Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 784 Wooden Stick Battle Armor

He didn't intend to stop at all, and continued to raise the wooden stick in his hand in mid-air, and threw the gourd into the distance in the same way.

Then it disappeared again, and moved to the stick position with Shrink the Ground.

This area shrouded in white mist cannot perceive the power of heaven and earth, and the shrinking spell cannot be used normally like the outside world, so another method must be found.

This Dragon Law spell needs to obtain the position of the power of heaven and earth at the target location, and then rely on its own power to get in touch with the power of heaven and earth at the target location, and teleport itself there instantly.

So Zheng Qiu left a little bit of divine power on the thrown wooden stick, and used it to mark the location of the shrinking spell.

Relying on this method, after he threw the wooden stick four times in a row, he caught up with the crowd swarming for the divine weapon.

At this time, fighting broke out in the crowd, and lights of various colors danced indiscriminately, making people unable to lift their heads.

All the righteousness of killing demons, the friendly sects, and the big marriage faction are all empty words at this time.

Every family wants to grab the magic weapon and at the same time stop others. Even the cultivators in the same sect began to compete with each other.

As the distance to the top of the mountain got closer and closer, the battle became more and more intense. The practitioners had to press down the streamer and descend into the woods to fight and climb.

Even those cultivators in the divine realm couldn't rush to the top of the mountain in one go in the shadow of swords and swords, and also fell into the forest and fought all the way up.

Boom, Zheng Qiu was bombarded by an inky purple energy in mid-air, colliding with a bunch of shining clouds, like fireworks blooming.

His momentum towards the top of the mountain was interrupted in an instant, and he turned and fell into the woods upside down, breaking four or five big trees.

After shaking off the black mud on his hands, he immediately stood up, shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness.

Just now, the energy bombardment hit the chin, but it didn't break through the golden dragon seal on the surface of the skin, and it didn't cause any damage.

But the impact force of Qi Jin's bombardment could not be completely blocked, making Zheng Qiu's head dizzy, as if he had been punched hard.

He looked around, but couldn't find the cultivator who attacked him just now, because they were hitting everywhere, and the light released by the cultivator was everywhere.

Phew, a beam of sword light flew from the left and struck the big tree behind Zheng Qiu, piercing the trunk through a hole the size of a bowl.

Before three breaths passed, another pile of gravel flew from the front right, forcing Zheng Qiu to jump sideways to avoid it.

"My God, why is it so messy!"

Zheng Qiu complained, and rushed up the steep hillside with all his energy, moving left and right while rushing, avoiding the attack of flying around and whoever it was.

After running a few steps, a big tree in front of him suddenly fell down, and dozens of energetic bullets the size of peach pits flew towards him accompanied by a figure.

Zheng Qiu stepped sideways to avoid it, and the man turned over to avoid the Qi Jin bullet regardless of the muddy ground.

That man's eyes were already red, regardless of whether Zheng Qiu was the opponent just now, he directly slashed at him with a strange roar and swung his knife.

"Are you insane?"

Zheng Qiu frowned slightly, broke off a twig from the fallen tree, injected a lot of vigor and smashed it on the man's head.

"Mu Qianjun!"

Affected by energy, the branch quickly grew into a three-foot-long stick covered with tender leaves.

This is not over yet, in the process of smashing down, the top of the wooden stick grows rapidly as if blowing air, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes a giant wooden block the size of a carriage.

The top of his head was shrouded in shadows, and the man picked up the knife without thinking, and roared to split the giant tree.

This person's cultivation base is quite high, and the dazzling light of Qi Yaojing on his body is very strong. He split the huge wooden block from the stick with one knife, and split it into two halves with the second knife.

Boom, boom, two giant logs landed at the man's feet, splashing a lot of mud.

Zheng Qiu didn't show disappointment, he put the wooden stick behind his back with his right hand, stretched out three fingers with his left hand and pointed forward, then clenched his fist instantly.

"Wooden life coffin!"

There seemed to be an invisible suction force between the two giant trees, and they suddenly closed towards the center, holding the man firmly in it.

At the same time, the gaps between the giant trees quickly disappeared, reintegrating into one, as if they had never been cut open.

Zheng Qiu raised his foot and kicked the carriage-like giant log, causing it to roll down the hillside.

This cultivator's strength is not bad, even if he is sealed into the wooden life coffin, his life will not be in danger, but he will not be able to get out for a while.

Crack, crack, crack, before he had time to catch his breath, his lower back was hit by a series of energetic bullets.

Qi Jin bullets exploded one after another, completely tearing up the clothes on the back waist. However, the power of the bullets was limited, and they also couldn't penetrate the Golden Dragon Seal.

The impact force of the projectile could not even shake Zheng Qiu's body.

The clothes were partially destroyed by Mo Junrong and Hong Xiaohuan before, and now they are partially destroyed by Qi Jin bullets.

Zheng Qiu scolded angrily: "Which bastard? Damage to people's clothes, ruin people's face, fights have fighting rules, don't you understand?"

He simply tore off the clothes on his upper body, tied the seed kit in his sleeves, the empty dissolving bottle in his skirt, and the porcelain bottle containing the grass fairy to his belt.

As soon as all this was done, a cultivator in metal clothes sprang out from the direction where the Qi Jin projectile was flying.

The whole body is covered by close-fitting metal armor, even the head and face are 100% covered by the metal armor. There are faint flashes of electric arcs in the gaps between the armor plates, and there are non-stop sizzling sounds.

Zheng Qiu recognized this, it was the magic weapon clothes of Qianqi Silver Castle, and the cultivator in that clothes should also be a member of Qianqi Silver Castle.

On the light blue metal mask, the pair of magical eyes shining like lamp stones looked at Zheng Qiu.

Then the left arm was clenched into a fist and raised, the metal armor on the forearm suddenly flipped open, and a thin metal tube the size of an index finger protruded from inside, and a small rectangular box was attached to the back of the thin metal tube.

"This is……?"

Da da da da da, a series of piercing sounds interrupted Zheng Qiu's thinking.

Qijin projectiles gushed out from the metal tube, enlarged to the size of a peach pit in the air, and poured towards Zheng Qiu like a torrential rain.

"Understood, this thing is a portable rain flute, the signature magic weapon of Qianqi Silver Castle.

It can quickly launch a large number of energetic projectiles, forming a storm-like offensive, and relying on numbers to attack opponents. "

It seems that this Qianqi Silver Fort cultivator doesn't know that he can resist bullets with his body.

Although the physical body can rely on the golden seal wrapped around the dragon to resist, Zheng Qiu still doesn't want his clothes to be cleaned and he climbs to the top of the mountain naked.

He raised the wooden stick, poured energy into it, and pulled out Mu Qianjun, sweeping towards the opponent.

Cursed in the mouth: "Put down your crap for me!"

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

The Qijin projectile crazily hit the suddenly enlarged block of wood, and with the sound of an explosion, the pieces of wood flew all over the sky.

The wooden block was peeled away layer by layer at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was too big, and it couldn't be blown up even if it fell in front of it.

Bang, like a mallet hitting a gong, accompanied by a crisp sound, the Qianqi Silver Fort cultivator was thrown into the distance.

(Thanks for the monthly pass o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o from Yukong, beyond Yijian)

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