, should be hidden in this area. "

Lin Minghao raised his brows, his face revealed a look of surprise, but he was somewhat skeptical in his heart.

Divine Weapon is not an ordinary treasure, can it be found so easily?

Of course Zhenjiu knew that Lin Minghao would not easily believe this sketch, so he started talking nonsense and fooling around. 163TXT

He told Lin Minghao that he had learned the secret arts from his family since he was a child, and he was able to understand the movement of the stars in the sky and discern the changes in the earth's luck.

This is a spell that predicts the future and inspires the past. It can clear away the layers of fog in the world and see the direction in which the river of fate flows.

Just bragging is not enough, you have to be more realistic in order to make these words more true.

So Zhenjiu told Lin Minghao that this kind of secret technique also has a huge price. Every time he finds out the truth of fate, his own lifespan will be shortened.

And the clearer the truth of fate is known, the more Yangshou will be shortened.

Hearing that Mr. Yuchen boasted about his knowledge, Lin Minghao understood that this is the fortune teller that is often seen in the streets and alleys.

But Lin Minghao didn't say that. The fortune tellers on the street are just ordinary people, and fortune telling is just cheating some money.

But the Mr. Yuchen in front of him is a cultivator. Lin Minghao tested his strength before, at least he has a cultivation level above the realm of transforming gods, and he may even be in the realm of false gods.

Such a strong cultivator is not sure that he will really know some fortune-telling secrets and be able to calculate the whereabouts of the magic weapon.

Lin Minghao lowered his head to stare at the sketch, looked at it for a while and asked, "Is there no more specific location?

The distance between this watery mountain and the wilderness, the nearest Qianyunzong post station, or which mountain is the magic soldier? "

Mr. Yuchen shook his head slowly, and replied with a serious expression: "City Master, as I said just now, the clearer you know the truth about your fate, the more life you will lose.

If I had directly found the location of the mist in Yunshan Mountain, I'm afraid it would have turned into a bone by now. "

Lin Minghao originally wanted to ask the specific content, but when he heard the counselor's answer, his words were blocked in his throat.

That's right, there must be a price for this magical secret technique.

Before defeating Wen Jianzong to avenge his father, this resourceful Mr. Yuchen should not die.

After thinking for a while, he propped his chin and said, "Since Mister can't know the exact location, the rest will be left to the commander.

I will send them to the post station to inquire about the terrain on the northern side of Yunxiu Continent and find the mountain with abundant water vapor.

As for how to wake up the magic weapon after finding the position, I believe that the master can come up with a solution. "

"Don't worry, the city lord. As long as the commanders find that mountain, I will go there with the city lord and Miss Yunyou, and perform the secret awakening technique myself."

Mr. Yuchen patted his chest to reassure Lin Minghao, then bowed and saluted, and limped out of the city lord's study.

After Mr. Yuchen left, Lin Minghao's expression of surprise and excitement disappeared in an instant, and instead his face was slightly gloomy.

From the drawer, he took out a leaflet about killing demons and righteousness, squinted his eyes to observe the portrait of the big devil on it, and showed a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Stupid, do you really think I can't see who you are? The owner of the broken water and dragon teeth, Zhenjiu."

He folded up the leaflets and stuffed them back into the drawer: "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty.

In the spirit of killing demons, there must be many people who are eyeing the broken water dragon tooth, and now is not the time to snatch this magic weapon.

I didn't expect that Zhenjiu still has some skills, and the idea of ​​uniting others to deal with Wen Jianzong really moved me. "

Lin Minghao stood up and looked for books on the bookshelf behind him. After a while, he took out a book called "The Legend of the Cloud Sleeve" and read it page by page.

"Cloud Sleeve Divine Soldiers" contains many legends, rumors, and anecdotes about the four divine soldiers.

It pointed out that the fog of the Shenbing Yunshan is a sword, and it is a different sword.

Seeing this, Lin Minghao took a deep breath, and said to himself: "If Zhenjiu didn't lie to me, the mist of Yunshan Mountain is indeed within that mountain range.

After I get the Excalibur, I will let him go.

After all, Duan Shui Long Ya is a knife, and to me, it is still worse than Yun Shan Zhi Mist. "

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