"Sister, I have an environmental advantage here, and I should be able to fight against the righteous supreme, you..."

Zheng Qiu was stunned in the middle of speaking, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Yunyou was raising her arms, turning over and over to observe her jade-like white and tender hands.

At the end of the finger, colorful mist actually floated out, and the faint mist quickly dissipated into the air.

As the mist drifted away, Yunyou's fingers disappeared little by little, like a clay puppet that fell into the river and was wiped away inch by inch.

"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you!"

Zheng Qiu was very anxious, rushed forward to hold Yunyou's hands, and at the same time grabbed the scattered colorful mist, trying to catch the missing part back.

Yun You observed for a while, and then explained: "After practicing "Yunqing Qi Refining Art", my body is purely composed of the power of heaven and earth, and I don't have a real body."

Zheng Qiu's eyes widened, and he immediately understood the reason.

This area will cause the loss of the power of heaven and earth in the practitioner's body, and my sister's body is completely composed of the power of heaven and earth, the result of the loss is to make the body dissipate!

Elder sister can't stay here any longer, her whole body will dissipate if she stays any longer, and she will be wiped out by then.

"Sister, get out, you will die here!

Hurry up, I'll take you out, we're very close to the edge of the vision, there's still time! "

However, Yunyou stopped Zheng Qiu with only half of her palm, shook her head and refused, "I'm fine, I just have a very strange feeling.

Hmm... the force of heaven and earth that made up the finger part is gone, but I can still feel the presence of the finger, which is still obvious. "

Zheng Qiu was startled and anxious, completely unable to understand what Yunyou said, how could he still feel the body parts that had disappeared? Isn't this something out of nothing?

More and more parts of the body dissipated, and it has spread to the elbows. At the same time, Yunyou's hair and shoulders also began to show signs of fading away.

Without saying a word, Zheng Qiu hugged Yunyou's waist and led her to the edge of the white mist, staring closely at the expression on her sister's face, asking questions continuously.

If Yunyou's expression changes, or she is unable to answer questions freely, Zheng Qiu will step out of the white mist area and carry her sister outside.

Suddenly, Yunyou's calm face showed joy, and her eyes shone with excitement.

She lowered her voice and said to Zheng Qiu: "I found the magic weapon, it's here!

I can touch it with my hand, unmistakable, the feeling is very clear. "

Zheng Qiu's head was almost full of doubts, almost overflowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

My sister's hands and forearms have been disintegrated into the power of heaven and earth and disappeared. Why can she still touch and feel things, and she also said that she found the magic weapon.

All of this, couldn't it be an illusion, the illusion caused by my sister falling into a magic circle?

But Yunyou didn't think so, she began to circulate the power of heaven and earth, further accelerating the speed of her body dissipating, as if she was committing suicide.

Seeing that Yunyou's body dissipated faster, Zheng Qiu felt flustered, and reached out to grab her sister's shoulder.

However, when you swipe your fingers, you only touch the colorful mist, and you can't touch the entity.

"Sister, don't do this, stop quickly..."

Yunyou heard but did not stop releasing the power of heaven and earth, instead she smiled excitedly and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm just going to get the magic weapon, I'll be right back!"

As soon as the words fell, the remaining part of her body was completely shattered, turned into countless brilliance, filled the air, and then disappeared without a trace.

Zheng Qiu raised his head and looked around, there was only a faint mist in the air, and there was no shadow of Yun You.

He tried to call a few times, but there was no response. What happened, where did my sister go?

There were two contradictory voices arguing deep in his heart. One voice said that Yunyou's body disappeared, and her spirit could not exist alone, and she was completely dead.

Another voice said that Yunyou did it on purpose just now, and the disappearance of the body is just a key step to obtain the magic weapon.

Zheng Qiu didn't know which voice was correct,

But he hopes that Yunyou is not dead, and looks forward to her return with the magic weapon in hand.

Suddenly, Zheng Qiu felt an inexplicable tension, which was indescribable, but came out from the depths of his heart.

He jumped to the top of the treetop and looked into the distance, and immediately saw that there were many practitioners in the distance, looking around from a high place.

Obviously, this inexplicable tension is not accidental, and everyone in this area feels it.

After two sticks of incense, a whirlwind blew out of nowhere in the mist, and the air flow passed through the trees in the forest, rustling and blowing towards the mountain in the middle.

This special phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the crowd, and then everyone's eyes widened instantly, with excitement and greed shining in their eyes.

Because at the top of the mountain in the middle, a hazy silver-gray light lit up after the airflow converged, like a bright moonlight in a gloomy environment.

The silver-gray light shrank slowly, and the reflected brilliance also flowed like water waves, floating peacefully in the air three feet high on the top of the mountain.

Seeing this cool and transparent light, a word popped up in everyone's mind, magic soldier.

You can't be wrong, this is definitely a magic weapon, and there is only this special light in the area of ​​​​the vision of heaven and earth.

The sound of conversation and discussion is like a strong wind sweeping through the mountains and forests, and there are buzzing and rustling sounds everywhere.

A moment later, a streamer of light rose into the sky from the forest, darting straight towards the treasured light on the top of the mountain.

At present, the magic soldier can't care about the rapid loss of the power of heaven and earth. Even if he loses his foundation, he must grab this thing.

The first streamer flew up, followed by the second, and the third. More than 4,000 practitioners chased each other into the air, and the colorful streamers seemed to wind up a rainbow rain.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Qiu's heart skipped a beat, the magic soldier appeared, what about my sister?

Didn't Yunyou say that she went to get the magic weapon by herself, why didn't she appear with the magic weapon? Could it be that she has really...

Zheng Qiu didn't dare to continue thinking in this direction, so he quickly changed his mind, guessing that Yunyou's figure was covered by the silver-gray light and could not be seen from a distance.

He glanced at the cultivators flying up into the air, and suddenly a big stone hung in his heart: "Oops!

With so many people rushing to fight for the magic weapon, if my sister was in that ray of light, she would definitely bear the brunt of countless attacks!

I can't just watch here, the environment here has a great advantage for me, and it's time to do it! "

Zheng Qiu casually broke off a small branch from the top of a nearby tree, injected energy into it to make it grow bigger, and then threw the stick as thick as a calf far away.

The stick flew through the air at high speed, and continued to draw out buds and leaves during the throwing process.

Crack, the white flash exploded, and Zheng Qiu stepped into it and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of light appeared beside the wooden stick, and Zheng Qiu's figure jumped out of it, reaching out in mid-air and grabbing the wooden stick.

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